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Posts Tagged: 'arabella+alaire'

Feb. 2nd, 2014




[ OOC NOTE: All comments on the post are disabled IC! Just goodbye notes, sigh. ]

Filtered to friends & Foxe (separately). )

Filtered to Miles. )

Filtered to the TG Council. )

Filtered to Ari. )

Jan. 19th, 2014





I'm taking any and all recommendations for the best plumbers, contractors, and window installation in Emillion. References, please.

How big is the place where you're st
Do you have an extra roo

I hate women.

So I have a bit of a tale for you, involving all the disasters that beset me upon leaving your apartment.

I don't care if you're still hungover from New Year's Eve -- we're going drinking this week, and you have no choice in the matter.

Dec. 3rd, 2013



[ Friends, FG ]

I live, and no worse for the wear. You all better still be alive too because tomorrow I get one more year closer to the big 4-0 and so it's to the Snuggly Duckling we go! Don't have the gil enough to buy drinks for everyone, but I do have another fun surprise in store.

For anyone still sick, I'll either do it again next weekend or you better just hope that someone has a memstone~

[ Lea, Ari ]
I have a favor to ask the both of you, if you're not too busy. Trust me, it'll be worth your while.

Dec. 2nd, 2013




Party @ Aud's house. Make sure to bring a present--and your own booze.

Nov. 28th, 2013



my bardic brethren!

those of you who've so sadly declined
the most recent call to heroism,
(& luckily have skipped infirmity also)
your council most humbly requests the
service of your (musical) talents.

those especially skilled in
i do hope you can
shake a mean tambourine!

Nov. 26th, 2013




Is everyone healthy? Please [....] please tell me you're healthy.


You have to make certain Aspel stays in bed. Please, I know she doesn't want me staying, but I don't think she is going to listen to the mage. She is not doing well


Aspel is [......................] very sick. If she tries to go to work, kick her out.




This sickness is keeping the bars pretty empty. How's an honest man supposed to make a living?




Absentees everywhere this morning, by the looks of it. How to deal with so many falling ill the quietude?

[Ofelia - UNSENT.]

About that

Nov. 22nd, 2013



[High Stakes Group]

Next game's scheduled at 11pm, Tuesday, Sagittarius 4th, Docks warehouse 707.


[...............] How long before you can take another commission?

Is your sister


Though I'd have time to take you out this weekend, gorgeous, but I'm feeling like shit things're a little hectic. Next week?



Nov. 17th, 2013




My fine friends! My fantastic familiars!

With warm and welcoming arms I graciously greet each and every one of you! In an astounding addition to such warm welcomes, I offer the following fabulous proposal:

Any particularly prettily dressed damsel or dashingly debonair fellow who can meet the appropriately applied dress code for the following wondrous winter ball that I shall host, shall consider this their official invite for my grand gala!

[Thieves Guild.]


I extend a hilariously heartfelt proposal to you all. We are about to play a grand game and the ridiculous rules shall be as follows:

Any member of our grandiose guild who can fittingly find me as I attempt to exclusively evade all members of our stupendous stock throughout the day tomorrow, shall be met with a new and fantastic challenge assigned, personally, by your beloved SpyMaster!



Shall I courteously continue to refer to you as Albrecht? Or would it be more momentous to begin appropriately addressing you as Genevieve Calibri?



So this upcoming Friday is our favourite archer's birthday. Since he's obviously not going to put something together myself, was thinking we should all get together and buy Zacheus a round. Maybe at the Drunken Bard or Snuggly Duckling, depending on how fucking badly we want to embarrass him. As your gracious host, I'll accept tithe at the door.

Just kidding.


[...] Hey, how are you doing?

It goes without saying, but don't believe everything you hear. The fucking people in this city, I swear.

Keep Friday night clear.

this evening, sometime after this.

filtered from fg council, vera & zach. (also filtered from his mother, lbr)

ha well guess what

antony just became #93487503





backdated to earlier this week. handwave handwave.

One month on, one month off, and now we're back in the game. I've our next target: the Valendian Museum of Natural History. Having bribed a few caterers, I know that they'll be closing early on Sagittarius 3rd due to a private engagement wrapping up. So we'll strike then, Faram and schedules permitting. Be sure to clear yours, if you're in. I'll need all of you to go after the Coeurl.

I'll be scoping it out some more this week if anyone wishes to join (I hear they've a rather lovely exhibit on butterflies!). On the night, bring what you can to safely disable guards, alarms, and traps alike. Blueprints will be couriered over: your homework, ladies and gentlewomen.

Your bed is uncomfortable and your apartment needs better decoration than empty bottles of alcohol.

[...] Don't worry. I'll invite them to the Faram's Mass show myself.

Nov. 13th, 2013




I am fairly certain there was frost on my window this morning. I do not approve. I considered flying away to some tropical clime until I recalled that missing rehearsals is generally frowned upon by most directors. Alas.


I subsequently considered asking you to call in sick to work and come keep me company under my warm blankets. In the end, I was responsible and went to rehearsal instead. Are you proud of me, or sorry I didn't?


I live in constant awe of your conquests, darling.


So, you and your sister, master assassins? I could hardly sing, I was laughing so hard when I heard it.


[.............................] How are you, dear?



[ public ]


Protip: If you don't know how to play your instrument of choice, don't busk. No one is going to take pity on you, not even little old ladies.

[ MILES & BELLA, separately. ]
How many throats do I have to slit do keep people from giving my ship my father's ship a worse reputation? This is ridiculous.

[ MILES. ]
If there are to be any repeat performances, you should try not getting blood on my sheets

[ ARI. ]
Thought it would interest you to know Fellina hasn't stopped giving me Looks for the past week. I'm half-tempted to come onto her, but I wouldn't want you to be jealous, love of my life.

Nov. 10th, 2013



[Backdated to three days after this]

[Filter: Arabella Alaire]
I hope you got home alright after Bierfest. Cassius just woke up from his bender and wanted me to let you know that he's very sorry for his stupid behavior. Hopefully no one else attacked you with song on your way out.

Oct. 20th, 2013




I'm sure there's a lotta people out there that are planning on getting pretty drunk tonight. If you're going out with those plans, make sure to bring at least one sober friend so you don't get in too much trouble, yeah?

Keep in mind the following while drinking to assure fun and not an intimate visit to the porcelain throne:
• If you can, make sure to drink and eat non-alcoholic based items before beginning your alcohol consumption. Drinking on an empty stomach is no fun for anyone.
• Only have one type of drink, don’t mix your drinks. Some people can get away with this, but not everyone.
• Alternate between alcohol and non-alcoholic drinks to help steer clear of hang overs.
• Avoid drinking in ‘rounds’ as it speeds up alcohol intake.
• Don’t let people top up your glass, it’s hard to keep track of how many drinks you’ve had that way.
• One serving of beer is roughly three-fourth's a pint.
• People of different body sizes have different levels of tolerance. The bigger you are, the more you can take before keeling over.
If you end up feeling ill, keep in mind that White Mages are stationed around the commoners district to help if they like it or not in case any instances of alcohol poisoning occurs.

You going out drinking? Cause I was thinking about how I could use a tall glass of you.

How you doin?

If [....] How's Cormac doing?

Everything alright with you?

We need to go drink soon, man. Not sure Bierfest is gonna be quite our deal, but maybe after we're done Poisona-ing and curing the hell outta everyone, yea?

Should I be expect to see you guys hammered before the end of the night?

[Male White Mages.]
How do you deal with the social stigma of being a man in a woman's profession?

Oct. 19th, 2013




I see Kerwonian Bierfest is nigh. I wonder if it will be comparable to the festivals we hold at home.

At long last, I have finally found a place I can call my own. If anyone would like to assist in helping me move into it, I would be most obliged.

I was wondering if you would be interested in seeing a showing of The Con Man. I realize we have not talked in quite some time, but I would enjoy the pleasure of your company.

Oct. 16th, 2013



[ public ]


My, what a pheasant afternoon this was. Wren can we do it again?

Oct. 14th, 2013




Did I miss anything particularly exciting this past weekend? Other than rain, apparently. There is a leak in my roof, it seems. My kitchen floor resembles a shallow pond.


Can I just sigh at you a little? How does a supposedly enjoyable weekend out of town turn into taking Aspel to the hospital? I think I was more relaxed before I went.

[...] I need a distraction. When would you like to go [....] shopping?


You may wish to check in with Aspel tonight, if she hasn't contacted you.


[..............] Settled in well, I hope? I should have made you tea, at least, before I