Jun. 7th, 2008


[BTVS/ATS] The Fist

I'm currently writing a fic-in-progress called The Fist, on livejournal. I won't be posting this fic here until it's completed and edited, but the link is here, if you're interested.

It's BTVS/ATS, centered on Oz, Illyria, and Spike who have captured by the Initiative post NFA. Pairings include thus far: Spike/Illyria, Spike/Oz (possibly), Spike/Angel (very probably).

Summary: 3 years post NFA. Oz is captured by the Initiative again, which is headed by a new Doctor Evil that makes Maggie Walsh look like Mary Poppins. He wakes to discover an insane, feral Spike in the cell across from him, who has been assumed dead for the last five years. And then there's Illyria. Would you believe they chipped a God-King? Yeah. Oz doesn't either...


[BTVS/ATS] Escape


Pairing: Spike/Angel, mention of Connor

Warning: Five years post NFA. Implied Armageddon. Everybody's dead. Sort of experimental. (Also, some blood, lots of angst, crazy!Angel.) Un-beta'd.

Note: For [info]caelieth's gorgeous OTP munip “escape” found here at Darker Spike. The beginning probably isn't what you're expecting, sweetums, but the scene in the munip is found at the end. ^^

Summary: Post-NFA. Angel counts his demons. He forgets to count Spike, until it's too late.

Five years, four months, three days, two hours, one minute, sixteen--no, seventeen--no, no, eighteen seconds since the world died. )

May. 12th, 2008


[BTVS/ATS] Do These Wings Make My Arse Look Big?

Title: Do These Wings Make My Arse Look Big?
Author: cozzybob
Rated: NC-17
Pair: Spike/Angel
Warning: um. wings. maybe fluff. oh and sex. sorta crack. weird.

Note: For FMK's 48 hour open challenge. My very first FMK post, I also used the open challenge at slashthedrabble to steal their old “wings” prompt for inspiration. But this isn't really a drabble, so. xD Yeah, my kink is winged!Spike. Who doesn't love winged!Spike? (This was written in the middle of the night. I haven't looked it over once. I'm going to regret this in the morning. xD)

Summary: Spike spontaneously grows wings in the middle of the night. He calls Angel for help... and Angel... err... helps. Sort of.

He woke screaming in the middle of the night, black-feathered monstrosities piercing up from his shoulder blades with a sick crunch of bone and the wet, bloody beating of wings. )

Feb. 28th, 2008


[BTVS/ATS] To Do What He Mustn't

To Do What He Mustn't
Rating: PG
Pairing: Angel/Spikeish (sort of) with references to That Slayer.
Disclaimer: Yah, dood, me iz Joss clone, yay!
Notes: All dialog has been taken from A Hole In The World, when Angel offers Spike the chance to leave WR&H. Written for [info]slashthedrabble's prompt "freedom/escape."
Summary: A look on Spike's reasons for doing the things that he does.

bad poetry had been etched into the backs of his eyelids )


[BTVS/ATS] In Knots

Title: In Knots
Author: cozzybob
Pairing: Angel/Spike
Warning: some slash, but it's more cuddly than sexual. Also, post NFAish, the usual angst, "gah", and Cozzy-ness.
Note: Can I post this here? I hope I can. Tell me if I can't. I felt like cuddly fic, but there wasn't any, so I ended up cuddling myself. It was written at three to four in the morning when I hadn't written anything of this nature in at least a month, or anything at all since last week. It's probably very rough, but I was so excited that I actually wrote a fic and finished it, that I really don't care right now. Woot! *pets us all*

Summary: Our two favorite vampires cuddle.

Angel considered himself the tongue-tied cherry stem in Spike's mouth... )


[BTVS/ATS] Cigarettes And Love Letters

Title: Cigarettes And Love Letters
Author: cozzybob
Pair: Angel/Spike-ness with some Ripper tossed in for good measure. mentions of Angel/Spike/Dru and Spuffyness.
Warning: character death (canon), angst, character study(s). Mostly gen.
Takes place: Post-Buffy, just before Angel s5

Note: My first Buffy fic, and I'm too nervous to post in my own journal, primarily because I told myself that it just wouldn't happen. But it did, and I'm here, so. Weee! Any pointers?

Summary: Giles delivers a letter from Spike to Angel after the events in Chosen.

Ripper would've thought Spike was a work of art, and that was why Giles couldn't stand him. )