Oct. 5th, 2008


[GW] A Way Of Telling

A Way Of Telling

Rated: R

Pair: 3+4 (very bitter), 1+3, hint of 1+2, and 3x2 at the end.

Warning: suicide attempt, suicidal thoughts, dark humor, language

Note: I noticed that Mot and E wanted something happy after those cannibalism fics (note: this fic has nothing to do with cannibalism), and since I'm still trying to get beyond my block, I wrote this. It's... erm... happy! Very happy. Uh, yesh. Very, very happy. xD

Dedication: Therefore, because of the way I was inspired to write this, this fic is for anyone who did or plans to do the challenge at [info]gw_dark, or just anyone who's a member of the comm. *kishies*

Summary: Trowa fails to commit suicide.

He was stuck with the God of Death on suicide watch, and if that wasn't the most asinine thing he'd ever heard in his life, his name wasn't Charlie. Which it wasn't. But you get the idea. )

Aug. 27th, 2008


[GW] Scars And Skin Grafting

Scars And Skin Grafting

Rated: T

Pair: 3x2 at the end (with 4+3 and 1+2 implied at some point or another).

Warning: um.. angst, stream-of-consciousness, slashy kissing, strong language.

Note: GW500's "Your Hand" challenge. For Ederyn, who has a huge love for Trowa, and some interesting opinions about him. Not sure if this fic actually supports those opinions, but--well, if nothing else, it looks pretty! *pretends this fic comes with deep thought and pushes you on your way*

Summary: During the war, there was Quatre. After the war, there was Duo.

Duo kisses like he wants to crawl inside my mouth and hide, and I'm holding onto so tightly his jacket rips underneath my fingers. )
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[GW] From The Ashes

From The Ashes

Pair: implied 2+3

Rated: PG-13 (or T)

Warning: ANGST! Not overly done (in fact, there's not one sob), but it's there. Contains death (old age), homelessness, awkwardness, very bleak in some ways.

Note: For [info]motley_sis, even if I'm pretty sure she'll hate this, considering how depressing it is. Doh!! I'm going through a huge block right now, though, and this is the first thing I've been able to write in over a month, so at least it's progress! (Sorry Mot--I'll try for something happier once my muses stop being so emo!) For the gw500 challenge “your hand.”

Summary: Duo gets a call to identify the remains of someone he loves.

A homeless man dies in a subway car. )
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Mar. 19th, 2008


[GW] Humpty Dumpty

Humpty Dumpty

Pairs: Trowa, Quatre, Duo (friendship, various combinations if you squint)
Warning: second person POV, angst
Note: for GW500's challenge, “all the king's men.”

Three years, and you still can't put on a space suit without shaking. )
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Feb. 26th, 2008


[GW] Three More Drabbles

Untitled Something Or Another

Pair: 2x3
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Duo has a potty mouth
Notes: For Gundam_100's promp "touch" on IJ

Motherfreakin' )


Baby Blues
Pair: 6xD
Rating: PGish
Word Count: 104
Note: Another, same comm, for "touch."

She touched him once, on the thigh. )


Howard's First

Pair: past one-way Howard/J
Rating: PG-13

Note: Dedicated to [info]ralphiere, and inspired (sort of) by an old Pond pic of young!J and Howard, from way back, which I can't link to since her site is down. Waaah! Again, same comm, prompt "secret."

And oh, those luscious cherry lips... )