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November 23rd, 2013

[info]imawickedwitch in [info]zombieslogs

Who: Faye and Diana
What: Making sense of things
Where: Their apartment
When: Tonight
Warnings: Not really.

So maybe it's true that I can't live without you//And maybe two is better than one//But there's so much time to figure out the rest of my life//And you've already got me coming undone//And I'm thinking two is better than one )

[info]watdoesntkillu in [info]zombieslogs

Who: Carol Peletier and Open!
What: Killing zombies and looking for plants.
Where: Outside the prison.
When: Saturday morning.
Status: Open to anyone/Ongoing. If no one tags in, it works as a narrative.
Rating: Medium-high. Talk of domestic violence, death, some violence, maybe some language.

Wouldn't it be good if we could hop a flight to anywhere/So long to this life/So much for pretending/This bad luck's never ending/It's never ending. )

[info]exquarterback in [info]zombieslogs

Who: Jason and Open but can serve as a narrative
What: Arriving to Everett
Where: Outskirts of town
When: Saturday
Warnings: Jason's occasional potty mouth, otherwise no

When I was a kid I used to buy and sell gravity, I knew how to fly and I would teach you for a fee. Broke every window in my hotel heart when I was only 5 years old but 12 years scarred, and I'd hear the same voice echo in my mind; said, 'Son you got an angel, to chase the devil at night.' )

[info]themessyouchose in [info]zombieslogs

Who: Darla and Angel
What: Visiting one of her boys
Where: Angel's dreams
When: Tonight
Warnings: Maybe? Idk it's Angel and Darla

If you just walked away, what could I really say? Would it matter anyway? Would it change how you feel? I am the mess you chose, the closet you cannot close; the devil in you I suppose, 'cause the wounds never heal. )
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