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August 9th, 2013

[info]frostseesyou in [info]zombieslogs

Who: Frost and Angel
What: Hanging out at Fangtasia on the wrong night
When: Forward dated to tonight
Where: Fangtasia
Warnings: I don't think holy water is healthy for Angel

I dare you to tell me to walk through fire wear my soul and call me a liar. )

[info]demoninside in [info]zombieslogs

Who: Tara and Pam and later Sookie
What: Bartending at Fangtasia and then getting fucked up by the silver in the sprinkler system
When: Forward dated to tonight
Where: Fangtasia
Warnings: Tara, Pam and Sookie's colorful vocabulary

I sleep all day, it makes me feel this way. When everything’s a bust, when everything keeps losing my trust, where do we begin with this unhappy ending? )

[info]vikingsheriff in [info]zombieslogs

Who: Eric and Jill
What: Shit goes crazy at Fangtasia and Jill saves Eric
When: Tonight
Where: Fangtasia
Warnings: Kentucky Fried Vamp anyone?

Maybe I would have been something you'd be good at. Maybe you would have been something I'd be good at. But now we'll never know. I won't be sad but in case I'll go there everyday, to make myself feel bad there's a chance I'll start to wonder if this was the thing to do. )

[info]banshee_scream in [info]zombieslogs

Who: Jeannette and OPEN
What: Going for a drink and getting a little more than she bargained for.
When: Forward dated to tonight
Where: Fangtasia
Warnings: Possible violence and language.

hush now/ you're standing on a land mine/ tread lightly/ get ready to explode )

[info]veteranhunter in [info]zombieslogs

Who: Chris briefly, Stiles, Sheriff Stilinski
What: Reunion
When: Now
Where: Road outside the prison
Warnings: Family feels.

This morning we drove out of town Into the hills and looking down Saw the ocean all around As far as we could see. )

[info]adarkerdiana in [info]zombieslogs

Who: Diana and Malachi
What: Emo drinking on a bad night and then when things get really bad Diana is going to make it rain and storm like crazy
When: Tonight
Where: Fangtasia
Warnings: Fire, violence, general mayhem

I'm about to lose my mind you've been gone for so long. I'm running out of time. I need a doctor, call me a doctor. I need a doctor, doctor to bring me back to life. )