[Oct. 14th, 2010|07:24 pm] |
Who: Remus and Tonks (and Gabe) Where: Lupin Household When: Dinner time What: Talking about daycare, pets, Halloween, and more! Rating: PG Open/Closed: Closed Status: Incomplete
( The trials of parenthood... ) |
[Aug. 29th, 2010|12:50 am] |
Who: Remus Lupin and Tonks Lupin When: BACKDATED to most recent full moon Where: Lupin house What: Gabe finally gets to see what happens to his Dad each month Rating: PG
[Jul. 5th, 2010|09:13 pm] |
Who: Remus Lupin, Nymphadora Tonks, and Gabriel Lupin Where: Their home When: Monday evening What: It's time to break the news of where Daddy goes once a month. Warnings: None
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Visiting Diagon |
[Jun. 27th, 2010|12:15 am] |
Who: Remus Lupin and OPEN When: Late afternoon What: Checking out the bookshop and maybe stopping for ice cream Where: Diagon Alley, near Flourish and Blotts
Tonks/Remus Backstory |
[Jun. 21st, 2010|10:43 pm] |
Who: Remus Lupin and Tonks When: After Harry Potter's funeral (BACKSTORY- Takes place in 5-years between old plot and reboot) What: Starting anew Where: Tonks' flat Rating: PG
[Apr. 7th, 2010|10:48 pm] |
Who: Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks What: After the stress of the day, an unexpected surprise. Where: Their flat in London. When: After the Order meeting. Rating: Low
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Remus visits Shell Cottage |
[Mar. 4th, 2010|01:50 pm] |
Who: Bill, Remus (eventually Harry, maybe Ron/Hermione/Luna/Fleur) What: Catching up Where: Shell Cottage When: Evening, after dinner Rating/Warning: Likely PG
Bill sat on a rock at the cliff's edge outside his home, cigarette in hand, watching as the smoke trailed out towards the sea. It was, perhaps, his worst habit but he kept it as one guilty indulgence. The last of the butt was nearly gone and he snuffed it out on the ground and reached for the pouch in his back pocket, carefully pouring out some of the herbal tobacco and rolling another fag before putting it in his lips and lighting it.
It was chilly outside in the crisp March air, but he'd needed a little escape from the house and a place to sort out his thoughts. Plus, Lupin was due to arrive soon and Bill wanted to catch him before he had a chance to speak with Harry, both to fill him in on the week and to ask a few questions. Bill liked Remus a lot but with Dumbledore gone and Remus now the Order's somewhat-replacement when it came to leadership, Bill'd noticed the increased strain on Lupin. With a kid on the way and Fenrir's pack always a threat, Bill couldn't find good reason to feel angry at Remus for being absent lately, but at the same time, this was exactly when they needed Lupin around. Bill was glad he'd managed to contact him and arrange a visit.
Pulling his scarf and coat tighter, he took a long drag from his cigarette and sat back on the rock, waiting. |
[Feb. 9th, 2010|03:25 pm] |
Who: Nymphadora Tonks and Remus Lupin What: Trying to mend bridges When: Backdated to Monday afternoon, after classes Where: Tonks's office in Hogwarts Rating: Probably mid-level for language
( Read more... ) |
[Jan. 17th, 2010|09:31 pm] |
Who: Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks What: Breaking the news to Remus and hoping he doesn't storm out. Where: Hogwarts When: Sunday afternoon Rating: Mid-level
( Read more... ) |
[Aug. 28th, 2009|08:28 pm] |
Who: Remus and Tonks What: Pizza dinner date so he can talk to her before she goes back to Hogwarts Where: Tonks' flat When: 8 PM Warnings: TBA
( Pizza date! ) |
[Aug. 2nd, 2009|12:40 am] |
WHO: Remus and Tonks WHAT: Remus wants to comfort Tonks about the loss of Moody WHEN: Just after the 7 Potters Battle WHERE: The Burrow (at least to start) RATING: PG-13?
( Read more... ) |