[Dec. 14th, 2010|03:09 pm] |
Who: Vincent and Millicent What: Meeting after so long When: Backdated- Draco/Astoria wedding, end of November Where: The Malfoy Wedding site Rating/Warning: TBA
[May. 13th, 2010|02:46 pm] |
Who: The Animagi Bunch! What: Seamus changed and now wants to help the rest of them too! Where: Room of Requirement! When: This afternoon! Rating/Status: Probably PG-13 for swearing and body mangling? And Incomplete! Exclamation abuse!
( Animals! ) |
[Mar. 21st, 2010|04:50 pm] |
[ | Tags | | | !1998: 03, !incomplete, audrey wadcock, ernie macmillan, lucy elkins, michael corner, millicent bulstrode, minerva mcgonagall, nikolas vaisey, sam capper, seamus finnigan | ] |
Who: McGonagall and Animagus Training Students What: Lesson Where: Headmistress' Office, After Dinner - After Curfew When: Friday night Rating/Warning: Plotty
( She said none of it. ) |
[Feb. 20th, 2010|12:36 pm] |
Characters: Millicent and Lucy Setting: Saturday afternoon, heading outside for a walk Summary: The two ladies Nikolas actually chose to have in his life decide they should get to know each other. Rating: I'm going to say PG to err on the safe side, as Millicent is... well, Millicent, and thus might swear.
[Feb. 3rd, 2010|11:53 am] |
Who: Nikolas Vaisey & Millicent Bulstrode When: 3 February, Wednesday. Afternoon, once classes have let out Where: Quidditch pitch What: Getting Millicent ready to play Chaser...and talking about secret societies. Rating: TBA, low, maybe some language? Open/Closed: Closed.
Animagus Training Session #1 |
[Jan. 31st, 2010|12:22 am] |
Who: The Headmistress and Sam Capper, Seamus Finnigan, Michael Corner, Lucy Elkins, Millicent Bulstrode, Nikolas Vaisey, Ernie Macmillan, and Audrey Wadcock What: Animagus Training #1 Where: Headmistress' Office When: One hour before curfew. Rating/Warning: Low, Plotty. This can be a complete narrative, but if your character has questions, feel free to have them ask IC. Or if students want to talk to one another, etc., after the meeting, you can thread here.
( I'm sure, looking around this room, you are quite surprised at the other faces you see here. ) |
[Jan. 24th, 2010|12:45 pm] |
[ | Tags | | | !1998: 01, !incomplete, audrey wadcock, ernie macmillan, lucy elkins, michael corner, millicent bulstrode, minerva mcgonagall, nikolas vaisey, sam capper, seamus finnigan | ] |
Who: The Headmistress and Sam Capper, Seamus Finnigan, Michael Corner, Lucy Elkins, Millicent Bulstrode, Nikolas Vaisey, Ernie Macmillan, and Audrey Wadcock What: An illegal invitation Where: Headmistress' Office When: After dinner tonight. Each student comes in roughly half an hour after the previous student (each student in a new comment thread). Rating/Warning: Low, Plotty
( She waited for eight students whom she was about to turn into criminals. ) |
[Oct. 7th, 2009|08:21 pm] |
Who: Greg and Millicent (and perhaps Nicholas or other Slyths) When: Evening. Where: Slytherin table, Great Hall, dinnertime What: Dinner. Probably some sort of talk, about things, but I can't be sure. Rating: TBD Open/Closed: Openish/Incomplete
( Greg wasn't good at dinner. ) |