What Price? - March 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
What Price?

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March 2009
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12:51 pm: [info]legally_minded ...something's getting in the way - something's just about to break...
02:45 pm: [info]ontheedge (no subject)
04:36 pm: [info]legally_minded ...the quiet scares me cause it screams the truth...
04:41 pm: [info]troubledwater Backstory: Hermione and Cho after the attack on Big Ben
10:13 pm: [info]gunpwdr_treason Backstory: Charlie returns and talks with Ginny
11:40 pm: [info]ontheedge [Backstory] Adrian/Clodagh
11:02 am: [info]publicenemyno1 Backstory - Bill and Charlie
09:41 pm: [info]seebeyond [Backstory] Percy/Neville
10:41 pm: [info]unvanished Backstory - Astoria's intake interview
11:33 pm: [info]mcyork A New Assignment
01:45 pm: [info]seebeyond [Backstory] Hermione/Neville
01:52 pm: [info]seebeyond [Backstory] Hermione/Neville
06:51 pm: [info]gunpwdr_treason Backstory: Charlie, Hermione and Ginny the night of Ron's death
07:16 pm: [info]publicenemyno1 Backstory: Chris and Charlie
07:59 pm: [info]notsogreat (no subject)
11:31 pm: [info]fillupwithnoise (no subject)
12:54 am: [info]whathesaid [Backstory] Samrat
09:44 pm: [info]thesolemnlight Backstory: Potions and Prescriptions
09:54 pm: [info]thesolemnlight Backstory: When Percy Met Fleur
08:42 pm: [info]seebeyond [Backstory] Justin/Neville
09:48 pm: [info]ash_and_mirrors ...warn your warmth to turn away - here's it's december every day...
02:28 pm: [info]publicenemyno1 Backstory - Charlie recruits Justin
12:39 am: [info]acrophile Backstory: Adrian & Neville
02:57 pm: [info]orfanos Backstory: Family matters and farewells
10:59 pm: [info]infomancy Backstory: Nev, Sam, and Mi
11:24 pm: [info]one_eyed_jack Backstory: One You Lock The Target
01:25 am: [info]publicenemyno1 Backstory: Big Ben planning
05:55 pm: [info]unvanished Backstory: Astoria and Emma
07:58 pm: [info]ash_and_mirrors ...tell me something bad you've done - tell me 'bout your ghost...
10:19 pm: [info]seebeyond [Backstory] Fleur/Neville
10:35 am: [info]bryd Backstory: Seren & Morag
12:26 pm: [info]jemappellefleur Backstory: Fleur and Hermione at Shell Cottage
12:36 pm: [info]notsogreat (no subject)
02:03 pm: [info]thesolemnlight Backstory: Percy and Hermione
03:42 pm: [info]fillupwithnoise (no subject)
09:48 pm: [info]unvanished Backstory: Astoria goes undercover
02:00 am: [info]determinism (no subject)
08:25 pm: [info]notsogreat (no subject)
10:41 pm: [info]acrophile Backstory/Narrative: Adrian
12:03 am: [info]acrotic (no subject)
07:15 pm: [info]zdraveite [Backstory] The last from the Triwizard
08:10 pm: [info]fidesetratio Backstory: Even test subjects need doctors
08:33 pm: [info]whathesaid [Backstory] Bill/Samrat
09:24 pm: [info]playingittowin Backstory: The Soup Kitchen
10:58 pm: [info]publicenemyno1 Backstory: Charlie vs. the greenshirts
09:29 pm: [info]legally_minded ...how cruel is the golden rule - when the lives we live are only golden-plated...
06:26 pm: [info]infomancy [Backstory] Strained relations
07:36 pm: [info]elixir_fides Backstory: Marcus and Adrian - climbing fools
07:41 pm: [info]acrophile Backstory - Adrian and Theo in London
08:05 pm: [info]silenced_bell Backstory: Sam and Katie - Connecting the Dots
10:34 pm: [info]ash_and_mirrors ...things are shaping up to be - pretty odd...
10:48 pm: [info]legally_minded ...is it so hard understanding - i'm incomplete...
12:19 am: [info]acrophile Backstory: Brain salad surgery
12:19 pm: [info]infomancy [Backstory] A snow day, part 1 of 3
12:26 pm: [info]infomancy [Backstory] A snow day, part 2 of 3
12:37 pm: [info]infomancy [Backstory] A snow day, part 3 of 3
06:02 pm: [info]seebeyond [Backstory] Cho/Neville
07:31 pm: [info]acrotic (no subject)
08:17 pm: [info]whathesaid (no subject)
09:42 pm: [info]elixir_fides Backstory: Marcus and Chris - drinking buddies
11:21 pm: [info]fillupwithnoise Backtory- Sam, Bill, and Theo
04:49 pm: [info]troubledwater Backstory: Hermione and Cho, as Hermione returns to the world
06:27 pm: [info]legally_minded ...i never loved nobody solely - always one foot on the ground...
08:23 pm: [info]ash_and_mirrors ...your cold fronts and the rain don't matter cause the sunburn's what i needed...
10:29 pm: [info]fidesetratio Backstory: Babies & Bombshells
10:37 pm: [info]silenced_bell Backstory: Hermione and Katie - Irish Session
08:28 pm: [info]whathesaid [Backstory] Phillip/Samrat
08:34 am: [info]bryd (no subject)
09:32 am: [info]seebeyond [Backstory] Percy/Neville - 1 of 3
11:47 am: [info]ash_and_mirrors ...you're feeling sad, you're feeling lonely, and no one seems to care...
12:43 pm: [info]seebeyond [Backstory] Percy/Neville - 2 of 3
12:44 pm: [info]seebeyond [Backstory] Percy/Neville - 3 of 3
04:10 pm: [info]elixir_fides Backstory - Marcus and Astoria
07:33 pm: [info]ash_and_mirrors taken in context, it's not a bad thing - but when you start to pick it apart, it gets so depressing
10:30 pm: [info]jemappellefleur Backstory: Fleur and Neville discuss politics
11:37 pm: [info]mcyork Backstory: Following Charlie (solo RP)
12:50 pm: [info]wirelesswizard Backstory - Badger Bonding
12:54 pm: [info]bryd Backstory: Seren & Seamus - Vignettes
01:00 pm: [info]bryd Backstory: Seren & Seamus - Vignettes
01:05 pm: [info]bryd Backstory: Seren & Seamus - Vignettes
01:12 pm: [info]bryd Backstory: Seren & Seamus - Vignettes
03:06 pm: [info]seebeyond [Backstory] Seamus/Neville
08:26 pm: [info]whathesaid [Backstory] Hermione/Samrat - 1 of 3
08:32 pm: [info]whathesaid [Backstory] Hermione/Samrat - 2 of 3
08:35 pm: [info]whathesaid [Backstory] Hermione/Samrat - 3 of 3
10:54 pm: [info]publicenemyno1 Backstory: The attack on Big Ben
05:00 pm: [info]ash_and_mirrors ...as i burn another page, as i look the other way, i still try to find my place...
05:40 pm: [info]bryd Backstory: Seren & Charlie
08:07 pm: [info]ex_lede58 Backstory: conflict over rights and wrongs
08:09 pm: [info]fidesetratio Backstory: Even nerds need to eat
10:06 pm: [info]ex_incendium264 Backstory: Andrew & Percy
10:26 pm: [info]done_arseways ...and its ironic, too, cause what we tend to do is act on what they say and then it is that way...
10:50 pm: [info]legally_minded ...why must you make me laugh so much, it's bad enough we get along so well...
10:51 pm: [info]fidesetratio Backstory - If blood will flow when fresh and steel are one Drying in the colour of the evening sun
11:09 pm: [info]done_arseways ...take your time - ticking clock - everyone stop - everyone's saying different things to me...
06:08 pm: [info]unvanished Backstory: Astoria and Emma, redux