What Price? - March 28th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
What Price?

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March 28th, 2009

[Mar. 28th, 2009|08:34 am]
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Who: Seren Fawcett & Percy Weasley
What: The search for the appendix, talk of Hogwarts
Where: The Fawcett property
When: July 1990
Rating: G

I keep picturing you rummaging around in my intestines and it's really quite uncomfortable. )
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[Backstory] Percy/Neville - 1 of 3 [Mar. 28th, 2009|09:32 am]
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Who: Percy Weasley and Neville Longbottom
What: Percy and Neville go out on a mission to investigate the possibility of ore deposits in a mountain in Cornwall in order to make trades with goblins on behalf of the Ministry. Instead, they encounter a werewolf post-change who has made the mountain a shelter. It later ends in an argument about the state of affairs within wizarding society and an implication about the future of wizarding government.
Where: the safehouse
When: March 2009
Rating: PG for language
Notes: Part 1 of 3

"I don't reason I've ever seen pixies quite this big," Neville said, swatting one away from his elbow. Another had gotten tangled in his curly hair and was kicking and screaming with all its might. He debated leaving it there - the other blue creatures were darting away from the pair of them as a result, eying them mightily. Then he winced as he felt a nip at his scalp. Reaching up, he tugged a strand of hair away, despairing that it was ever going to stop with the nipping. Finally, it freed itself, spitting at the back of his neck before its wings whirred upwards rapidly. He quickly dug into his pocket, finding his cap and shoving it down hard on his head. "They're nesters, the bloody lot. Mind your step on this cliff - like as not, they'll try and push us off the side."

If this is some sort of charade designed simply for your amusement, Mr. Longbottom, you are fired. )
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...you're feeling sad, you're feeling lonely, and no one seems to care... [Mar. 28th, 2009|11:47 am]
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[Current Location |Oxford, England]
[Current Mood |restless]
[Current Music |"Hold On" - Good Charlotte]

Who: Hermione (Granger) Weasley & Justin Finch-Fletchley
What: Initial meeting prior to creation of new documentation
When: March, 2009
Where: Blackwell's, Oxford, England
Rating: G

At least it wasn't an encyclopedia. )
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[Backstory] Percy/Neville - 2 of 3 [Mar. 28th, 2009|12:43 pm]
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Who: Percy Weasley and Neville Longbottom
What: Percy and Neville go out on a mission to investigate the possibility of ore deposits in a mountain in Cornwall in order to make trades with goblins on behalf of the Ministry. Instead, they encounter a werewolf post-change who has made the mountain a shelter. It later ends in an argument about the state of affairs within wizarding society and an implication about the future of wizarding government.
Where: the safehouse
When: March 2009
Rating: PG for language
Notes: Part 2 of 3

Neville was still waking up, standing up but obviously a little worn from little sleep, his dark hair poking out in all directions, the curls barely repressed by a hat that he shoved over them as he saw Percy's approach. Grabbing his scarf, he wrapped it around his neck, then shoved his knapsack over his back.

"Aye, but I'm too used to coffee in the morning," he said a bit mournfully, trudging towards the redhead. "I've got the wolfsbane, any road, and a slight amount of potion. Not enough to do much good." He'd managed to spill most of the one flask he'd obtained but there was no need to share that piece of information, Neville decided.

Shall we knock? )
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[Backstory] Percy/Neville - 3 of 3 [Mar. 28th, 2009|12:44 pm]
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Who: Percy Weasley and Neville Longbottom
What: Percy and Neville go out on a mission to investigate the possibility of ore deposits in a mountain in Cornwall in order to make trades with goblins on behalf of the Ministry. Instead, they encounter a werewolf post-change who has made the mountain a shelter. It later ends in an argument about the state of affairs within wizarding society and an implication about the future of wizarding government.
Where: the safehouse
When: March 2009
Rating: PG for language
Notes: Part 3 of 3 (This is the part that addresses wizarding government.)

It was cold, as it always was, despite the spring's gradual coming and he longed to open the curtains or light a fire in the hearth. To stop the impulse, Neville shoved his wand in his back pocket, then took a seat at the table, leaning against it as he tried to think of what to say.

Unfortunately, the first thing that came out was a question. "How involved with the Order, are you, Percy?"

If it's not you, it'll be Charlie. )
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Backstory - Marcus and Astoria [Mar. 28th, 2009|04:10 pm]
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Who: Marcus Belby & Astoria Warrington
What: Chatting at one of those beastly parties
When: January 2005
Where: Some fancy do
Rating: G

I am the favoured daughter right now, which counts for something. )
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taken in context, it's not a bad thing - but when you start to pick it apart, it gets so depressing [Mar. 28th, 2009|07:33 pm]
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[Current Location |Bath, England]
[Current Mood |calm]
[Current Music |"The Perfect Ending" - Straylight Run]

Who: Hermione (Granger) Weasley & Justin Finch-Fletchley
What: Brunch to discuss electronic documentation
When: March, 2009
Where: Sally Lunn's in Bath, England
Rating: G

A client isn't the same as a friend. )
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Backstory: Fleur and Neville discuss politics [Mar. 28th, 2009|10:30 pm]
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Who: Neville Longbottom and Fleur Weasley
What: Visit to Kensington Gardens
When: March 2009, a few days after Neville's talk with Percy and Viktor's visit to Shell Cottage
Where: Kensington Gardens, London

I think... aye, have you ever said something that you thought might be unforgivable? )
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Backstory: Following Charlie (solo RP) [Mar. 28th, 2009|11:37 pm]
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Who: MCY and a cast of greenshirts
What: Picking up the pieces (solo RP)
When: March 2009
Where: Lincolnshire, England

"All right, Sergeant, walk me through it."

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