What Price? - March 7th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
What Price?

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March 7th, 2009

[Backstory] Percy/Neville [Mar. 7th, 2009|09:41 pm]
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Who: Percy Weasley and Neville Longbottom
What: Percy and Neville discuss the nature of guilt. The reappearance of Harry is revealed.
Where: the safehouse
When: 2008
Rating: PG for language

Neville curled himself up in a chair in the corner of the safehouse, thumbing through pages of notes as he tried to make sense of the list of supplies that he'd been given. His nose scrunched up as he murmured the contents, wondering whether it was an Egyptian spell or something different altogether. "Asphodel... arnica... aye, must be a healing spell of some sort." He took his quill and marked it clumsily in the corner of his notebook.

His thumb paged back, catching on a corner and he glanced on it without thinking, then stopped short. Remember Ron's birthday... March 1. His hand snapped the book shut, trembling for a moment as he realized that he'd written that three days before the other man had died. Neville bit his lip, fighting back a noise as he shoved the notebook back in his pocket.

You really should rethink the surplus of guilt you seem to hold, but I've long since come to understand guilt is the sort of thing that has to be burned out by the person feeling it. )
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Backstory - Astoria's intake interview [Mar. 7th, 2009|10:41 pm]
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Who: Astoria Warrington & M.C. York
What: York tries to get a handle on one of his captives
When: December 2007
Where: MI7 military facilities, location unknown
Warnings: PG-13 for implied violence and threats

Of course you're criminals. All of you are. You're not even human. )
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A New Assignment [Mar. 7th, 2009|11:33 pm]
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Who: Col. York
What: MCY get settled in
Where: MI7 Headquarters
When: late November, 2007
Rating: PG- adult themes


~A person is not defined by who he is or what he does; it's the paradigms and the routines that define his life.~


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