What Price? - March 30th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
What Price?

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March 30th, 2009

...as i burn another page, as i look the other way, i still try to find my place... [Mar. 30th, 2009|05:00 pm]
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[Current Location |London, England]
[Current Mood |uncomfortable]
[Current Music |"The Diary Of Jane (Acoustic)" - Breaking Benjamin]

Who: Hannah Abbott & Justin Finch-Fletchley
What: Pulling a Lazarus
When: Late April, 2008
Where: A park
Rating: G

I could have been there for you. )
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Backstory: Seren & Charlie [Mar. 30th, 2009|05:40 pm]
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Who: Seren Fawcett-Finnigan & Charlie Weasley
What: Patching up Charlie
Where: The Fawcett-Finnigan home, Isle of Man
When: March 2009, night
Rating: PG
Notes: Immediately following this

Fortunately for Charlie, showing his face on Diagon Alley was significantly less dangerous than staking out a Hungarian Horntail. At least most of the time. )
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Backstory: conflict over rights and wrongs [Mar. 30th, 2009|08:07 pm]
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[Current Location |London, England]

Who: Hannah Abbott & Justin Finch-Fletchley
What: Frantic phone calls after Big Ben
When: August 2008
Where: Takes place over the phone.
Rating: PG-13 for language

That's like picking someone at random to be killed because the president was assassinated. )
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Backstory: Even nerds need to eat [Mar. 30th, 2009|08:09 pm]


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[Current Location |MI7]

Who: Phillip Hughes and Meg Odgerel-Bolormaa
When: Early October, 2008
Where: MI7 R&D Cafeteria
What:Phillip tries to catch up with his work and bumps into a faelike bouncy ballMeg. Friendly chatter and innocent not-quite-flirting ensue.

Phillip was trying to catch up on the medical records of all the
people under MI-7s care. He needed to know the records inside out,
which is why he was walking towards the canteen for lunch while
carrying one of the files, reading it dutifully and trying to commit
it to memory. The cassock didn't go over do well here, so he was
dressed in a plain slacks and one of his black shirts. The collar
unnerved people, so for the moment he kept it in pocket. Hopefully,
he'd get comfortable enough here to go back to his clerical garb. He
found it comforting. But different environments called for different
dress codes. Engrossed in the medical file, he was oblivious to everything else. )
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Backstory: Andrew & Percy [Mar. 30th, 2009|10:06 pm]
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Who: Andrew Kirke & Percy Weasley
What: Introductions of a sort, feeling each other out, the start of a new job
Where: Nondescript meeting room
When: 1 March, 2009
Rating: PG-13 for language

I'll leave all the grisly murders off and it'll save loads of time. )
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...and its ironic, too, cause what we tend to do is act on what they say and then it is that way... [Mar. 30th, 2009|10:26 pm]
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[Current Location |London, England]
[Current Mood |amused]
[Current Music |"They" - Jem]

Who: Neville Longbottom & Seamus Fawcett-Finnigan
What: Dirty jokes and a bit of business
When: Late March, 2009
Where: Park in London, then Neville's flat
Rating: PG-13 (for language)

Honour? Have you got any of that you could lend? )
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...why must you make me laugh so much, it's bad enough we get along so well... [Mar. 30th, 2009|10:50 pm]
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[Current Location |England]
[Current Mood |happy]
[Current Music |"Goodnight & Go" - Imogen Heap]

Who: Seren Fawcett & Christopher Warrington
What: Awkward children making friends and uniting against the forces of evil
When: Summer, 1983
Where: A boring birthday party for a relative neither of them really knows or cares about
Rating: G

Tap-ee-oh-cuh? )
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Backstory - If blood will flow when fresh and steel are one Drying in the colour of the evening sun [Mar. 30th, 2009|10:51 pm]


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[Current Location |India]
[Current Mood |worried]

Who:Phillip Hughes and Samrat Amarnath
When:2 March 2002
Where:Relief Camps outside Ahmedabad, India
What:Immediate Aftermath following the riots in Ahmedabad
Rating: PG-13 for mentions of violence

nothing comes from violence and nothing ever could )

...take your time - ticking clock - everyone stop - everyone's saying different things to me... [Mar. 30th, 2009|11:09 pm]
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[Current Location |Isle of Man]
[Current Mood |sore]
[Current Music |"In The Waiting Line" - Zero 7]

Who: Viktor Krum, Seamus Fawcett-Finnigan, and Seren Fawcett-Finnigan
What: Re-appropriation of much-needed wizarding medical supplies
When: November, 2008
Where: An unspecified warehouse, then Seamus and Seren's home on the Isle of Man
Rating: R (for violence and some inventive language)

Ow, you bleeding great git! )
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