What Price? - March 24th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
What Price?

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March 24th, 2009

...your cold fronts and the rain don't matter cause the sunburn's what i needed... [Mar. 24th, 2009|08:23 pm]
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[Current Location |London, England]
[Current Mood |aggravated]
[Current Music |"Hurricane" - Something Corporate]

Who: Phillip Hughes & Justin Finch Fletchley
What: Some charity with a side of bitterness.
When: February, 2008
Where: Parish of Immaculate Conception, London
Rating: Pg-13 (language)

I don't think I've seen you here before. But then I'm only here on Mondays. I'm Phillip. )
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Backstory: Babies & Bombshells [Mar. 24th, 2009|10:29 pm]


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[Current Mood |anxious]

Who: Samrat Amarnath & Phillip Hughes
Where: Ahmedabad
When: June, 1994
What: Phillip comes to India to visit Sam, congratulate him on his daughter, and share his own news.

I have seen gods consume men )
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