What Price? - March 1st, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
What Price?

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March 1st, 2009

...something's getting in the way - something's just about to break... [Mar. 1st, 2009|12:51 pm]
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[Current Location |Knightsbridge, London]
[Current Mood |amused]
[Current Music |"Diary of Jane" - Breaking Benjamin]

Who: Adrian Pucey along with Christopher, Jacqueline, and Belvideria Warrington
What: A bit of joking, a little planning.
When: Christmas Eve, 2008
Where: Townhouse, Knightsbridge
Rating: PG

Uncle Ade, I'm sorry you have to get up so soon. I'll go to church with you to keep you company. )
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[Mar. 1st, 2009|02:45 pm]
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Who: Morag MacDougal and Clodagh Sparks
What: Morag preserves Scottish honor.
When: Summer, 1995
Where: Just another pureblood social event.
Rating: PG-13 for language, Scots-slamming

Clodagh hated her parents' parties. They were crowded affairs and while she liked crowds, she didn't care for these crowds, full of brittle voices and "how do you dos" and laughs that tinkled like champagne in glass. She'd read once in a book a description of a woman whose laugh sounded like money - her mother had thought it delightful. Clodagh had thought that money couldn't sound anything but dead when you dropped it, thudding unceremoniously to the floor.

That was how she felt about this party.

"Give me a fag," she said to the first person young enough not to have one. If nothing else, she would do her damndest to be noticed for something, even if it was corrupting the youth.

What could I possibly insinuate about sheep and Scotland? )
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...the quiet scares me cause it screams the truth... [Mar. 1st, 2009|04:36 pm]
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[Current Location |London, England]
[Current Mood |amused]
[Current Music |"Sober" - P!ink]

Who: Christopher Warrington and Neville Longbottom
What: A chance meeting at a rather boring social event.
When: August, 2008
Where: A wizarding party
Rating: PG

It's one of those naked hobgoblin fountains. )
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Backstory: Hermione and Cho after the attack on Big Ben [Mar. 1st, 2009|04:41 pm]


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[Current Mood |angry]

Who: Hermione Granger and Cho Chang
What: In which an attack on a national landmark causes considerable distress.
Where: Hermione and Ron's flat, Islington, London.
When: August 5, 2008
Rating: PG-13 for language. As usually happens when Cho's involved.

Taking a page from my mother-in-law: make sure they're safe, feed them, heal them, put them back together, *then* rip 'em a new one when they've earned it. )
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Backstory: Charlie returns and talks with Ginny [Mar. 1st, 2009|10:13 pm]


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Who: Ginny Potter and Charlie Weasley
What: Mourning and planning
Where: The Burrow
When: Christmas day, 2007 (one week after the Ministry attack)
Rating: PG for talk of death.

Dad died to give us this chance. We can't waste it. )
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[Backstory] Adrian/Clodagh [Mar. 1st, 2009|11:40 pm]
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Who: Adrian Pucey and Clodagh Sparks
What: A chance meeting at a garden party turns into argument.
When: Summer 2007
Where: Avery estate
Rating: PG, maybe

The Avery garden party was phenomenally boring, Adrian thought. He was only here because it wasn't the done thing to let Charles be the face of the family at this sort of function, especially not when Charles was still royally hacked off about the minor fact that he hadn't inherited the house from their father. As well, Ellie needed some more appropriate fraternal supervision than he felt Charles was able or ready to provide; Adrian was still worried that someone would try to force her into an early engagement of the sort Chris and Astoria had had. But he'd put in his mandatory appearance, seen Ellie off to the safety of one of her young friends, and made his polite bow to his brother and stepbrother, so he made his way away from away from the matchmaking mamas and their simpering doe-eyed daughters--of whom the only one who came even close to interesting him was Giselle Vaisey, and everyone knew Erick Avery was about to ask for her anyhow--for a moment of quiet solitude.

It's living that example that shows the unthinkable is possible. )
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