What Price? - March 13th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
What Price?

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March 13th, 2009

Backstory: Adrian & Neville [Mar. 13th, 2009|12:39 am]
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Who: Adrian Pucey and Neville Longbottom
What: Routine Healer's check on Alice Longbottom
When: early March 2009
Where: Eryri Ysbyty, Wales

Sometimes, I wonder if I shouldn't have stayed, rather than going to London and... aye, you know. Where the wind takes me, I reason. )
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Backstory: Family matters and farewells [Mar. 13th, 2009|02:57 pm]


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Who: Juliet Travers Orfanos and Godwin Travers (solo RP)
What: In which Juliet sees her brother for the last time.
Where: The medical facility at Azkaban Prison
When: November 1999
Rating: G/PG for, well, melodrama, really.

Least there's no Dementors now. This, almost a holiday by the sea. By comparison. )
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Backstory: Nev, Sam, and Mi [Mar. 13th, 2009|10:59 pm]
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Who: Samrat Amarnath, Neville Longbottom, and Hermione Granger
Where: A coffeehouse in Camden Town, London
When: Late January 2009
What: Greetings, riddles, and amateur music
Why: Samrat is looking for something, and Neville thinks he knows where to find it.

Isn't that what music's supposed to be? )
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Backstory: One You Lock The Target [Mar. 13th, 2009|11:24 pm]


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Who: George and Charlie Weasley
Where: Waterloo Station and Big Ben, London
When: Late April 2009
What: A quite uneventful walk into the center of the Muggle government
Why: Because preparation is the key to success
Rating: Charlie's got a mouth on him: R for NSFW language and planned 'splosions

Charlie Weasley stood on the bridge near Big Ben, looking at the giant clock from a point not too far from its base. From his surly expression, his exotic leather jacket, and the backpack he wore slung over his shoulder, he could have been any older student or tourist trying to get a good look at the landmark. There was a camera in the pack; when they were done, they'd have photographs to work with as well. Already they'd looked at Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace, and Trafalgar Square. Today was the last stop on their tour of London's landmarks, with an eye to ensuring there was one less of them.

What d'you think? Can we do it? )
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