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July 24th, 2006

[info]i_moderate in [info]we_archive

i_charm the morning after? [open]

Prince Charming sat in the foyer of the buidling-not-called-the-Woodlands, and rubbed his temple gently. He did not sleep well last night; some people obviously had never shared an apartment with others, and therefore unaware of the common coutesies of coinhabiting- yelling loudly was very out.

His two roommate obviously had unresolved issues. He was not going to stick around, just in case there was a big heart to heart and everyone had to participate.

Kristy the front desk girl waved at him. He waved back.

The thought occurred to him that perhaps he ought to go for a walk- maybe get some breakfast- but he didn't budge from the comfortable spot on the sofa. Because it was comfortable, and he was too tired to make any sort of effort to move.
Tags: prince charming, maxine gibbons

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[info]i_moderate in [info]we_archive

i_turngreen Re-entry (OPEN)

Characters: Jennie, anyone else who would like to join in
Setting: Starbucks
Summary: She was gone, now she's back. The City certainly does some wacky things...

Cynthia's cafe had been one of Jennie's favorite places in New York. She'd found it on one particularly blustery morning while trudging home from her classes. And no matter how hard she tried, she hadn't been able to find it during her time in the City.

It had been odd. One morning, two months ago, she'd been on her way to work in the City, and had turned down a street, only to find herself in front of Cynthia's.

She'd assumed it meant that the City had finally sucked in her favorite place to sip lattes, but on returning home to her apartment... As in *her* apartment, and not just the one she had found in the City, she had found her Kyle.

Actually, oddly enough, her Kyle hadn't been sick with worry, and even more, hadn't been still waiting in bed after a wonderful first date.

No, instead, her Kyle seemed to have taken up residence in her apartment. In fact, quite frequently, he'd referred to it as 'our' apartment.

Knowing better than to let on that there was anything odd about this, Jennie had resigned herself to yet another changing reality. It had surprised her how easily she had melted into cohabitation. How much she had missed the way Kyle looked at her-the way he knew her better than anyone. The way that he could tell, with just a glance, what she was thinking and how she was feeling.

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[info]i_moderate in [info]we_archive

i_atetheapple Retail Therapy... -open-

Snow herself, had not slept after Bigby had been forcibly expelled from her bedroom. She'd been much to worked up to think about getting any rest, or closing her eyes or anything. She didn't trust this Bigby enough not to do what she said, since he'd clearly couldn't understand the simple concept that she was not nor had never been pregnant by him.

Around five in the morning, she'd pulled herself out of bed, and had drawn herself a hot, steamy bath, in one of the over-the-top spas that this apartment seemed to have coming out of its ears. For another hour or so she relaxed in the bath, occasionally playing with the bubbles that had come out of no where, but mostly just brooding.

By six, she'd pulled herself from the bath, and had climbed into the clothes she'd been wearing when she'd driven into this god-forsaken city. With cane in hand, she pulled all of the cash from Charming's wallet (Alimony, she justified it as in her head) and pushed it into a pocket. She had some shopping to do. Clothes, both functional day clothes, the usual underwear and pyjamas, and maybe one nice dress. You never knew when you might need a nice dress.

By seven, she was eating a nice breakfast in a nice cafe, with a good strong cup of coffee nursed between her hands. She dearly hoped that Bigby had decided that tailing after her and watching her would not be a smart move today. Snow really needed a little me time, and since she had a wad of cash in her pocket, retail therapy seemed the best way to go.

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