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July 23rd, 2006

[info]i_moderate in [info]we_archive

i_playthecello [Target Practice – Open]

She hadn't really wanted to head into The City Commons, spaces like it made her nervous and the fact that little bits of Central Park had seemed to have found there way here? Well it made her break out into a cold sweat. She comforted herself with the fact that it was light out, this was not New York, and she would be prepared now if anything should happen.

The Kate Bishop who had been attacked in New York's Central Park hadn't been a Young Avenger, and she hadn't been … well whatever Kate was now. She was going to have to mention to Max that they needed a name (especially if they where bringing this Jake on board).

Names could be worried about later, because Kate had come here on a mission, she needed to practice her aim. She had been all right in the dust up with those robbers, but she needed more practice, and she wanted to practice outside where there was wind, and noise and other distractions.

So here she was, in an out of the way section of the City Commons and taking aim at a tree she had sketched out a target on. In retrospect she wished she had invited Max along for this session the other girl could have helped her carry some real targets.

Sure, she figured she might look strange, but this City was full of the weird and odd. Kate figured next to some of the things she had seen (like that guy in the cloak with the glowing eyes on her first day here) a teenager girl playing Robin Hood would seem downright normal.

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[info]i_moderate in [info]we_archive

i_atetheapple ...loneliness like a heartbeat drives you mad

She was running through a forest. It was thick and dark, and the air was cold and moist as she breathed heavily, panting and puffing as she tried to get as much air into her lungs as possible. She ducked under low-hanging vines, and leaped over logs that lay across the path. Occasionally, she'd frantically glance behind her, where she saw flashes of something menacing. It was chasing her, and she knew the minute that she stopped running, whatever it was would waste no time in devouring her whole.

One shoe-less foot landed in a shallow puddle, and the slime and goop squished between her toes disgustingly. She powered on, though, ignoring the discomfort, until her slippery foot landed on a strangely smooth rock. Between the rock and her wet toes, she lost her balance, and flipped head over heels, landing on her stomach, face planted in the thick mouldy leaf-litter of the forest floor. Whatever it was that was chasing her was only a few seconds away from her, but when she tried to push herself off the ground, she found her legs weak and unresponsive, barely able to move by themselves.

It was like a horrible flashback to her rehabilitation. The disgusting amount of effort it took her to do the simplest things, like walking, or even rotating her ankles, had returned, and she was just as crippled as she'd been before. Her hands moved wildly, trying to press herself up into a crawling position, but by then the monster was looming over her. Sharp wolf teeth glistened inches from her eyes, before the huge mouth opened wide and took her head off with one bite.

Snow thrashed out frantically, kicking out through the tangled bed sheets, and hitting something particularly solid, snapping her out of the dream instantly. Her eyes opened wide, and she looked around disorientated-- she was lying on her stomach, in the room Charming had provided her with...

And she wasn't alone.

She let out a quick shriek.

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