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Jul. 24th, 2006


i_charm the morning after? [open]

Prince Charming sat in the foyer of the buidling-not-called-the-Woodlands, and rubbed his temple gently. He did not sleep well last night; some people obviously had never shared an apartment with others, and therefore unaware of the common coutesies of coinhabiting- yelling loudly was very out.

His two roommate obviously had unresolved issues. He was not going to stick around, just in case there was a big heart to heart and everyone had to participate.

Kristy the front desk girl waved at him. He waved back.

The thought occurred to him that perhaps he ought to go for a walk- maybe get some breakfast- but he didn't budge from the comfortable spot on the sofa. Because it was comfortable, and he was too tired to make any sort of effort to move.
Tags: prince charming, maxine gibbons

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Jul. 13th, 2006


i_charm Socialising with the neighbours [Jesse]

Hopefully it was a female neighbour. Prince Charming knew exactly how to deal with women- well, at least he did initially, his relationships all seem to crumble in the end- and it was just in his nature to acquire allies, no matter where he was or how long he was staying. Call it whatever you like, but it stemmed from the politics one must actively participate in if one was to become a successful King; Charming was well-trained in this regard.

There was no peace offering, so to speak, because Charming knew if words didn't work, then cookies were not likely to change that. His best weapon was his grasp and manipulation of the English language, anything else would be hindersome.

He had a brief meeting with the superintendent, at the request of his fellow Fables. The woman said that it was absolutely no problem, what he was asking for, and had expressed an interest in seeing Charming again. He couldn't possibly deny her that pleasure.

Everything seemed to be going his way this week. A happy song in his head, Prince Charming knocked.

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Jul. 3rd, 2006


i_atetheapple Case of the Ex [Open to Bigby]

Usually it wasn't a good idea to leave injured people alone, but Bigby was a grown man- or wolf, which would probably sound better in an argument- and he could definitely take care of himself. There was food in the fridge, wood on the fire and a first aid kit Charming had managed to dig out lying on the sofa. Whoever said the Prince didn't take good care of his guests?

Charming wanted to explore The City, find out as much as he could about it. It was definitely, unabashedly American; it had a lot of Starbucks, where horrible American popular music was played very loudly.

He had wandered for an hour, not looking for anything in particular, just observing. There were definitely some interesting people around here, but it seemed a civilised city. A casual walk around a park, and he was ready to head back home. Passing a small diner, he thought he saw someone familiar sitting at the window, but the glint was too strong to make out who it was.

Oh well, Charming thought with a shrug, and walked straight onto a wad on gum.

Oh yes, an unabashedly American city.

Sometimes you just couldn't say no. When you were as hungry and as low on energy as Snow was, polite manners eventually went their way out the window, and standards such as "always insisting on paying for your meal" were lowered, just a little. Still. She'd only ordered a small meal of pancakes with fruit-salad, but it was tasty enough, and by the time she was halfway through the meal, she was already feeling better, and more energised, and was almost ready to go searching once again for her car.

Smiling positively, she looked out the window, and that was when her eyes popped right out of her skull. Literally.

Or maybe not so literally, but when she saw her ex-husband picking gum off his shoe, she didn't know whether she should laugh or cry. Eventually, she did neither, and satisfied herself with frantically tapping her nails against the window and saying "Charming!" loudly through the glass, in order to get his attention.

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Jun. 28th, 2006


i_huffandpuff Charming the Wolf [Charming]

Bigby looked up at the sky. He didn't believe in any higher beings, he considered most of that as being for Mundies, but if they did exist? Then today he was cursing them. "When I said I'd take Charming," He muttered to himself, staring up at the tall apartment complex. "I didn't mean it. I really didn't mean it."

He'd picked up Charming's scent this morning after finally feeling up to exploring the city. Charming's and Bluebeard's, but Beard's was much fainter. Almost gone in fact. Charming's was strong. He'd walked the sidewalks within a two block radius of the complex he stood before now several times, and Bigby could smell the man's cologne all over the front doors. No sign of Hobbs though, which was odd. The man never traveled without his porter.

But then, so many things were off about this city.

Bigby knocked the button provided to open the doors for those who were handicapped. The doorman standing there seemed surprisingly unconcerned as to the fact that a wolf was limping into the building. He ignored Bigby, and Bigby ignored him, walking as quickly as he could over to the list of names that sat on the wall to the side. There was a listing for Bluebeard, but none for Charming. He'd make do with that.

After a bit of awkward navigating in the elevator, Bigby stepped out on the top floor where there were only three doors and quite spread out. He headed straight for number two and batted one of his good paws against it.

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Jun. 26th, 2006


i_charm Monday morning blues [narrative]

I woke up this morning with the Monday morning blues.

Prince Charming woke up. He blinked, stretched, put his hands behind his head and just breathed.

I woke up this morning with the Monday morning blues.

He had somewhat of a routine. Whether he stuck to it or not was the real question. This morning, he did stick to it. Prince Charming relieved his bladder, took a quick shower, shaved, got dressed, poured himself a glass of warm water and contemplated what breakfast he would have today, and how to go about winning this election. No, he corrected himself with a smile, not "how to go about winning"; he was already spending the money and abusing the power in his head.

These thoughts relaxed him.

Prince Charming sauntered over to the window, wanting to get some fresh air. Well, as fresh as air could be in New York, anyway.

He threw open his curtains, and took a deep breath. It was a mistake, as the smell of garbage from the alleyway below wafted up and through his window. Prince Charming started to cough, and as he did so, he realised that something was very, very wrong.

For instance- where did New York go?

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