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Jul. 7th, 2006


i_amregistered Dreams and hospital food (Inara in the Hospital. Open to Rose/Eddie/Mal/Dream/a

City General was a busy little medical hub, something like what one would expect to see on those TV dramas about hospitals. Green scrubs and cold sterile white walls, the smell of alcohol and bleach, the faint buzz of florescent lighting and the low rumble of hundreds of voices made up the soul of C.G.

Tucked off in one quiet corner a dark haired woman lay in a clean clinically white bed, under clean clinically white sheets, in a clean clinically white gown. Inara Serra had been down graded to stable condition and awaited only a few blood tests before her release. The incident which had brought her in had raised more then one eyebrow in the C.G.E.R. She wasn't the first to come in, she had however been the first to be brought in alive.

A dozen or so like her were in the morgue, disturbingly three of those had decided to go missing a number of days after their arrival..and more disturbingly, their autopsies. Inara offered a chance the hospital had not yet seen and they jumped on it. While she was slumbering away her blood was being tested in every batch of blood work that they could think of. City General was about to discover the truth of the existence of vampires.

For her part in the matter Inara only wanted to be warm and safe and among friends. Perhaps that was what drew her in her dreams to the dining hall of Serenity. Warm friendly faces smiled to her and food..real food not just protein shaped like food, filled the table. Kaylee was smiling brightly, Simon seemed to catch her eye with a blush of his own. Zoe and Wash were doing some not-so-subtle flirting under the table, even Mal seemed in rare form. They were all there, regardless of Books death or Jayne's desire to leave or Rivers..being River.. all of the crew that had been was together. As joy full as she felt, something nagged in her dream mind that this was not quite entirely right.

(OOC: Ok, great for any Firefly'ers to jump into the dream. Even Dream himself. Feel free to take surreal turns with it. Feel free for others of the waking world to step in as well. Have fun!)

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Jun. 25th, 2006


Bigby in Wonderland [Narrative and Open]


At least it was only a forest, Bigby was thankful for that. It would've been nice if it had been a forest that he recognized, but it didn't seem like he had much of a choice in this situation. Forests as a whole at least were similar and negotiable when it came to traveling. It was simply a matter of getting up, catching his bearings, and searching for something that smelled familiar. Preferably something that smelled like home.

He could smell a city to the North, but it wasn't New York, something told him that. But it was a city, so Bigby got up and shook himself before turning to the North. If it wasn't New York it'd be someplace else, but any city would be good enough as long as there was a phone. And perhaps if he was lucky, it would be a city he'd actually been to before. Though, in these sorts of situations he was never that lucky.

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Mar. 30th, 2006


i_canhurtyou Touchdown (OPEN)


It shook, it rattled, but Zoe stayed firm. Grabbing for some odd part of the ship that stuck out on one wall, strong hands clutched it like a suicide handle and a fist punched the comlink as if it owed her money.

"Captain, he's not on the lower deck, the cabins are clear but I'll see him get to the aft choo fay wuh suh luh1," she growled, cocking the snub-nosed rifle in her hand with a spin and *chak-CHAK*. Dark eyes narrowed in the half light. Another punch to get the comlink working. "And might I make a handy suggestion that the next queer box we take aboard be dumped straight into the airlock?"

Lips pressed into a thin line, she laid her trap for the saboteur well. Tucked into a nook, she could see the entrance up from the stairs that would be the obvious route one would want to take if they were going to set this big boat adrift. Breathing steady, she counted, aiming her weapon well as the rest of the crew moved about searching for the stowaway. Unfamiliar footsteps started up the stairs. She heard Jayne shout, then fire.

Zoe went for it. The flash from the muzzle was blinding in the dark, causing her to wince as she caught whoever that was square. The ship jerked and rolled, as if it was the one who was wounded, pitching Zoe forward as she grabbed the armored villain and proceeded to pin him to the floor. He fought back, rather good for a man taking a point blank shot to the chest, and they struggled on the floor. What kind of body armor was this? What kind of operative was this? Weren't they above this kind of thing now? That kind of truth telling souls that lurks in the night rather than wrestle on the ground? She pulled back, getting a hand free long enough to punch him squarely in his face. "Stay down!," she told him in a tone that brooked no arguement.

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