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Feb. 13th, 2006


i_turngreen Email

Ever wake up in a life that's not yours?

Okay, that was a little bit too philosophical. Perhaps a bit too accurate, given our current situation. Except, things seem to have gotten more complicated for me.

You haven't run into anyone who has always been here and knows you yet, have you?

Um. Maybe I should start over with this email. I hope your week is going well, and I was wondering if you'd like to meet for lunch in the park one of these days?


From: [info]i_clobber Date: 02/14/2006 22:58:56


Actually, yeah. When I first got here, I met this one woman. She was real nice, and I felt like I knew her but it was just... I dunno.

It's going all right, I've found something. First floor apartment, one bedroom. Guy grumbled something about 'golems' and had a busy beard, kinda short too. Whatever. Gave me a room that seems pretty soild.

Lunch? Really? Sure. Any time is fine.

- Ben

Feb. 3rd, 2006


i_clobber Sitting in the Park One Day [Open]

Ben chalked up another happy surprise for his body. It seemed he didn’t need to eat as often as he used to. From what he recalled, Reed didn’t need to eat at all, though it wasn’t quite the same for the large craggy man. Which turned out to be a good thing, considering he had nothing but the clothes on his back. But that was okay, Ben had spent the past few months before the transformation backpacking through out North and South America.

He knew how to do odd jobs for cash, he knew how to live with little food and water, and eventually managed to find some clothing that could fit his frame, and be tough enough to withstand to his rough skin. Sure, he had to go to the Laundromat with only wearing gianormous tighty whities while the rest of his clothes were in the wash, but one dealt with that.

He was slightly encouraged by meeting that odd goth chick about not totally hiding from society; he could tell when things stank and he’d rather not have his clothes end up that way. And apparently, he wasn’t the strangest thing most folks had seen. Sure, Ben had someone shoot at his chest, and his only response had been a harsh glare and a promise to break the guy’s neck if he did it to someone other than him; but that was rare.

Though much to Ben’s delight, he had been given something of a regular job; instead of scrounging around for change or short onetime jobs, he had been offered a position for a construction company. Destroying and lifting things, since he’d be cheaper labor than machinery that wasn’t always dependable.

Now it would be some time to find a place that he wouldn’t hurt through casual use, but if he wasn’t the only freak around, it was sure to happen soon. Though he was hoping Reed or Sue or SOMEONE from that egghead place would figure out what happened to him and get him back, Ben wasn’t in bad shape. Lonely, but he was rather content with things as he relaxed on the grass in the park, half alert to sounds of trouble and the other half fighting the desire to take a nice nap.
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Dec. 21st, 2005


i_clobber [Open]

Benjamin Grimm was puzzled.

He had awoken about 10 minutes ago with a loud snore and grunted something about five more minutes until the sound of rock scraping rock echoed in his hearing. The sound was of skin scraping against the sidewalk he was sprawled on. The large man sat up from his sleep with an alert look in his deep blue eyes, his brows narrowing as he looked around and stood up.

Ben wasn’t exactly known for being a genius, but he was smart. At first, he assumed it was just a dream, even when the little old lady who was passing him by gave a squawk and abruptly turned back the way she came. He was currently in the entrance (or in his case, exit) of an alley to a somewhat respectable section of town. Deciding to fool his subconscious, Ben stood there with his arms crossed for ten minutes until he mumbled, “Too fucking boring to be a dream.”

Reed and the others wouldn’t have just abandoned him out here just for kicks. The Baxter Geeks were too paranoid of him going outside, no one in the group could lift him up, and Reed wasn’t the one to pull a prank and this lacked Johnny’s style. With a resigned sigh, Ben took a step forward, figuring the reaction would be rather similar to the old lady he accidently scared.

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