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Jun. 7th, 2006


i_hatethesea The Beer That I Miss [Narrative]

Jace still hadn't found a job. He felt a little useless. And that might have been why he strayed towards the alleyways, keeping tab of the shadows. It didn't help though. He still stuck out, sorely. His large elf-pointed ears, the blonde of his hair, it just seemed to say, "Watch me."

He had managed to find a little money, but nothing more than that. He was living off of stamina, and his luck being an elf. Lusiphur had been right, the females here were a little different than what he was used to.

He hadn't tried Wayne Manor yet, but he was planning on it. First, it was finding a job. But being a guard was redundant, and mercernary work seemed almost non-existent. Perhaps, he had to find Lusiphur again. Or maybe he just needed another drink.

The sun began to set, like a dying fire. Jace disappeared, following the smell of beer and whatever reminded him of the home that used to be.

May. 17th, 2006


i_hatethesea Jace in The City: Curious [OPEN]

This is when vampires rub the sleep out of their eyes; the laborer sits with a wife whining into his ear as he escapes into beer; the whore, affronted by mirrors, applies pomegranate-lipstick: with heavy eyelids, the sun slips away. Leaving the air in its industrial wake, the smell of oil, cars, and greed poignant.

He passed a sign stating The City Police Department. Interest was small, thin. The place did not look familiar. It reminded him of Palasch, somewhat. Though, there were no familiar scents or faces. There was, in reality, nobody around. Was he shaking? Of course not.

'Well, Jace. It's been nice.' Lusiphur had that same look when he had considered retiring. I couldn't help but smile, even though I felt somewhat nervous. 'Are you sure? I mean... There's so much more we could do.' Lusiphur had grinned at that, which was disturbing. I frowned, 'Not like I need you or anything, I just...' Luse held up a gloved hand, shaking his head slightly. 'Jace, I think I need some time alone.' 'Or to find a good lay,' I snickered. There was a moment of silence. He looked towards a place with buildings and promise; I looked at the desert, thinking of The Steps; Jola.

And now, Jace found himself in this predicament. Even though he was still the same tall blonde elf that ran from Widowmaker and dealt with Vido's scarred smile (as well as habits), Jace was strangely quiet. He found himself thinking of Lusiphur, again. That day. Jace snorted, stalking towards the area by the water: The Docks.

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