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Jul. 6th, 2006


i_ambadluck Putty tat on the roof [ OPEN ]

All the hoop la at the court house had finally calmed down, leaving the leather clad cat with nothing to do with her days. Felicia had been getting cozy on the roof of a building across from the court house, hoping to catch any sort of action that might be going down around the area. She still hadn't found anything more interesting to do in this place, though running into Spidey had brightened her hopes a bit. He'd seemed to vanish as quickly as he'd shown up. Typical, or at least she thought so.

Stepping away from the ledge, she pushed her eyeware up, then tucked her hair behind her ears. She wasn't sure why she was back up on the roof top, but it was better than sitting at home and talking to her cat. Because that's what crazy cat ladies do, and she definitely wasn't crazy. "This is where all the heros hang out," she mumbled to herself, glancing around a bit, hands sticking to her hips. Maybe it was time for her to grow up and make a decision, instead of being the sometimes hero (which was usually only when the out come was to her advantage).

She wasn't working for anyone here. There was no Kingpin, to her knowledge at least. Even if there was, this place was like a second chance, and maybe the spider was right. She'd be better off on the good side of things. "But what's the point of being good if you look oh so bad?" She asked to no one in particular, shifting her weight from one foot to the other, then sighing. "I need a life."

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May. 17th, 2006


i_thwip bump to the head.

Lois Lane had been on to something. Sadly, the Mayor’s face was entirely too clean lately. Spidey had a feeling he was using wet-naps.

There was also plenty of crime in the city. Muggings, car-jackings and the like which was good fodder for the spider. Each predator webbed and interrogated about their knowledge as who ran the streets in The City. Every city, from Spidey’s experience, had their own Hallmark Kingpin. One name bankrolled a lot of the drugs that these idiots were on. One name bought a lot of the obscure loot. One weird name.


Parker was getting rolls of film for Lane. Of course, he had been far too busy to let her in on the fact he even knew Spidey or to even ask if she had heard of Spidey. It didn’t matter. Spidey mania comes a’knocking.

Another two-bit crook hung underneath a lamppost all webbed up. Same name, different sob story. Spidey leapt to a rooftop and snag his camera. It had been nestled between two gargoyles.


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May. 2nd, 2006


i_shop Chai makes everything better [open]

At first she laughed a lot, because she couldn’t quite believe what was happening to her, but then felt bad for it, so she started to cry. After a while, it felt draining to do anything at all, and she was too lazy to even get out of bed in the mornings.

She had to, though; she couldn't stay indoors all day. It felt weird to be living with someone she hardly knew, owing him a favour for having her stay in one of the most extravagant apartment she'd ever set foot in. (She was even wearing one of his t-shirts, it was too big for her, and not something she'd usually wear, but it was better than what she had- a singlet with a hole in it.) She should get her bearings, find a place of her own, get a job, even.

A visit to a small coffee shop near Harry's place (was it there a week ago? Shannon couldn't be sure), and she was armed with a jumbo sized cup of chai, looking at the small noticeboard outside, which advertised used cars, garage sales and part time positions in sushi restaurants.

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Apr. 12th, 2006


i_ambadluck Short days, long nights [ OPEN ]

The City was decidedly boring. It wasn't the place itself that made Felicia want to bang her head against the wall; she just had nothing to do. There was no one here to work for. Or, at least the kind of work she wanted to do. Fisk wasn't here, so she had no real reason to steal anything. The only reason she'd do it for herself was to be un-bored, but then she'd have no use for what she'd taken. The things she needed she could buy; she hadn't even thought of shoplifting. It was so beneath her.

Felicia had actually been in the City for some time. All of her things were there too, but she hadn’t a thing to do with them. She would sometimes lie in her bed, staring into her closet at the black leather and white fur of her costume, telling herself she might as well go out and do something. Tonight was one of those nights.

Black wig left at home, her platinum hair blew softly in the nights wind. It’d been a while since she was costumed, so it took a little wiggling to get comfortable in the squatted “surveillance” position she’d taken on the building across from the apartments she was living in. Too bad this was turning out to be just as boring as any other day.

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Mar. 2nd, 2006


i_lurvejess Challenge # 1 - Felicia & Sam.

who sam and felicia.
what sam bumps into pretty girl, she invited him up to her apartment after he spins a story about dean wanting to move. fun times.
where uhhh. some street.
when today.

SAM·· Leaning back on the car he and his brother shared, Sam had a take-out cup of coffee in his hand and hazel eyes on the building in front of him. He hadn't had a dream for days, but somehow the building in front of him seemed familiar. It didn't look out of the ordinary compared to the rest of the apartments around, but for some reason... He had a vibe about the place. He couldn't say if it was a good vibe or a bad one, though, so he didn't move to go inside. Whatever it was, he couldn't see anything wrong right at that time, so he didn't really move.

He and Dean had come down to this particular neighbourhood so that Dean could visit his favourite coffee shop. He'd said that a friend had showed him the place and that they had amazing coffee, so Sam had just followed without a care. That was, until they passed that building. Since their run-in with Progo, the boys hadn't really seen much supernatural action, but Sam couldn't help but notice that this building was different from the rest.

Lifting his shoulders in a shrug, Sam pushed away from the dark green of the Chevy Impala. Dean had headed home to check if there was anything up with that particular building on the internet while Sam headed back to check out the physical thing. Whatever it was, it wasn't all that important yet, he guessed, and so moved towards the front of the car. And bumped into someone on his way, good job, Sam. "Oh, I'm sorry," he apologized, lifting his eyes to whoever he'd bumped into.

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Mar. 26th, 2006


i_witchblade what hurts the most. sara pezzini & ?

Sara Pezzini wasn’t exactly addicted to caffeine, per say... She just really, really liked having something to pick her up when she hadn’t had slept enough the night before. Well, actually, she’d get some caffeine pumping in her even if she’d gotten enough sleep. But that’s beside the fact. If anyone were to suggest that she were addicted to coffee, or really caffeine in general, the woman wouldn’t have much to say to them. But she’d get the point across, oh yes:

Sara Pezzini wasn’t addicted to anything.

Standing in the line-up at her favourite cafe, Sara sighed and tapped her foot. It wasn’t like she was late for anything, but she really hated standing in line. In truth, Sara really just hated waiting for anything. She was a true hot-head, impatient like no other, which had given her a reputation of rushing headlong into things with little to no thought for the consequences. She wouldn’t deny that it was true. Sara had ended up in the hospital too many times to count on one hand, thanks to the rush that she was always in.

Finally a sigh escaped her. She was getting pretty angry, and hell, this was her day off! Turning hear head a bit, she glanced to the clock and rolled her eyes. It was taking far too long (five minutes) for her to even get to the front of the line. Can we hurry up, people?!

“Jesus. You’d think people could hurry it up or something.” An angry mumble and a glance to whoever was standing behind her.


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