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Jan. 17th, 2006


i_seekgod Jesse VS Headvoices

This might be worse than you cavorting with Death

Jesse sat on the edge of his bed, Kojak lay on the other one. The dog was happily passed out,and had been since they'd gotten back. He'd immediately got onto the bed designated as his, flopped over, and fell asleep. Kojak hadn't even twitched once since.

"Might be? So now you approve of Death by default?" Jesse slid out of his boots and fished for his cigarettes. Not that he thought he'd actually smoke one, it just gave him something to do. He was far too tired to smoke.

She's young.

"You're observant."

A shadow fell across him, followed by the jangle of spurs. "And you?" Jesse asked. "Any words of wisdom, Duke?"

"Well." Came the low drawl. "It weren't that long ago that a gal her age would already be a wife and somebody's mother."
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Dec. 13th, 2005


i_seekgod Released (Open to anyone!)

Ah the taste of freedom. Sweet fresh air. Glorious beautiful day. Night. He realized it was night. The hospital had deemed him fit and healthy at some point during the afternoon. Discharge had taken a few hours, it seemed. He'd given them an address somewhere in Texas, to send the bill. More than likely, they'd get that mail back. Some time ago, he'd stopped hearing the gunfire. Or he was just used to hearing it now, and it didn't register as anything strange anymore.

As soon as Jesse stepped outside, he lit up a cigarette.

The delicious tobacco gave him a slight head rush on the first drag. A sure sign that it'd been entirely too long since his last smoke. The nicotine filled his lungs and his eyes involuntarily rolled back in his head. This is why he smoked. Moments like this. Remembering the flavor and the feeling. Ah. Beautiful.

A shadowy figure fell across him and spilled onto the ground at his feet. Jesse's smoke haloed it's head. The shadow smoke moved with the breath of the form. he didn't turn to see who it was, he already knew.

"What now, Pilgrim?" The voice itself was a swagger. The tone that could only belong to one man.

"Now what? I guess it's time to explore. I arrived here, or was sent here, for a reason." Jesse turned now and looked on the face of his childhood hero.

"And that fella, that Saint?" Thumbs hung in a gun belt. Hip canted. Hat forward.

"I don't know if he's here. I don't know if he even can be. But I suspect we'll find out sooner rather than later if he is. " Jesse enjoyed another drag before speaking again and turning to look at the dark city. "Don't think I'll just sit around and wait for him to show. Didi made the city seem pretty interesting, and I think I'd like to take a look around."

He could hear the shifting of spurs when the Duke moved. "Well then, what's first?"

"First. I need a drink." Jesse put his hands into the pockets of his jeans and realized then just what a mess he looked. "Maybe first I need to find some new clothes." He chuckled and shook his head. "No. Definitely a drink first."

It was a matter of trusting instinct and following the suggestions that came from Genesis that got Jesse to a bar. And before long, he'd settled in with a bourbon. The drink warmed his insides and let him have some time with his thoughts.
Already he was finding himself too comfortable. Too willing to stay here and forget what it was he was looking for. From what he could tell, the city wasn't the normal sort. There was something absolutely alive about it.

Every city has a pulse, but this one seemed to breathe.

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