War Is Coming Communications.

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War Is Coming Communications.


May 17th, 2010

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So I'm sorry, I didn't realize this before. However, I figured that it might be difficult for some of you to figure out what to get for the person you're going to be play Santa to. While going out and striking conversation would be a good way to start new interactions. I also realized that some people ... no offense, might not be the best at figuring out information without being obvious. Which is why, I think that maybe once in a while, people can mention an interest: favorite movie, book, food, pasttime, etc. When they post. This will not only help with your Secret Santas but friends, family members, and other loved ones who are stumped on gift ideas.

So. Lemmie start. If people haven't managed to figure it out by now: I'm a big sci-fi freak. If it is sci-fi chances are I probably like it. I've probably seen it. And I probably wouldn't mind owning it. I love shoes and purses. My favorite colors are purple, green, red, and black. I believe leather is sexy as hell. I support Zune not iPod. I love Anime and Manga. I also love large bodies of water. Hell, I love any body of water. When I was younger, I wanted to be Maid Marian I tend to listen to modern hard rock, modern alternative, punk, and pop punk. But I do enjoy certain rap and hip-hop artists, such as Snoop Dogg, Drake, Will I. Am, N.O.R.E.

I think that is enough to start with. It doesn't have to be as obvious or as much information as that. Just a little bit to get people going.


Edit: I had kind of meant on your And put your name on the subject. That way if people decide to comment to other comments and things get small. It'll be easy to figure out who is who.

May 8th, 2010

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Whoever you are, responsible person, we are not the Sims. Go find a new hobby.

[Kate and Paige]

You guys all right?

Filtered to Benji

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So, I think I might have hurt someone by accident.  Not badly but still...

What the hell is going on?

May 4th, 2010

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With the way things are going, I'm beginning to wonder if there is anyone left in this building who hasn't been experiencing dreams or other strange occurrences.


I know you don't know who I am but I got your name from one of your co-workers. I'm Benjamin Pierson and I want to know why the hell this buzzing sound rings through my head whenever you're around. I was wondering, forgive me if my question is intrusive, if you had anything on your person that ... buzzes. Because that has to be it. There has to be a logical explanation for this. Because I can take healing abilities but hearing noises onto of that?

[Paige and Cara]

The most interesting happened to me today.

I was working on opening a difficult package that some idiot person thought it was a good idea to wrap with tape just about a million times, when I sliced my hand open with a letter opener. To the bone. Strangely enough, that isn't even the interesting part. No, the interesting part is the fact that I don't have a scar to show for it.

It healed. Completely. Just like that.

April 27th, 2010

Filtered to Reception

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Is it just me or do most people who call here think that we have the combined IQ of a boiled potato?

April 24th, 2010

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Adam, what the hell is going on?  I ended up here somehow and I saw your name on the message board here so please tell me what happened.  Because I have a feeling that it isn't going to make me happy and I won't want to slap you if you tell me.
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