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War Is Coming Communications.



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May 4th, 2013

Sunnydale filter (includes LA folks too)

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Let's have a sound off. Who got swapped and who stayed behind?

No evil, Lord Harry, or Lily

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So, is this a regular sort of occurrence around here? People from different worlds swapping places? Some people were saying that we just have to sit tight and wait until this Seal sends us back, but, do we know that will happen? If it doesn't... our counterparts just have to stay trapped in our worlds too?

[Amy (it was Amy, right?)]
Are you feeling better? Did you get the medicine you said you needed?

Thank you for answering all my questions the other night. And sorry for bombarding you with them as well.

May 1st, 2013

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Alright, how the bloody hell did I end up in KANSAS? Really?

April 24th, 2013

Filtered against Evil

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So, anyone else feeling useless?  Thing is, I kinda felt that way before.  Just waiting for people to come back from a fight, hoping they weren't too banged up, doing the first aid thing.  Now, here, it's even worse.  I mean, I can't help with first aid, you guys have real doctors for that.  I'm no help in the fighting and people are getting hurt!  I'm not getting any visions so I can't even warn people!  This is just one situation where being arm candy is so not enough.

Someone give me something to do!  Something useful that stops people from getting hurt!  I'll even take some brain seizure inducing visions over this!

April 16th, 2013

Sunnydale Filter

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[Lindsey & Lilah included, even though...L.A. lol]

Say you've got someone messing with you head, tampering with your thoughts, making you have the worst nightmares known to man. Is there anything you lot know of that can prevent them from getting in?

And for inquiring minds, no, this isn't about me.

Dreams and head-tampering. Got potions to prevent that, love?

April 8th, 2013

Filtered against the Big L and his minions

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So hey, figured I should probably get to know some of my fellow prisoners stuck people?  Also, any places I should check out would be awesome, preferably ones that have coffee and doughnuts?  Bear claws!


So, we need coffee and catch ups.  I saw the whole classes thing and I'm pretty sure you know my response to that.  Also, if I don't get details on this Watcher/Slayer thing with Faith, I'm going to offer to hit a club with her and ask her.  Consider it a threat mister!


Shopping!  Tell me it's not all Discount bargain bins and flannel around here!

April 2nd, 2013

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I have some vacation time coming up. Go away with me.

April 1st, 2013

Now filtered against the EVIL and the big guy down below, or now above.

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Right so it's bad enough that I totally just lost my favorite pair of boots, and missed an audition this morning thanks to some rotten egg smelling demon mess, but now, I seem to have lost my apartment.  My wonderful rent controlled apartment.  Which, has some awesome features by the way, not the least of which is my very own ghost bed!  So while I appreciate the kidnapping and impending sacrifice and or demon spawning going on here, someone needs to just point me the way home. 

Also, replace my jacket which totally got destroyed on the way here.

March 31st, 2013

Friends Filter

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Really guys? I mean, seriously? You're playing into his hands by responding, you realize that, right? Have you all forgotten what happened in December when he last felt like toying with us? Or with the psychowitch?

I need a fucking drink.

[ooc: since it's been a while... friends filter includes the usual suspects, the rooftop boys, Andrew's friends, and pretty much anyone Peter is generally friendly with or drinks with ever. If unsure... most likely assume yes.]

March 27th, 2013

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[No evil, no vampires, no Gi no Ginger ...nope]
So, I've talked to the manager at that cafe and he's set me up on their list of performers. Just one for now, but we'll see how it goes. So, Saturday, April 13th, 5 PM, at [some quirky coffe shop type name], if you feel like it drop by and see the show.

[Miss Detective]
I feel like we've not talked in ages. Disapprove, Steph. You up to anything tonight?

So how is this going to work, hm? Are we not allowed to talk anymore, or
...fuck it

March 17th, 2013

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Up for a smoke?

You've been quiet lately. I get nervous when you get quiet. Still sleeping with the lawyer chick?

February 28th, 2013

Filtered Against Evil, Maleficent, and Peter V

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Um. So. Just so everyone knows? Jerry? He's... not really here.

Peter's seeing things. But by things I mean it seems to be Jerry specifically. And I know this because he started freaking out about Jerry being in the corner of our apartment a little while ago and he's not there. So. Don't worry about Jerry. Um.

Any ideas on why he might be seeing things? Because this isn't usual for him.

February 27th, 2013

No Evil. No Maleficent. and no FUCKING vampires (ETA: except Lexi)

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fuck fuck FUCK I saw him again. In town. Jerry.

I fucking knew this was fucking going to fucking happen. I fucking KNEW it.

[Amy, Ginger, Charley]
I hope you don't need reminding to be extra fucking careful.

January 24th, 2013

Filtered Against Evil, Jerry, Katherine

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Insomnia can kiss my fucking arse. Though, I'm thinking I might head up to the roof to watch the sun rise, since I'm actually awake for it.

Dinner out tomorrow night? I feel like going out somewhere nice.

You still mad at me?

January 5th, 2013

Filtered against Evil, Jerry, and Katherine

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Fixing up the AI building is coming along well. I'm going to need a better idea of what kind of classes and schedule we're looking at so we can tailor it to everyone's needs though. So it won't be quite done until that's set to go.

Business aside, I've been working with some of the magician's props I got for Christmas. The ones Andrew gave me, I mean. Piffy, Ginger, you both suck. You two are lucky I love you anyways, you fucking trolls. All that said, I am fucking horrifically out of practice. Ginger, you'd be ashamed of me.

no evil

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Knew I shoulda wished for unlimited alcohol instead of a house. Was hoping Mark might show back up at Christmas or something Ran out. What've I missed? Anyone wanna help me pick out furniture?

December 20th, 2012

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I'm a fan of this bauble idea.

And I may be growing a little sentimental.

December 19th, 2012

Angel Investigations

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What do you guys think about re-organizing a bit? I keep thinking about how unprepared we all were during that big round of demon attacks a few weeks ago. I feel like we should be finding better ways to use our time and skills to help out more around here.

I wanted to know what you guys think of re-organizing as a sort of teaching center for the people that show up here? I mean, there's the hunter camp already, but that's not held that often and not everyone goes. This would be more local. I'm not saying replace the hunter's camp, because Bobby is the best there is for that anyways. But we can cover the basics. What the general situation with Lucifer is, how to recognize a possessed person, the most basic defenses, that sort of thing. Enough to keep non-fighters alive. We can still keep on with the patrols and hunts as well, I'm just trying to think of more ways we can get involved.

December 18th, 2012

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[Peter Vincent]

You. Me. Drinks real soon, tonight if possible. Why? Because my birthday was last Friday.

ETA: Never mind.

Just got back to Mark's apartment. He's been sent back.

[Filtered to everyone else]

Seal sent Mark home. I'll be out of town

December 17th, 2012

No Evil. Or Peter V.

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So. I've got a question.

How come almost every time Peter V. comments somewhere someone's lurking on the sidelines waiting to twist his words all around to try and make him sound like a jerk? Or ignore half of what he says to try and just decide you get the gist even though you really don't to try to make him sound like a jerk? Because seriously. That's what a lot of you have been doing and I'm not a confronty person but it's really starting to cheese me off here, and guess what else? He might not say anything about it, and you guys that keep doing it might not care, but it's hurting him.

It seems like you guys all just want him to be the local badguy for whatever stupid reason. You need to stop it. You need to actually consider the things he says, not decide it's typed with a "tone." Yes, sometimes he says things he shouldn't, I admit that, and I even get onto him for that at home when it happens. But it doesn't happen as much as you guys are acting like it does. It's you guys deciding he's always being a jerk for some stupid reason.

So way to go. Way to pay attention and way to treat someone like crap that doesn't deserve it.
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