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War Is Coming Communications.



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August 12th, 2013

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[No Evi Friends On No Evil. Or vampires.]
Hasn't anyone learned yet? After Katherine, after Hal, after Jerry, after
Why is everyone so keen to take just turn the other cheek when shit like this
Fucking hell. There's no fucking point. I'm not even going to bother. Fuck this. In fact, fuck everything. Fuck vampires, and fuck the Seal. Fuck Lawrence and Vegas. Fuck Lucifer and fuck Jerry. And you know what? Fuck me, and fuck all of you too.

I just
Goddammit Andrew, why'd you
I miss you. I don't fucking know what to do now. Everything's gone to shit and you
You'd want me to try.
It doesn't even matter. None of it. It should, but it doesn't. Fuck.

I hate today. Also headaches. Why are headaches even a thing? Fuck headaches.

[Roof Boys]
Going upstairs for another drink. Anyone interested?

August 8th, 2013

Friends (minus Buffy)*

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Well, I need a drink or 10.

[Normally, Buffy would be included in this filter but NOT this time. Because reasons. And awkward.]

August 5th, 2013

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My books are all disorganized. The fuck happened while I
Never mind.
Fucking hell, that took weeks to set up right bef

Thinking I'm going to reorganize my books and things. I'm tired of boxes of shit all over the flat.

Feeling like getting spectacularly drunk with me?

Ginger's birthday is coming up. Next Thursday, if I'm remembering right. Help me figure something out?

I should probably
There wouldn't happen to be any of Piffy's dreamless sleep potions left, would there?

I saw your
I know how
never mind.

July 25th, 2013

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[Filtered to anyone who has dated/fallen for someone who might have been considered evil/morally ambiguous*]

So if you can see this then you’ve dated or had feelings for someone who has most likely done horrible things to either you, your friends and family, complete strangers or really any combination of all of those things.

So on a scale of 1-10 how extremely screwed am I for maybe possibly having feelings for someone who does horrible things?

Is it worth it to even try for anything or better to just try and squash all of those feelings like a bug?

Did your family and friends hate you for forever?

I just need insight. So much insight. All of the insight.


[*This filter does NOT include one Elena Gilbert, thank you]

July 23rd, 2013

Filtered Against Evil

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So this might sound silly, but all of our alcohol is gone, and I was wondering, can we make our own? If we ferment fruit, will it disappear once it turns into wine?

I'm bloody desperate, obviously.

July 22nd, 2013

Don't Bother Evil

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The sooner the stupid seal gives back my beer the better it will be.

July 20th, 2013

Filtered against evil

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I think Angel's gone. Again.

No Lucy's or agents of here

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"Oh, I'd sell my soul for a _______"

Now, if any of you kids actually mean that, come talk to me. I'm sure we can make a deal.

July 19th, 2013

No Bloody Evil

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I would like to know where the bloody HELL all my alcohol is.

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I've been fucking robbed. And whoever did it is gonna get their ass handed to them if they don't bring my shit back within the next hour. Hell, I'll even be nice. Two hours.

July 16th, 2013

No evil

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I am so bored. Anyone want to go shopping or something?

June 30th, 2013

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[no evil friends filter]
i keep running into
i should
i miss
i dont know what to say to anyone

hi? that's fucking stupid. why would

i'm sorry. for everything. for hurting everyone. for going to him. for hiding. i just... sorry.

June 25th, 2013

Filtered against Lucifer, Evil, and Whoever the Baddie of the Week Is This Week

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Apparently I've been Seal-napped again.

Hello, Lawrence.

Who's still here? And...who's new here?

June 18th, 2013

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[Filtered against evil, FN vamps and bleeding hearts who want to save Jerry]
So who has patrolled what so far? My friends and I have focused more around the area closer to the complex.

We need to get this done; finding that many vamps shouldn't take this long.

[Peter V]
So how much of you is even still in there, I wonder.

We need to finish this. Thoughts?

June 3rd, 2013

No evil, no Originals

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New teeth. That's weird.

You lot can quit panicking over me now. I'm fine. More than fine.

Or maybe you should really start panicking.

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[Sunnydale/LA (Buffyverse) filter minus Lilah]

You guys up for a patrol tonight with all this mess going on?

May 21st, 2013

No evil or vampires

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He's really not
I can't fucking belie
This was supposed to be fucking reassuring, fucking hell

I'm thinking I'm going to try and get another magic gig. The manager from the coffee shop last month seemed pleased with how the first went over. At the very least I think he'll put in a good word for me if I find somewhere else.

May 17th, 2013

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[Ben Parker]
'Sup, Kid? You've been quiet.

Good to have you back, btdubs.

May 15th, 2013

Filtered against baddies

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That was just....weird. Everyone else okay?

No evil or bad vampires

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Oh my god that sucked. Like hardcore full-on sucked. Never thought I'd actually be happy to find myself in Lawre Are we all back now? No one's still swapped out?

I read the shit the other me put up. God, I don't... I am so fucking sorry for anything he said or did.

Did he hurt you? Oh god, Harmony, the things he said, I swear to god, I don't think any of that and I never have and I'm so fucking sorry.

God, you're not going to like this
There is a whole lot of shit in my flat that I have no idea how it all got there. It wasn't there when we left town and I didn't put it there and a lot of it looks like the shit they handout at the complex when you show up and I swear it wasn't me that took it.
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