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War Is Coming Communications.



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April 16th, 2015

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I've been here over a month in local time. Is it always this weird?

[Filter: Jacen]
If you want to be helpful, or prove you can be helpful.

I need to figure out a job. Outside of working at a tapcaf - or restaurant or whatever they call them here - I'm not really certain what I'm qualified for.

[Filter: Mom]
I'm going fruit crazy at the market. You should see some of the stuff they have here.

April 8th, 2015

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Creepy as hell Titans I can handle.

Dolls? What the hell is this?

{ooc per the calendar: Bo and Levifind a doll each. The dolls keep doing creepy things. Like, giggling and singing, and moving when you’re not looking. And, if thrown away or destroyed they will return to the people who found them. They will continue doing creepy things until they are reunited.]

April 6th, 2015

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Well I've learned not to eat strange chocolate but that note is very concerning, seems like other got the same treatment, is this just more of the seal shenanigans then?

April 5th, 2015

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Did anyone else get an egg today? With a strange message inside? The only person that could possibly know that isn't here Just wondering.

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While I greatly appreciated the chocolate I did not appreciate the note that came with it. Whoever this A is needs to mind their own bloody business.

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She never thought she'd miss the noise.

Mara, Jacen, are you still there?

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It seems its happened again. Powers swapping, some with becoming human, some becoming something else, non powered gaining something.

It can be interesting but also dangerous. I urge caution. Find out who your abilities belong and ask their help. Guidance. Its the only way through this.

[Filtered against those from my galaxy]

To whoever has gained my power. I am truly sorry. And I will help you.

You'll notice power yes, but a taint to it. An unshakeable darkness. And you will need to balance that. Contact me if this sounds right to you.


I dont quite know how to explain, but when it happens, when the powers swap. Its easier. I feel more like me than I have in over a decade.

So I need you to know. I'm trying. Even like that, with that power. I am trying.

But I want you to know I'm sorry too, for it all, for the burden I placed on you. The cruelties of the past.

For Mara.

April 2nd, 2015

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Cut for picture, not filter )

Local custom? Or just an oddity?

March 24th, 2015

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I've been here long enough that I think I need to start thinking about a job. Any suggestions? I can do just about anything and I'm not picky.

March 18th, 2015

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I think I should have liked to stay a ninja, to have Family. A mind without purpose will perforce wander dark places. But a stream cannot choose where it flows, subject as it is to the whims of geography.

Now we've divided again, and everyone's afraid, or angry. And it all flows into and through her, like sand through grasping fingers.

I want to help. With the Vampire. How can I help?

March 15th, 2015

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Transports. I could probably figure it out, but would anyone be willing to give me a crash course in driving one?

[Filter: Mara Jade Skywalker]
I keep thinking I'll get less confused, but I haven't yet.

March 10th, 2015

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[Filtered away from Sara and Thea]
How do you tell someone you care about what their fate is back home and that your own sister was manipulated into it all in an insane attempt to kill the head of the League of Assassins?

ETA: [Thea]
Sara needs to know about home. If she doesn't she'll eventually come across the show. Better it come from us now and we explain.

March 8th, 2015

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I keep putting in the request for the planet with the posh hotel suite, sanisteams, dancers, and I don't know, maybe a really tender nerf steak buffet? and I keep ending up on Force-forsaken planet #4518.

Someone care to explain why I keep drawing the card with the latter and not the former? It's the last name, isn't it? I knew I should have had it legally changed after that last galactic crisis.

March 7th, 2015

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So, apparently the deadliest woman in the galaxy, can still be distracted by a dance-off.

I think this deserves mocking. All of the mocking in the universe.

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I explained to most of you about how it works. How you become a Sith? A saccrifice.

Well, Mara Jade Skywalker was mine only she doesn't know it yet.

I'm going to talk to her but just...bear with me for a while. It won't be easy.


Recognise me? I suspect I'm a little older than you remember.

March 3rd, 2015

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Why did I wake up in a graveyard and what was that thing that wouldn't let me out of it?

Call me crazy but I'm pretty sure this is not the planet I woke up on this morning.

September 17th, 2013

Filtered from Evil

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When the attack comes, and it will. I need to know what we have to work with. Numbers, abilities, weapons. I want no secrets, and believe me trying to keep those from me is essentially pointless.

Because I refuse to sit and wait for meetings or decisions about who should lead the fight. Unless you can think of someone more qualified. I'm being tactical. Because we'll all die unless someone is.

August 16th, 2013

Force Users sans Luke

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Do excuse me while I go and hit something repeatedly for a while. Also don't worry, I'm still here.

[OOC: As of posting this, Mara's concealed her presence in the Force so as not to let her emotions bleed into everyone else.]

No Evil

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What the Sithspit!? I'm quite positive this isn't Yavin 4 or any sort of Rebel Base.

July 23rd, 2013

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[Filtered to Force Users]

Do you feel it?

[Filtered to Jacen Solo]

He's gone.

[Filtered to Elena Gilbert]

He's gone, isn't he.
I can't

[ooc: yup, the feeling is the lack of Anakin in the Force :(]
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