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War Is Coming Communications.



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September 18th, 2012

Filtered Against Baddies, Katherine, and Jerry

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I got the house! On 10/1/12 I officially become a homeowner.

One of the very best things about this is the fact that I will get to do so much shopping to fill it the way I want.

Now, if someone would explain to my dear mother that I am more responsible than I was when I was six that would be fantastic.

September 16th, 2012

Filtered Against Evil, Katherine, and Jerry

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Not that you can hear his reply, but could someone please tell my dad I'm an adult and have been for a while and will have a cranberry and vodka if I damn well want to?

And while we're at it, could you mention no one's liked Rick Astley in years and if he rick-rolls me one more time I'm going to tear my hair out?

September 15th, 2012

Filtered from Evil

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So, a lot of people have been seeing things, people they know aren't here, people from their past, and for a lot of you its awful and I'm sorry.

..but is anyone seeing someone they like, someone good.

Because this time, for one time, the seal really really did come through for me.

September 11th, 2012

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Fuck my life. No, seriously. Just fuck it. I'm done giving a shit. I'm getting completely plastered tonight and if anyone gives a damn, make sure I get back alive. If not, I don't fucking care.

Filtered against Evil and Vampires aside from Lexi

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I know we've had a handful of new arrivals since I last brought this up. If anyone here is interested in theater work of any sort, be it performing, writing and composing, management, or backstage work like set building, costumes, makeup, etc., I'm leading a group of performers. We're still in planning stages, and we could really use more help, especially for behind the scenes work.

Magic-users, we specifically need some help from you. Zatanna was going to help us with glamours so that we wouldn't attract too much attention for having celebrity facetwins. With her gone, we'll need someone else to help us out.

[Filtered to the Theater Group]

Hey everyone. Meant to send this over the weekend, but... well. Shit happened, obviously. To those of you who've lost friends, my sincerest condolences.

We're now down at least a couple of members of our already tiny group. Zatanna's gone, and Oliver, who was going to sponsor us, but they're the only ones I know for certain. I've seen a few of you popping up on the boards. Others, not so much. Please respond to this so we know who all is still here. [EDIT] Maureen is gone as well. And possibly Rachel - love, if you are here, speak up![/edit]

On a more positive note, Marguerite and I went looking around for a venue last weekend, and we've found a few places we could try renting out. I know a couple of you have money to spare thanks to the Seal or wish-baubles or what the fuck ever. I'm not going to demand any one person pays for the whole thing, but whatever you can contribute would be much appreciated.

We need to figure out what sort of show we're going to put on. I believe someone suggested a cabaret style show, the last time we met up? Anyone have other ideas, come talk to me.

I just wanted to say how very sorry I am about your boyfriend. If you need some time, I will completely understand.

September 10th, 2012

Filtered Against Baddies

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Well, I know Darcy is still around considering I currently live with her, but I'm not sure about most of my other friends. So, if you are a friend of mine please tell me you're here.

Also, I was told when I re-arrived that there was a theater thing being formed and that I should get in touch with... someone. But I don't remember who the someone is or know if the someone is even still around. So I was hoping to get some information on who to contact about that if the person in question is still here. I know it's a sensitive time and all, but I thought I would ask now while the question was still fresh in my mind (again) instead of putting it off and possibly delaying to the point of the theater thing not being possible.

September 8th, 2012

Filtered against Baddies & Katherine

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Just so the people I actually care abo everyone is aware, I spent the day out house shopping. Not only that, but I submitted an offer for one. Now I only have to wait to hear back.

The house is stunning.

Here's a picture! )

Clearly I'm going to be needing help in the demon/etc. proofing once it becomes mine as I have no idea how to do much of any of that.

August 30th, 2012

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[Cheerleading squad]
So...long holiday weekend, lovelies. I will see you Tuesday, practice for tomorrow is cancelled and we didn't have one on Monday. Have a safe weekend! :)

If you still need the pay, I'll take care of it and leave you some extra Tuesday when I'm back, but I'm going up to Indianapolis for the weekend, leaving tomorrow morning, and the boys are coming with so enjoy the long weekend, sweetie.

[Scorpius & Kurt]
I'm going out of town with Florence for the weekend. The boys & I are leaving tomorrow and we'll be back Monday evening. Try not to burn the house down while I'm gone ;)

...seeing as how it's Labor Day weekend, feel free to have a party if you want to use the place with a few rules:

1. If there's liquor, I don't want to know about it and be responsible.
2. Clean up after it.
3. My room & the boys' bedroom are off limits entirely.

I left you a few hundred in the safe. Don't spend it all in one place, sweetie :P

August 29th, 2012

Filtered to Kurt

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I didn't get to say hi to you yet.

August 27th, 2012

Filtered Against Baddies and Katherine

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Well, stage one of my return is complete. I found a new car today.

Next on my list: Find my own place again.

August 24th, 2012

filtered against evil

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Look. All teams have problems, nobody is perfect but this is getting out of control. Do any of you know what it's like to lose a city? Do you really want that happening here? At this rate that's where we're headed if we can't get our shit together and look at the bigger picture. We have an apocalypse breathing down our necks. Not all of us are going to get along all the time, but if we put this much division between us, we're going to lose this city. I for one do not want to go through that again. I lost my city already, everything I knew and everyone I loved was wiped out by a madman because in the end there was only one of us left willing to stand up and fight for it. I lost Bludhaven and I do not want to see this city go through the same thing. I don't care about drama, I care about making sure this city has a future. Making sure we all do. That having been said, I will do whatever it takes to make sure we get to see a better tomorrow but we can't if we tear eachother apart from the inside. Don't forget why we're here. We're in this together, together we can handle anything.

Filtered against evil and Katherine

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Dear Seal,

Could we maybe go just one week without incident? That would be amazing. Look into that for us, would you?

Residents of Lawrence

[Clark Clark K Fuck, how do I even Clark the first?]
Maybe that will work? Is Kon okay...?

[ooc: added a little later]

Hey sweetie, you think you could keep an eye on the twins for a couple of hours? I've got a date plans tonight and the way everything exploded last night I totally forgot to ask Prim if she could watch them.

Filtered against Baddies and Katherine

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It's really no surprise that not paying rent for nearly a year leads to an eviction. But, oh well. It's not like I could really explain to the landlords why it was that I wasn't around to pay them.

Complex, here I come. Until I can find a new suitable residence.

On the plus side, it gives me all the more reason to shop.

August 23rd, 2012

Filtered Against Baddies

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Honestly, one of these days the Seal is going to have to realize that I'm of no use here aside from bringing more flair to this place. And when it does, perhaps it will stop trying to play tug-of-war with me. Ugh.

Anyway, I'm back. Catch me up. What have I missed? Who's still here? Who's gone? What wacky hijinks have gone on?

February 7th, 2012

Filtered against Baddies, Joker, Katherine, and Moriarty

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Well, I've returned. Sorry about my absence without warning, but with so many of the people I care about up and disappea I just felt I needed to get away for a while, and I'm certainly glad I did.

However, it seems that I've returned to find, surprise of all surprises, that we're in the middle of yet another crisis situation. Don't worry, I've read several of the posts from the last couple of weeks and I'm taking precautions already. The last thing I want is to get caught up in this mess.

December 16th, 2011

Filtered Against Baddies

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I'm sorry I ran off for so long
Without a word to anyone before I went
No one did anything wrong
And worrying people was not my intent
Why is this coming out in song?

Leaving was just something I had to do
I needed to clear my head and have some space
Before I developed a new issue
I know it wasn't exactly safe
But it was a feeling I had to pursue

But not to worry, I've come back
And I'll try not to disappear again
I know if I do I'll get nothing but flack
But if I do just send out some henchmen
And that would cause a bit of a drawback

[ooc: So yeah. Not an existing song, but hey, I made an attempt here!]

September 15th, 2011

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Okay, could someone tell me what's going on? Why are we in Kansas? I've got to get my boyfriend home, okay. This isn't cool.

September 16th, 2011

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[Texts to Burt]

>I'm sorry! Apparently we REALLY lost track of time. I'll get Dave to bring me home.
>>Or not. Dad, we have no idea where we are. I'll be home as soon as possible.

September 12th, 2011

filtered to kurt.

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So. It's my birthday on Thursday, did you want to do something? I kinda want it to be quiet, maybe just us? I know that's totally weird for me but, yeeeeeeeah.

September 9th, 2011

Filtered away from evil + Donna.

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Reply to this post with your favourite strange food combination if you've ever watched Doctor Who or know anything about it.
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