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War Is Coming Communications.



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November 11th, 2012

Filtered against all current evils, Cindy, Prim, and Katniss

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Whatever happened to us not being allowed to go on hunts before we're eighteen? We can't go to camp before, which is a safe learning environment, so forgive me if I don't understand the logic here.

November 2nd, 2012


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So your post-birthday plan/ your present from me for tomorrow is a surprise. Which means you're not flying us there. I'm driving us there.

October 30th, 2012

filtered against evil

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I just got cut off at Starbucks. I don't think that's legal, is it? It's not like coffee is alcohol or something, right? Legally, if I want to try a venti size of every seasonal beverage Starbucks offers in one afternoon I should be able to do that. In fact, I should be applauded for stimulating the economy (because they charge insane prices for that coffee, honestly, I bet I could make...well maybe I couldn't make my own Pumpkin Spice Latte but I bet someone else could make their own Pumpkin Spice Latte if they had some syrup or whatever it is they use, it can't be that hard) and also for the sheer efficiency I have displayed since then. Do you know how much dust was under Kon's bookshelf? A lot of dust. Hey Kon, I cleaned under your bookshelf so you wouldn't have to turn eighteen and enter adulthood with a dusty under-shelf. You're welcome. I also cleaned my entire apartment and did my homework for the week and wrote an email to an environmental group in New York detailing the best way in which to redirect the disrupted migration patterns of tropical birds post-hurricane.

Also I got into college today which is nice. Now I need something else to do. Maybe I'll try to make more coffee, maybe I will try to make food to go with it! Today is my day to conquer cooking at last, I can feel it.

I got into the regular track at KU. I got wait listed for the honors college. Apparently my essay, extra-curriculars, and recommendation letters were impressive but my GPA was slightly subpar and they were "troubled by [my] attendance gaps." So now I just have to wait to see if someone gives up their spot to go somewhere else, because if they do I get in. So I just need to distract myself from things I can't control until this resolves itself. Hey, Aunt Jaina, you should teach me to drive!

October 21st, 2012

filtered against evil

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You know, when I was assigned covering the local pumpkin growing contest I had a feeling it was going to be the most boring piece I’d ever write--and this coming after having to write about the hayride that broke down a few weeks back.

Turns out pumpkin growing is fiercely competitive around here and some people believe threatening the judges at gunpoint is what one should do after they don’t get the blue ribbon. Then taking said judge up the water tower to become a full-blown hostage situation.

Oh Kansas. Never change.

...so maybe trouble does follow me everywhere.

October 15th, 2012

Filtered from evil or whatever

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Someone remind me that I love this stupid dog because HE ATE MY PURPLE BOOTS.

Not just bit. Not carried across the floor and now there are teeth marks. Not chewed. NO ATE.


No amount of damn puppy face is getting him on my good list for at least a week.

And they were BRAND NEW.

I didn't even get to wear them.



CLARK. You owe me new shoes. He's YOUR dog.

October 13th, 2012

Filtered against Lucifer.

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I really shouldn't eat sugar before going to bed. It ends with fairly...vivid dreams.

(Filtered to friends -- aka people who generally talk to CK here)
Are we sure we know where every bit of kryptonite here is?

Where are you? You haven't been talking to any strange people lately, have you?

...stranger than usual, that is.

October 9th, 2012

filtered against evil

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Summary of the night, bananas are evil. Carry on.

October 5th, 2012

filtered against evil

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For those of you that knew her, Ariel's gone. The seal took her home. So, my best friend and my cheerleading coach in one day. If any of the rest of you so much as flicker in the Force I'll
Darcy was one of the only people who ever treated me like I was just a normal teenager, not an heir to anything or a Jedi or

October 1st, 2012


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I'll be out of town for a few days. Hunting. If you need me, I'll have to get there the norma have my phone on.


Can you watch the cat for me? I don't want to leave her alo If Daisy doesn't mind, I mean?

September 30th, 2012

Filtered against Lucifer.

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...what? )

How could someone possibly confuse me with a "purple Superman?"


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So I think we should talk. About what I was getting at the other day, asking you about the future.
Why am I so nervous about
I was going to ask you to
I wondered if
Kriff, this is dumb

September 24th, 2012

Sam Winchester

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I need a hunt. Or three. As soon as possible.

[Uncle Luke]

Is she any better?

[Tenel Ka, Allana]

Thank you.

Filtered Against Evil

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So I think Vergere just gave me a clue to all this.

Either that or it was about the ramifications of the Balance through the wider universes.

Or she does actually just give me gardening tips and then wonders why I never garden.

Anyway we may have been right on the Death part. Not the Seal and not Lucifer. But if he's one of the four, shouldn't he be on Team End the World

September 22nd, 2012

filtered against evil, jerry, and katherine

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I just finished my application for KU and handed it in to my guidance counselor on Friday. She was a little disappointed that I wasn't applying anywhere else and I couldn't exactly say I needed to stick around to help stop the apocalypse, so I had to make up some story about needing to stay close to home because of "family stuff." So now, between that and telling them when I enrolled last year that I didn't know much history or literature because my parents were religious fundamentalists who had been homeschooling me, I am pretty sure the Lawrence High administration now thinks that I was raised in a cult or something. Sorry, family?

I also finished the application a little over a month early, so I have time to decide if I want to apply to the KU honors college. Except I don't have a freshman/sophomore GPA and I didn't start out at all A's, especially in history, junior year, and I only even got moved to AP track this year, so it's sort of a wild card whether I would get in or not since the average GPA they accept is 3.9 and mine is...lower 3.7 so not much but I'm not. So I don't know. None of you were academics before you were pulled through to here who could tell me whether I should even try, were you?

Of course I guess the world could just end in a big ball of fire before June and I'll be worrying for nothing, but I like to think positive.

Have you thought about what you're going to do after we graduate? You know, if we survive till June.

September 18th, 2012

filtered against evil and Katherine and Gaia

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I think I'm caught up. No more school, no more books, no more teachers dirty looks (until tomorrow ugh why is it only Tuesday) I'm caught the hell up. If there is a homework God, I hope he is appeased and decides to give me a break this weekend. I want to play the new Kirby, Little Big Planet and Rayman games.

September 17th, 2012


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My Dad says Vergere isn't the reason he became Caedus. Is that true? Or is he going to snap again with her here and

September 16th, 2012

filtered against evil

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Just so all of you know, I don't have a ghost, and I'm quite adept at defensive uses of the Force it's what your master tends to concentrate on when only a dozen people who want to assassinate you is a good week. While I might not be able to do anything about your ghost talking to you, I can certainly protect you from flying objects. If your ghost is getting hostile, please let me know and I can try to help.

That said I'm just one person. Is anyone else ghost-free or with a friendly ghost and feeling able to help others out?

September 10th, 2012

Filtered from evil and Katherine and vampires that aren't Lexi

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I want to know what’s being done with Watchtower. Not the entire residential part, but the top area with all of the information. It was one thing when my cousin was the one in charge of all that information, but I am not liking the idea with all of that info being in one place for people to access.

I want my files deleted. I want Chloe’s files deleted. I also want the Clark from my universe’s files to be deleted. I think everyone else should get to decide what happens to any info about them that’s there as well. I get say on those three. Fight me on it, I dare you.

I also want the tracking devices that Chloe had for me to stop tracking me. I know she had one on my phone but I’m fairly sure she had others as well.

And finally, what the hell is going on with the special weapons room? Because yeah, no. I wasn’t all that happy when I was told about a room full of that stuff being in Watchtower to begin with, but I’m liking it even less now. Clark, Kon, and Kal should get a say in what happens to it, considering I’m pretty sure it can only really hurt the three of them.

I might have other questions later, but those are the ones to start.

Filtered against evil

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If someone could make some sort of tracking device that would tell us whether someone was here, or not - not locations, just whether or not they were in this dimension - would that be something worth trying? Or would most people just be too wigged out about being tracked at all to even do it? It wouldn't really work unless people were willing. I don't know if it would even work or not at all, honestly... I just noticed a lot of people were pretty frantic last night, trying to make sure everyone was still here. This way, they could just... check, so if someone isn't answering quickly enough, they don't have to panic?

I don't know, it was just a thought.

[Family Filter]

We should do something. Go somewhere, maybe, for a day or two. We might get sent back at any time, and I really don't w


Any chance you feel like doing something to lighten things up a little? Something harmless, where no one gets hurt and/or imperiled and/or killed? I feel like people could use a smile.

Plus, you've been too quiet, lately. I'm going to start thinking you're up to something, soon.

September 9th, 2012

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Text to Ariel
>>You're still here right?

Text to Kon
>>Hey, come by when you can tonight?
>>I would have felt it if you'd gone home, but I think I'd really like to hug you right now anyway.

>>I'm really glad you're still here. I was weirded out by everything that happened but this made me remember you could just go and I'd never see you again and you'd be
>>...just so you know, I guess.
>>Also mom's staying with me. You know, in case you were worried about where she'd go.
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