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War Is Coming Communications.



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June 20th, 2015

No Known Threats

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Alright, Lawrence. Looks like we're back then.

Uhmmm, if you don't know me. I'm Tom, I was here before and all. And, with me mates. And we all seem to have arrived together.

Anywhere, yeah. Hi.

June 18th, 2015

No evil

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Damn! I can't believe this. Really, Seal? Really. Start making a good friendship just a little and it slips through your fingers. Ummm.. okay. I believe that Minerva McGonagall was sent back. I can't locate her, and her things are gone too. I know she goes back to a great life and she does many good things. But this version of her was great to know. She's gone now.

.. I have to do something now. I wish we had butterbeer or firewhiskey. But I'll settle for doing hexes on inanimate targets, or Seeker practice at the quidditch field. She was a good friend and teacher. I just hate it when they get taken away.

June 11th, 2015

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Well, at least that's over.

Now the question is, is what strange thing is going to happen next week? Because really, that wouldn't surprise me.

June 10th, 2015

no canon mates - plot

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I guess there's an upset to not having a lot of people from home here. I really only have to worry about one person being "missing" now. If someone talks to Lydia, please reassure her I'm okay. I know Rose said she would, but I figure some extra reassurance won't hurt.

( Lissa )
I saw Rose yesterday. She wanted me to tell you she's okay and that she still really wants to have that coffee whenever "the seal stops fucking with is" I think were her exact words.

June 1st, 2015

Bellamy blake net post

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Anyone know how long this is supposed to last? Or how to get rid of them permanently? I'm tired of the broken record. I already know it's my fault. I was the reason Murphy was out for blood.

-- Hey

May 9th, 2015

Against known threats

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Finals are next week... It'll be good to start a fresh set of classes for summer. It's some-. Strange to think that with everything... Well with everything it's good to finish out a full academic year. It's weird... but it's good.

I was wondering if you'd be willing to teach me how to fight. I know I'll never be especially strong or as fast, but I'd like to learn more self defense. I'd have asked Rose or Dimitri or Allison... but---

April 3rd, 2015

Against Evil

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Something is really wrong.

I can't feel...

I don't have Spirit anymore.

Whatever is going on with everyone, it's happening to me too.

Are you okay?

[Sam Winchester]
I remember seeing that you might have rooms at the bunker you mentioned? Is that still the case?

April 2nd, 2015

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Did anyone else notice people talking in pig Latin all day yesterday?

( Filtered: Lissa and Adrian )
How are you guys feeling? Can I get you anything?

( Filtered: Lydia )
This weekend, we're taking a day to just lay around and do nothing except watch bad tv and eat mass amounts of junk food.

March 27th, 2015

No Rose

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How do I even
My apologies for

Thank you, everyone who restored me. Especially you, Lissa. I am forever in your debt.

I know I caused a lot of pain during my time here. And, for that I can only apologise.

As for the current issue. It's my fault, and I will fix it. It's the least I can do.

March 26th, 2015

No Known Threats, definitely no Rose

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Well, that sucked. Saved one to lose another.

We've still got a problem on our hands, guys. Dimitri turned Rose before we got there. And, she knows how we think. And, knows us.

We need to save her, and fast. Before she does too much damage.

March 25th, 2015

backdated, about 9 or 10pm on 3/24/15

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( VA World, Other Friends of Rose & Lissa* + Lydia - No One Who Wants to Kill Dimitri is included )
He has Rose.

Kirk got caught out after dark and the bastard used him to lure Rose out. Lissa is freak I'm not really sure what happened after that, but he and Rose are both gone. We need to find them and fast.

Magic users, we need a locator. If you need something of hers, I can make that happen.

Lissa has the charmed stakes she needs to restore him, but with his strength and speed, we need a way to restrain him while she stakes him. That means plenty of muscle or enough magic to immobilize him. We need a plan, so if you've got one, let's hear it. If you just want to talk about how we should have acted sooner or should have just killed him, save it. We don't have time for it. We're going to get Rose back and we're going to get Dimitri back to normal. Any argument for anything else is just a waste of time.
*feel free to assume this means anyone on patrol teams, anyone from TVD and SPN verse and anyone else Rose or Lissa have interacted with IC, which is a lot. If you want to handwave friendship with either of them, just talk to me or Maxi, also.

March 13th, 2015

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This is not what I thought Spring- Spring Break.

Have you eaten anything today yet?

How are you feeling?

I'm really worried about... Everyone.

I know I can handle it, can do it, but what about what me doing this will do to Allison? And Adrian's talking to his dead Aunt and telling the world about it? I just... I'm worried.

I'm really sorry for... everything.

I don't know how much you know right now, but I think I should explain everything to you.

March 1st, 2015

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Greetings, Lawrence! For those of you I haven't met already, I'm Allison Argent. I live over in Graeves House with my best friend Lydia and we have decided to throw a party on St. Patrick's day. Everyone's invited, but please let me know if you're coming so we can get an idea of how much food and stuff we need to have on hand.

( Lydia and Lissa )
I found out who my secret admirer was.

February 27th, 2015

No known threats or kids

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Well, that was an interesting week. I can't really explain. Just that it was unusual and involving personal stuff. I'm probably not the only one. Or maybe I am, I don't know. I hadn't felt like that since Prue Didn't think I would ever have that type of feeling again Still don't know who that weird hugging man is or what his deal was. Did anyone else also feel like th

Any updates on the Lawrence rugaru situation? Has it been taken out yet? If it is still at large, I'd like to work together in tracking it down. I've been keeping my eyes open but haven't seen anything of note yet, but still looking around. I know fire kills it and have a few things in that category to use. I don't suppose we can just trap it in a condemned building and light it all up Okay so it worked once on alien bugs and I know we can't always do that, even if it's so much fun to blow monsters up Anything I can do to help, I'm there. I can supply a few weapons and hunting supplies too. Also if anyone might want a sparring partner for combat practice, I could do that too. My name is Damien Thorn.

ETA: Rugaru threat has been handled. But if anyone wants to spar or do a gym workout thing, or needs more weapons (still have more silver arrows), let me know and we'll arrange a time for it.


So, umm.. hi. I'm Damien. But you probably know that from the above post. I live in Greaves House, friend of Kirk, I patrol sometimes, and I have a non-relative twin named Christian. So I'm just going to, as they say. Fess up. The bow, the really badass one with a scope, the silver arrows, and card. That was me. I'm still trying to figure out why, but I suppose it's another Lawrence mystery.

I understand if this was awkward, since we never spoke before and you don't know me aside from being the neighbor guy in the other building. Or from the survival classes, I'm in a lot of those. And I hadn't given gifts to anyone I didn't know, it's usually to friends, or to.. to Prue, when she was here. It's cool if you want to keep the stuff though. They can still be useful to you for defense or practice, or in case we get attacked in a big fight again.

February 16th, 2015

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I guess I have a secret admirer. Thanks, whoever you are.

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Left at the apartment door of Allison Argent

- expensive, state of the art, strong but nimble bow [with scope attachment]
- couple quivers of arrows [silver arrowheads]
- envelope with $500 gift card inside

There is an anonymous note addressed to her that reads:

From an admirer, giving you well wishes and hopes that this gift will serve as adequate protection in this place. May your days be filled with victory, contentment, and joy.

February 12th, 2015

No known Threats

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I can't stop thinking about this guy, and I don't even know who he is. He's good looking, longer hair than I normally like on a guy, but he just wont get out of my head. Like at all.

Is there some directory of the displaced or something somewhere? I need to find this guy now

February 9th, 2015

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I've already been told that I'm in Kansas for some ungodly reason and that I can't get back home. In that case point me in the direction of the nearest bar. I could use a drink.

January 12th, 2015

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What the actual crap

So, people getting shot and thrown through walls, does that happens a lot?

What about actually seeing all the blood through someone else's

( Lissa )
I think we need to talk. At least, I really hope you have an explanation for what I just experienced, because the alternative is that I'm losing my mind.
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