War Is Coming Communications.

October 22nd, 2013

October 22nd, 2013

Filtered from Evil

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Few things I learned today.

1. I am remarkably attractive when mad with the power
2. I really want fugu
3. Kenzi throws pillows hard for a tiny human
4. Is it wrong that I sorta miss Evony?

Filtered from Evil

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I suggest we give this till the end of the week and make a decision one way or the other.

Do we say something publicly, prove ourselves on our own terms or do we deny it and let those of us that can, try to contain this?

If we go public, We'd have more resources for the war but we'd also make them targets. Untrained and unready, dangerous.

On the other hand, if they believe Loki is real, or I'm real or any number of us...they'll look into our very well documented histories and they'll know what we can do.

We all know what that will start. At least I know what I'd do if the roles were reversed back home

No evil

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So what exactly, aside from this media thing people are talking about which I have no ideas how to handle, are we supposed to be doing? Because I feel like there's got to be something I should be doing, here...

[Mitchell & Lydia]
Sorry for being sort of...bitchy the other day. It's just...so much is happening and I'm still kind of lost and... I don't know. How are you?

Is that what your whole life has been?

no evil

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I don't want to lose this.
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