War Is Coming Communications.

October 23rd, 2013

October 23rd, 2013


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Did you want to come to Rose's party on Halloween?

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I received a phone call while I was at work today.


I just wanted to thank you for your hospitality the last several days. I know it hasn't been easy having so many people around. Is there anything I can do to help out?

no evil

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Right, great, fantastic. Not feeling that well now and
war. Not the time.

If there's anything else anyone needs medically let me know I'll do what I'm able.

Don't quite know what to say to you.

Filtered to Storybrooke people

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I really hate that I'm even bringing this up. Believe me. Because there'd be a price.

But there was a spell back home right, a side effect of the Dark Curse, the reason the outside world didn't find Storybrooke.

Regina, do you know what Rumple did, what that spell was? I mean if it came to it and that's the decision that got made. Could you? Or is magic of that level something only the Dark One could do?

Filtered from Evil

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You do realise all this worry and infighting is exactly what Lucifer wanted right? Probably planned the whole thing. Have to admit it's a good idea.

Focus. Or why are we even bothering at all.


Lovely girl Lauren.
Did you ever notice, she doesn't look entirely unlike you. Just y'know, tangible.


At some point you probably should stop assuming I'm planning some mass killing or recruitment spree. 

Its getting trying


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I told Bekah I'd try.



What the hell is my life that I am even attempting this conversation right now?

The 3 of my siblings I'm on speaking terms with are all bloody insane. Just so you're aware.

(ETA)[Siblings (minus Nik)]
I blame all 3 of you for this.

Filtered from evil/Lord Harry/kids

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People, feel free to ignore the giant wanking arsehole that is Lord Harry. He's a twat who has ambitions of actually "culling the herd" as he just described it to me, and wants to turn a bunch of people into vampires.

For shits and giggles.

Oh and Lauren? I know you're fucking the evil version of my boyfriend, so if you ever come near me, I will rip off your fucking head. We clear, you little skank?

no evil

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I think I'm going stir crazy.

Text to Regina

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>>I am coming into the house and I am bringing Katerina her kitten.
>>Anything you'd like me to give her, have ready.
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