War Is Coming Communications.

January 25th, 2013

January 25th, 2013

Filtered to Hermione & Sadie.

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Oi! Where do you two midgets think you're going?

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[Sam Winchester]

You offered me help with my living arrangements...

Does that offer stand?

Filtered to Kurt

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You know what I realized I need? A car. And I have money now. so...you wanna go car-shopping with me?

House of Lust

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I left today, to help a boy who just got here. We're staying at my house. Just wanted to let you know, in case you were wondering where I disappeared to.

Are you settling in all right so far?


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Hey, I have a question. It's no big deal or anything...but I was just curious. Where'd those scars come from?

Filtered to HP House

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This is ridiculous. You're running each other out of the bloody house, blowing up at each other. And why? Over something that wouldn't have been such a big deal if things hadn't gotten blown out of proportion. And it just keeps going and bloody going.

Personally, I don't want any of you to feel the need to leave, but you just keep pushing at each other to the point where you're driving each other out of the bloody house. My bloody house, when you get down to it.

I'm not trying to take sides here, I'm just saying that all of you that are all riled up should calm down and stop attacking each other.

Edit: Being as things keep getting worse, I'm going to England for a little while. Possibly also Scotland. Places may not be exactly how I'm used to them, but I could use some calmi familiar scenery right about now. I'll be back later.

no evil

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That loud noise you might have heard was me head desking. Don't mind me.

No evil

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So, quick question. Considering I'm less likely to be needed in the middle of the night to handle rampaging dinosaurs, I figure I should probably work on getting more than just a couple of hours sleep a night. Only I seem to be having trouble getting to sleep in the first place. Any chance of some sleeping pills or similar? Since I technically don't exist here and even if I did there is no chance of me being able to afford anything medical in the US. Honestly I think it might actually be cheaper to fly to the UK, get something on the NHS and then fly back. First time in a long time I dreamed of Afghanistan last night.

filtered to friends of Glinda

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She's gone again. I thought you should know. So much for the penthouse not being lonely.

no evil

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Why is little John a bear in this film and where the hell am I?

Filtered to Kon

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Dude, check this video out! We can totally pull this off! The hardest part will be getting the kit. The kettle and all that other shit we can totally pick up at department stores and stuff. Once we do we can brew it, and seeing as how we can both fly, I don't think finding a good place to hide it and let it ferment is gonna be a problem. As for magic, I found this little spot outside of the complex where I can work on it. It will be awesome if I can get it to work, because I'm pretty sure thunder magic will make for an awesome beer.

So like I said, the kit's gonna be the hardest part...but not that hard. See, I can shapeshift with the mace, and that's magic I already have the hang of. So I figure once we scout out an empty room to do the brewing in, I can just go to one of the brew supply shops in the area and get the thing. As for the magic, I'm working on it. I've sort of figured out it's about channeling the energy in the mace, but I'm still trying to work out how to actually do that. Once I do though, I'm pretty sure thunder magic will add one hell of a kick to whatever we end up with!

Also apparently we need to figure out what kind of beer we want to make. Lager's are the most common, so if you've had stuff at parties or anything it's probably been that. I've always been more of an ale guy, but y'know, I grew up around Norse gods. Thoughts?

filtered against evil

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So, what kinds of non-human beings call Lawrence home? I could wait to learn in class, but I got kind of curious.

Also, anyone up for doing movie night tomorrow? Maybe a theater in town or just renting something and staying in.

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This CD as well as the stereo from her room, in case he doesn't have one.

Attached is a note:

Hope this can help you sleep some. If not we can try something else!

Yours, Meg
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