War Is Coming Communications.

May 9th, 2012

May 9th, 2012

Filtered to Kitty

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So I've been thinking, and maybe I think I get the message this place has been trying to send me. All the times it's tried to change me into someone or something else, all the time trying to fight it just left me more scarred and freaked than before. Even Moriarty, bastard though he is, told me as much, all that "you don't have to use it that way but you have to use it" stuff maybe wasn't just psycho-speak, or if it was it also happened to be true. This isn't going away, it isn't going to blow over, it's not How did you deal with it? With the mutant thing. With finding out, and...stuff related to that.

Filtered Against Evil ++

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Someone made me into a doll:

I can't decide how I feel about this.... I think the doll doesn't look exactly like me. It's boobs are a little small.

Filtered against evil

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Jupiter's fucking cock, I am one of those fictional people as well?
Should I even dare to see this television series?

I must say, the fashions of this age are breath-taking. Though the styles could use a little more Roman detail. There must be a way to obtain some coin here. I am in need of redecorating.


I do not wish to impose upon your generosity, but is it too much to ask for another supply of opium and cocaine? I still have some, but I do not wish to run out of opium and need to wait to get it again.

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Left for Hermione at her door! )

filtered against evil

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An entire week and not a monster in sight. It's like Hera is losing her touch. Did she fall asleep at the evil wheel?

Filtered from Lucifer and Evil

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...I'm a comic book character?

against Lucifer and evil

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Ich verstehe nicht. Kannst du mir helfen? Do you speak German?

ooc translate: I don't understand. Can you help me?

to River

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One of the dancers' mother volunteered to do costumes for the competition. I hear she's really good at sewing and stuff. Anyway, I'm supposed to get everyone's measurements. Can I stop by your appartment?

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I need to ask something utterly vital.

These boots


Or these boots.


Yes I may have been shopping. What :p


Sooo you were a little bit high, huh? What's that about?


You okay sweetie?


This dating thing confuses me. Am I not supposed to sass you now? Am I supposed to sass you more?

I feel more sounds about right. Should I post up the picture of you in the skinny jeans?

filtered to teenagers

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So, prom is this weekend. If you don't know what prom is check this out. I know half of us have school at the complex instead of the high school, but if any of you guys want to go anyway I'm sure we could coordinate those of us who do go to the high school signing you in as our guests. It's a whole earth thing, so I figure anyone who wants to should get to go, right?
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