War Is Coming Communications.

May 8th, 2012

War Is Coming Communications.


May 8th, 2012

Filtered against evil, Moriarty and Katherine

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My father frightens Hitler. Just click the link to see for yourself!


Dad, I bloody love you.

Also, just for effect:


what not to do with modern technology +filtered against the usual evils +

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Threatening them with a sword does not make them work faster.
Neither does yelling.
Or asking for that matter.
Or bribing.
I feel as though mine personally hates me.

Are not meant for softening leather.
Do not appreciate plastic.
Breathe black smoke when given these things and made upset.

Indoor Plumbing:
Salmoneus was right about something who would have thought?

Technology is confusing.

filtered against evil types like lucifer and his clan, moriarty and katherine

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Fandom can be terrifying but also hilarious.

I really shouldn't be so amused but it's impossible not to be. I mean, look!

The entire first musical is here. Then there's a sequel.

I'm going to be over here now, giggling.

filtered against evil, moriarty, katherine, whatever

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I need to get out of town for a bit, clear my head. So if I'm not around, that's why.

I can't

Filtered against evil, Moriarty, and Katherine

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I'm off until Sunday...I don't even know what to do with myself anymore, now! I don't understand what Sebastian was saying about work on land, I love my job!

When can I see you again?

Filtered against the usual suspects & any debbie downers of the day

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She didn't see me and I didn't say a word, but I saw her and I couldn't stop myself. I found it on an old roll I hadn't developed, from before... From before. She just looks so fucking free. She can't be one of us, whoever she is, or she wouldn't really feel as such; not enough for that, I bet. I never got a look at her face. Funny how some of us were brought back from the dead to be here and yet we're less free than ever in this place. It's like a gilded cage, a little. A lot.

Immortality is a pretty concept on the outside but the more I wonder if I've been blessed with it, the more I worry I've been cursed with it, because I should've been dead a million times by now. Maybe Death would be better, if it was what was meant to happen. Maybe there's less suffering there, if you believe.

In other news, schadenfreude is a great word.

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