War Is Coming Communications.

October 14th, 2011

October 14th, 2011

(Backdated) Evening News

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Robbery a few hours outside of Lawrence... )

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So, do any of you that are fictional watch your own stuff.

Cause don't. Sometimes it puts you down as a crazy diva psycho. I couldn't imagine having given up Beth now but at the same time I wouldn't make someone look incompetent just to get her back.

Also I was a skank. I may actually die of shame.

But yeah. I've been somewhat hidey lately. TV hurt my soul

in the community kitchen

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[If you happen to stop by the community kitchen, you will see this cake.
It has the one slice missing and it's covered with cellophane. There's a post-it stuck to the cellophane that reads "Don't Eat - Isabel's Cake" If you should happen to taste this cake you will find that it is not just any chocolate cake, but chocolate cake with a lot of Tabasco sauce mixed into it. Don't judge - She likes things sweet and spicy.]

Filtered against evil

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Filtered to any demon experts )

Filtered to the complex's security maintenance team )

Filtered to Brittany and the parent(s?) of the Russian girls )

Filtered to Dean.

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Last night of vacation. Wanna go hit the bar?

Filtered against evil.

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I don't mean to alarm anyone, but we've got a serious emergency on the fifth floor. Stay away from the fifth floor.

Er, unless you're keen on rescuing me. Then, by all means, hurry the bleeding hell up.

Filtered against evil and Ava

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Dude. Did anybody see the news yesterday? Worst fuckin' heist ever. If you're gonna do it, fuckin' do the damn thing. Lame.

Text to Clark

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Filtered against evil, Jason and any of his allies

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We've got a problem. We've got a very big problem and his name is Jason. Not that I want to rile up the coppers around here, but this bloke wants me to practice with a firearm so that I can blow a hole in the drug trade in Lawrence.

...I could be wrong, but 'm pretty sure that the bulk of the drug trade in this area is a bunch of bloody high school and college kids selling to one another, so that said, I'd rather not put down a bunch of kids because this bloke is a nutter.

That said...now what? I've taken the job, so to speak, so's he doesn't go trying to give it to someone as mental as himself. So, for now, the renegade youth are safe from harm outside of fucking themselves up a bit with the spliff and all.

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onse aopon a timwe i was wearng a gloov
now theres only falng aapart
notgnh els tosaaaay
atotl eclopse ofthe ghaaart

[ooc: drunk!Dean's latest karaoke attempt of the evening was Total Eclipse of the Heart. Guess how well that went?]

filtered against evil

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I'm heading out for a drink at the Roadhouse. Company is always welcome.

Filtered from Evil

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I'm thinking about cutting my hair...thoughts?

It feels good to be back at the medbay too. I may not have made it through my first day completely, but now...it's easier, guess I had to start somewhere. I made it all day today.
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