War Is Coming Communications.

October 13th, 2011

October 13th, 2011

Filtered away from evil, Ava, and anyone against recreational marijuana use

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So...uh...I need some beta smokers, as it were? I've been working on breeding a new strain of cannabis and I'm pretty high off it, but I've also been smoking all day, so that might not be super accurate. I don't wanna sell it if it's shitty, so...any takers? A bowl's worth of a free trial; first come, first served, bitches.

Filtered against evil

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I've decided that in a few years when the girls are ready for school...they're not going. They're getting homeschooled.

Filtered against evil.

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Well, at least we know why the Joker keeps breaking out of Arkham. Batman doesn't have time to pay attention to that sort of thing, what with his busy schedule and all.

Filtered against baddies

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Does anyone, by chance, know if there are any two bedroom apartments free in the complex...? Or does anyone have one they don't necessarily need and would be willing to trade spaces? I really need space for the boys when they come and I wouldn't hate getting started on a nursery...I'd really, super appreciate it...

I don't think I should stay with you after all
Maybe we should slow dow
I'm gonna go back to my pl
Can we talk soon...?

Um...advice on how to move out of a guy's apartment without him thinking you want to break up, because you totally don't...ready, set, go!

Filtered against evil.

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Question. How many of you are actual vigilantes? Do you patrol the city regularly? Normally I wouldn't ask, but it would seem that the subject of secret identities isn't considered as classified information here as it is back home.

Filtered against evil.

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I bought Beth a kickass toy guitar. Now she keeps trying to get me to play mine with her and it's awesome. She's gonna be a little rockstar just like her dad, I can tell.

I quit my day job. As it turns out, crackheads? They really like weed too.

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left at the door of the med bay early this morning )
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