War Is Coming Communications.

October 15th, 2011

October 15th, 2011

Text to Connor

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»What do you think of China?
»China sounds good right now.

Text to Clark

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» I have to stop talking to S
» When are you getting home?

Text to Kon

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» Hey.

complex residents, anti evil filter

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Halloween is tha best holiday ever. I wanna turn this place into a haunted house. It's pretty much perfect fer it. Bet I could rig somethin great. It'd give me somethin better ta do then just sit around n think bout home

filtered against evil

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Apparently the Life Cafe closed last month. We're fictional or whatever but the Life Cafe is real. Or was. Fuck if I know anymore. They have one in Brooklyn but the one in the East Village? Closed until further notice because of a douche landlord. Typical.

Also? Apparently 'online gamers' cracked the AIDS enzyme thing by creating a 3-D replica in a game or something like that. Not sure what it means but I guess it's a break through or something.

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Yo Mark, gotcha something.

Same kind you used to have, right? )

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MIMOSAS are aqrsjme for brewkfast ANDVLUNCH omg vegas is teh shut im never leaving! also mate so fun evvvrybody shuld hang out wit him all the tiem.

Filtered Against Evil

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All right. Who taught my TARDIS how to kick people in the shin? That hurt. I don't even know what I did! She just came in here and wham. Foot to the shin. Ow!

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Not a demon, no mind control. Do not need to go through that again not mirror version of hunter. TARDIS Matrix. Encompassing all of time and space. Body is functioning, mind and soul forced out. Not my doing, they did it. Shouldn't be here but I am. Body is stabilized when it shouldn't be. Complicated. Time streams are flowing as normally as they can. Does not mean you are safe. No one is safe here. Not really. Humanity destroys but humanity can save. Love will set you free.

[She doesn't grasp filters apparently... Oops?]
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