War Is Coming Communications.

June 6th, 2011

War Is Coming Communications.


June 6th, 2011

Filtered Against Baddies

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Boredom along with the inability to sleep makes you do odd things. Such as filling out needless surveys on local websites.

And this is the survey in question. )

Edit: And because my boredom continues, I add in more questions I found elsewhere.

Here they are. )

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YES! It's now officially my birthday. This calls for some fun. :)

Filtered against bad guys.

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The only thing I've gotten outta this survey is the realization that I really need to do something crazy soon or else I'm gonna turn into some responsible do-gooder and that's only gonna make me want to punch myself in the face.

Oh, and surveys are boring as fuck.

Have that survey thing. )

against baddies

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Falcon just slaughtered a little mouse and left the evidence all over the bedroom. I thought cats were supposed to be cute and fluffy, not homicidal.

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I don't know what takes more getting used to. Finding yourself almost twenty years in the future, finding out you're involved in an Apocalypse, or finding out you're a singing and dancing fictional character.

I'll take 'all of the above' for eight hundred, Alex. But I'm guessing you people are over it by now.

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So here's the thing...I'm actually kind of a sorcerer. Merlin's successor, the Prime Merlinain to be exact. I didn't say anything in the beginning because I'm not used to being able to talk about it. It was part of the rules Balthazar kept giving me. No mortals, no love, no blowing the big magical secret, blah blah blah, but now it kinda seems like it might be something I should at least tell someone, so I'm telling you guys. Before anyone asks, no I don't wear a pointy hat or wave around a wand. I just have these pointy old man shoes Balthazar gave me insisting they were helpful for magical purposes. and a ring but I think I will keep that to myself for n So anyway, yay team magical stuff.

[ooc: truth times!!]

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I'm not actually Kryptonian. Or even human. I'm a clone. I was created in Cadmus Labs and am half Lex Luthor's DNA and half of Superman's DNA. I was created to be a weapon, but I don't want to be. Sometimes I'm afraid that one day I'll forget who I am and have no choice.

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Being dead was easier. There are some good parts about being alive, but generally it just was.

Filtered Against Evil Bitches

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Got bored. Did the survey. )
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