War Is Coming Communications.

March 24th, 2010

March 24th, 2010

Filtered against Bad Guys and/or Evil Intentioned.

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It is good to, once again, be able to kill something a demonic creature. A Slayer isn't meant to sit around and twiddle her thumbs just because two idiots who wouldn't know the sharp end of a broadsword decided that she was too young to fufill her Calling, waiting idly. It is exciting to have a productive patrol. Thank you, Buffy for coming up with this squad idea even though I don't think that you should be placing civilia and for having my back.

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Oh poo. Some of my new family members haven't come home!

I'll just go make more.

Filtered against those with bad intentions

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The threat against the angels has been taken care of, in case anyone was remotely worried.

If would be great if someone could be in the med bay. We're on our way back and I've got one unwilling, really stubborn patient.

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Billie is with me. Only she's not making sense...

I felt her...I felt her hurting and now...

There's a building on fire downtown. Someone might want to get on that

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Filtered to Cissie )

Filtered to Sam )

Filtered to Tara )

Filtered to Andrew and Xander )

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One more day. Should be interesting. And I'll be gone all week. It'll be nice to get away from this madness of Glory, Dru, or whatever is messed up here Also noticed that it'll be Halloween soon too. I hope it goes well for everyone. Heard there was talk of a party, so for anyone who attends that.. have fun. :)

[Filtered to those scheduled for "Group 3" in Bobby's camp]
It's the 25th tomorrow. Going to bed early tonight, just to be ready Anyone else besides me feeling stoked about it? I'm really curious to see what we'll learn. I already go to the combat and Latin classes in the complex every day, but this.. feels like something more. Kinda wondering what to do until then. Part of me wants to go out and enjoy myself or something. Maybe go to a movie. Or buying drinks for buddies But I know I should play it cool, just wait and stay inside the apartments. I don't know. What is everyone else planning to do until they have to go?

[ooc: Filter includes himself, Hermione, Cal, Marian, Martha.. along with any involved in the training and transportation]

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Morgana )

Anti-baddie filter

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Tomorrow I'll be leaving for Bobby's Hunter Camp with several other people. I've taken the week off from the hospital, and in my absense Dr. Saunders will be taking over primary medical obligations. I'll be back on Halloween, and yes I promise I'll have candy.

If it is an emergency, I have my mobile and my computer with me. Do not hesitate to call if there is something wrong! I am still on call! It doesn't matter if I'm in South Dakota!

So tomorrow's the day. More than a little nervous and excited.

I almost completely forgot about it after you arrived last night. Or I would have told you. You can stay at my place as long as you need, I don't know if you were assigned a flat today or not. I'll have stories when I get back.

[Filtered Against Evil Intentioned/Baddies]

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I I can't even From this day forward, I know you not Sam Winchester There is phobic Sam and then there is insane. Seriously? Two to one? C'mon. You have to be ki

Have fun, Sam? I hope to Dios that the clown was possessed. Or something. Or .. what? Did you and the new guy suddenly forget your Latin. Or did the colorful disguse make you think pinata?

I don't know if I should laugh or .. Te lo juro. Algunos días estoy seguro de que yo soy el único cuerdo entre todos mis amigos.

[ooc: Enclosed is a security footage of this thread posted up in youtube: Basically it is Sam and Colombus inching away from the clown. And then beating it up]

Filtered to Marian and Robin

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I just heard about Marian getting hurt, and I can offer my help. I can heal her injuries, but unfortunately it will have to wait until the doctors at the hospital release her.

Healing all her injuries while in the hospital might throw up a few red flags to all the doctors.

Filtered against Baddies

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There's a guy at the hospital. Short hair, goatee, necklace with wood on it, not a patient or a doctor. He's a visitor. And Glory's going to get to him.

She puts her hands in people's heads when she does it.

And now I'll be downing Excedrin and whiskey.

[ooc: And like I said, this won't effect the outcome. Just letting people know it's happening/about to happen. The thread should be up in the next little while though.]

Filtered against baddies

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So I noticed I'm not in a combat squad. I'd like to be-I can totally play the saddest song in the world and make any evil peeps weep!
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