War Is Coming RPG.

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War Is Coming RPG.



August 15th, 2013

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Who: Svetlana Sergievsky and Irina Derevko
What: Contemplations, depends on if someone tags in.
When: Morning, 15 August 2013
Where: Park in Lawrence
Warnings: Should be none, will update if needed
Status: Thread | Incomplete

In a way, it's someone else's story, I don't see myself as taking part at all )

July 9th, 2013

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Who: Svetlana and Helena
What: A year ago, Moriarty succeeded in making Helena snap and tried to kill her and she never actually dealt with that.
When: Noonish
Where: Svetlana's apartment
Warnings: Mentions of being shot, otherwise TBA

For my meeting with death / Though it has been delayed / I have run my hands over / The end of his blade / Though the cut wasn't fatal / Even though it was deep / Well that wound's never healed / And the blood it still seeps )

March 8th, 2013

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Who: Anatoly and Svetlana Sergievsky, "Molokov"
What: Nothing big, just Svetlana getting cursed and Anatoly having to find her to reverse it.
When: 8 March 2013 throughout the day and night, on and off thunderstorms because lolz i like weather.com
Where: Around Lawrence... train tracks.
Warnings: Angst/Feels/Paranoia
Status: Thread | Complete

I lost them once, I can't bear it, I can't lose them again, I just wanted to hold on somehow, look at me now )

March 6th, 2013

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Who: Svetlana Sergievsky and Florence Trumper
What: The ladies of Chess have had enough of all the things and are instead partaking in wine...trust me, we were surprised, too
When: Tonight, we'll say
Where: The Trumpers'
Warnings: A drunken Russian ice queen and a drunken Hungarian born British girl...isn't that warning enough, really?

La la la cut tag cut tag I WILL BE CREATIVE LATER )

December 16th, 2012

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Who: Svetlana and Helena
What: The Seal kidnaps Helena again, and after taking care of a few priorities, she goes to see Svetlana first.
When: This afternoon
Where: Random place in Lawrence, then outskirts of Lawrence, then the complex
Warnings: Some spoilers for Season 4 of Warehouse 13, otherwise pretty low
Status: Incomplete

See the structure of my pride / Wasn't easy to build it away from this )

November 25th, 2012

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Who: Svetlana and Joan
What: Given Svetlana's people issues and so forth, CLEARLY she must be the one to find another Watson.
When: Late afternoon
Where: Random street in Lawrence
Warnings: Most likely low?

Because clearly the Seal is a jerk )

October 31st, 2012

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Who: Helena Wells and Svetlana Sergievsky
What: Myka got seal eated and Svetlana feels the need to do damage control
When: 31 October 2012, morning into...who even knows
Where: Helena's workroom.
Warnings: Feels from Helena at least
Status: Thread | Complete

It's so hard to find an answer, it's so hard to stand alone, it's so hard to find a feeling that was buried long ago )

September 25th, 2012

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Who: Svetlana Sergievsky and Dmitri Krylov
What: Breaking from all the stress. Stupid PTSD and memories and worry =/
When: 25 September, midday into early evening
Where: Crosswalk where the girls were shot last year during AU plot
Warnings: Angst and stubbornness?
Status: Narrative | Complete

I had a moment of doubtful suspension/but it's almost forgotten/it's been pulled away/by too many hands touching where i stand/and i can't fall/because you'll try and catch me )

September 19th, 2012

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Who: Anatoly and Svetlana Sergievsky plus their ghosts
What: Angry ghosts, amused ghosts, too much is going on. Because clearly they have to show up in the middle of a talk
When: BACKDATED to 14 September when the ghosts arrived
Where: Russian apartment of feels
Warnings: Punchy McAngry Ghost?
Status: Part two of two. COMPLETE

Because why would they ever let us do a gdoc that takes only one post? )

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Who: Anatoly and Svetlana Sergievsky
What: Talking about things that need to be talked about. And ghostly arrivals
When: BACKDATED to 13 into 14 September
Where: Their apartment
Warnings: Feels.
Status: Part one of two. COMPLETE

If you sing loud and clear/someone passing by will surely hear you/no you can't be afraid/if you ever want somebody near you/if you sing loud and clear/someone passing by will surely hear you/no you can't be afraid )

July 14th, 2012

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Who: Helena with player-okayed inferred action/participation from Myka, Claudia, Svetlana and Anatoly, and an NPC! flashback memory conversation with Charles Wells
What: It's the anniversary of Christina Wells' murder. So clearly Helena is breaking ever so epically and completely.
When: Starting around 9 am Paris time and this narrative ends somewhere between noon and 1 pm Paris time (in other words, beginning at the time this is posted)
Where: Paris, France
Warnings: Epic angst, epic emotions, complete emotional breakdown, references to death, brief language. Oh, did I mention the angst? And the breakdown?
Status: Narrative, complete. Be warned, this is LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG.

TL;DR Version: Helena is completely emotionally decimated. This is her rock bottom. But hey, at least she's not fighting the urge to horrifically murder people anymore? >.> And if your character is empathic/has the Force/or can otherwise detect emotions, Helena is spiking at an extreme end of decimated sorrow and agony. And she will continue to do so for a while.

I can't go on living this way / But I can't go back the way I came / Chained to this fear that I will never find / A way to heal my soul / And I will wander til the end of time / Half alive without you / My heart is broken )

May 25th, 2012

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Who: Anatoly and Svetlana Sergievsky
What: Vow renewal on a whim because they never do things like normal people. Ever.
When: 25 May 2012, midday
Where: Park in Moscow. Incidentally the one they met at, just.. different universe.
Rating: Just cuteness. Yes. It can happen with these two. Shush.
Status: Complete

And I'm suddenly standing at the beginning with you )

April 6th, 2012

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Who: Alexander Molokov, Svetlana Sergievsky as well as appearances by Anatoly Sergievsky and Seeley Booth
What: Molokov decides Svetlana needs to learn her place. Too bad she has FBI and magical back up. He gets his instead.
When: Now! ( 6 April 2012, 1:00 pm )
Where: Downtown Lawrence. First busy street than a church under renovation
Warnings: Character Death

Now here is a riddle to guess if you can sing the bells of Notre Dame, what makes a monster and what makes a man? )

February 16th, 2012

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Who: Anatoly and Svetlana Sergievsky
What: The fall out from the run in with Molokov. So a lot of panicking and finding out loopholes...and more panicking and doing nothing in a normal order because why would they?
Where: Sergievsky apartment
When: Afternoon of the 16th, immediately after this.
Rating: Fairly low
Status: Continuation of this. Complete.

So much for being calm )

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Who: Anatoly and Svetlana Sergievsky
What: The fall out from the run in with Molokov. So a lot of panicking and finding out loopholes.
Where: Sergievsky apartment
When: Afternoon of the 16th, immediately after this.
Rating: Fairly low
Status: Part One.

Seal 5, Russians 1. Dear Seal, stop with it already )

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Who: Molokov and Svetlana
What: Svetlana runs into an old friend on the street
Where: Streets of Lawrence
When: Afternoon of the 16th
Rating: Fairly low

Molokov is unamused by this turn of events...slightly )

February 14th, 2012

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Who: Svetlana and Anatoly
What: Taking care of the aftermath of what happened with Logan and FINALLY MAKING SOME PROGRESS ON THEIR MARRIAGE.
When: Early to mid afternoon February 14th
Where: The Sergievsky apartment
Warning: Pretty low, the downside of part one that encompasses punching and tirading.

Finally making some progress and reconnecting on another level )

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Who: Anatoly and Svetlana Sergievsky along with Logan being, well, Logan
What: Hey, Logan, you're doing it wrong!
When: Early afternoon of 14 February 2012
Where: Park in Lawrence
Warning: We've got some violence, some angry Svetlana tirading..

No, really!? He -cheated-!? I had no idea! )

February 9th, 2012

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Who: Logan and Svetlana Sergievsky plus NPC!Children at the end
What: The art of miscommunication and selective obliviousness
When: Afternoon, 9 February 2012
Where: Streets of Downtown Lawrence.
Warnings: Nothing worth mentioning. Unless you find Logan falling for married women and then being turned down as a hobby offensive?

Logan has bad luck with the choosing women to fall for as they tend to always be taken )

January 20th, 2012

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Who: Anatoly and Svetlana Sergievsky plus NPC guy
When: Late morning of 20 January 2012
Where: Cafe in Lawrence
What: I've given up knowing what these two will do. Plan Humanize Anatoly?
Rating: Shouldn't be high

Were Americans really so crass? Really? )
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