War Is Coming RPG.

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War Is Coming RPG.



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January 16th, 2012

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Who: Logan and Svetlana (and possibly the kiddies)
What: Logan trying to settle in
Where: Complex halls
When: Evening of the 16th
Rating: PG range
Status: Complete (I think)

Logan's not having a good day )

December 30th, 2011

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Who: Rei and OPEN!
What: Attempting to find a place of tranquility in a city she doesn't know.
When: Slightly backdated to late afternoon of Dec. 30th
Where: A church
Rating: TBA depends on who comes!

It was the curse of awareness )

December 9th, 2011

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Who: Elphaba and Svetlana
What: Talking about things that are too hard to say to people you know well
Where: Random cafe
When: Slightly backdated!! Evening 8th Dec, about a half hour after this
Rating: TBD
Status: In progress.

Elphaba clearly had gone through something and needed a way to release it and so Svetlana would let her talk and listen and provide any support she could. And maybe one day, she would feel comfortable doing the same. For now, she waited. )

November 12th, 2011

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Who: Darcy Rhone and Svetlana Sergievsky along with NPC!Children
What: Search for something to help with insomnia. And just getting new scenery.
When: Around four on the 12th of November
Where: Complex to a shopping center and who knows what else.
Warnings: Should be none

So she might as well try this hypnosis CD thing that Darcy had mentioned. What could it really hurt?  )

October 19th, 2011

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Who: Svetlana Sergievsky and Freddie Trumper
What: Getting space and air and all that fun stuff.
When: Around noon on the 19th of October
Where: Cafe near the complex
Warnings: Should be none

When you're at the end of the road, and you've lost all sense of control, and your thoughts have taken their toll, when your mind breaks the spirit of your soul )

October 10th, 2011

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Who: Florence and Freddie and people there to see it.
What: Silly boy, Woman who, I should not have let walk out
Where: Complex Lobby
When: Half an hour after his comm post
Rating: Low with a chance of sappy
Status: In Progress

September 30th, 2011

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Who: Anatoly and Svetlana Sergievsky
When: Now! (Sept 30 after midnight)
Where: Svetlana's apartment
What: Damage control
Warnings: Angst after all that has happened in the past two weeks
Status: Complete

If you need to crash, then crash and burn you're not alone )

August 25th, 2011

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Who: Anatoly and Svetlana Sergievsky
What: Awkward talks of awkward? Or avoidance. It can go either way with these two.
When: Tonight
Where: Svetlana's apartment.
Rating: Should be low.
Status: Complete

Oh you were once that someone who I followed like a star, then suddenly you changed and now I don't know who you are. )

August 15th, 2011

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Who: Anatoly and Svetlana Sergievsky plus NPC!children
What: Clearly watching PBS while sick is a good plan. What could possibly go wrong? It's not like they showed that one musical on it or something...
When: Tonight
Where: Svetlana's apartment.
Rating: Low
Warnings: Angst, good god, the angst. The Russian angst will eat you all.

I'm learning things I didn't want to know )

July 7th, 2011

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Who: Anatoly and Svetlana Sergievsky plus NPC!thugs and NPC!Children
What: Anatoly can apparently realize that things are wrong and help Svetlana and thus confuse her
When: Tonight
Where: An alley way and then the complex
Rating: R
Warnings: Violence, attempted sexual assault. Anti-Russian/Immigrant sentiments. And Russians. Obviously Russians make it bad. >.>

She wasn't leaving her daughters. Not here. Not like this. )

July 5th, 2011

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Who: Brittany, Svetlana, and the miniature Russians.
What: Brittany has to hug everyone! She can't take it! She must hug the Russians!
Where:The apartment complex lobby
When: Early evening, present day
Read more... )

June 23rd, 2011

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WHO: The Master and Svetlana Sergievsky
WHEN: Today!
WHERE: Park!
WHAT: As if running into the 'other woman' and then finding your cheating husband is here as well isn't bad enough, have a run in with a bored Master. WELCOME TO LAWRENCE!
STATUS: Incomplete
RATING: TBD but there will be mind messing with. Because you know, the Master's bored.

You may see all sorts of human emotion here, passion and pain, love and hate. Me? I see nothing other than a simple board game. )

June 21st, 2011

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WHO: Florence Vassy and Svetlana Sergievsky with NPC!Children
WHEN: Today!
WHERE: Complex Lobby!
WHAT: The run in that both probably wanted to avoid had they known that the other was there XD
STATUS: Incomplete

This was... unexpected. And she didn't know how to respond. )
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