War Is Coming RPG.

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War Is Coming RPG.



March 22nd, 2012

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WHO: Rikki Chadwick and Ron Weasley
WHAT: Telling Ron the "short" version.
WHERE: Complex pool
WHEN: After this
STATUS: In progress
RATING: Probably PG if not even more mild

How weird could he possibly think she was, really, all things considered? )

January 1st, 2012

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WHO: Ron Weasley and YOU?
WHAT: Confused Ron is confused!
WHEN: Early evening.
WHERE: In Lawrence, just outside a random coffee shop.

Robes dripping wet from head to toe, covered in burns, and face slapped with the expression of undeniable confusion, Ron must have looked a sight to every Muggle wandering the street right then and there.  )

August 12th, 2011

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WHO: Ron & Stephanie
WHAT: Ron's wife scares him with her insanity. And other things.
WHEN: Evening.
WHERE: Their flat.
RATING: There may or may not be some language.

It was more than on the off side that Steph was behaving this way and decidedly throwing him a party to boot, but that seemed to be the beat to the drum Steph had sitting beside her as of late, anyway. Strange. Very strange. )

May 24th, 2011

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Who: Kaylee and Ron
What: Kaylee is kind of bored.
Where: Ron’s
When: Today, afternoon
Read more... )

December 30th, 2010

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WHO: Ron & Hermione
WHAT: Demons VS magic.
WHEN Early evening.
WHERE: The outskirts of a park.
RATING: Violence!

The park had been the closest place for Ron to hide. )

December 5th, 2010

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Who: Fred Weasley and OPEN!
What: Freds is out in the snow What, all HP kids like snow! it's just a fact
Where: in back of the complex
Warnings: none

day or two wouldn't hurt before he got busy establishing himself as a businessman.  )

November 30th, 2010

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WHAT: RESCUING. And fighting and stuff.
WHEN: Around dusk, 11/30
WHERE: They've tracked down Hermione. That's where they are.
WARNINGS: Violence. Language. Angsting. Etc.

NOTES!: Sub-threads are not only welcome, I encourage them. Perhaps one for the front door, one for the back, one for reserves, and one for Ron/captives/Azi/however that bit's set up? If others are wanted then GO FOR IT. I encourage this very, very much.

Also, if your pup commented to the post, or didn't comment to the post, and wants to go, just say they showed up and we'll handwave and say they got fitted into a team at the complex.

And since there's like five thousand pups that may be tagging in, can everyone tag their pup names onto the post when they tag in?

The list is here.

Adam had put a lot of thought into this plan. )

November 10th, 2010

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Who: Dick Grayson, Stephanie Weasley, and Ron Weasley
What: Getting some unexpected and uninvited visitors.
Where: his hidey place on the outskirts of town
Warnings: idk yet

soundlessly toward the back rooms where he watched the main one like a hawk. )

November 1st, 2010

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WHO: Stephanie Brown and Ron Weasley
WHAT: Walking and hashing things out.
WHEN: After the DRAMAZ of Hermione's post. So sometime in the middle of the night May 31st/early morning June 1st..
WHERE: Sidewalks. They went for a walk.

Steph was sure she was a mess just then and that wasn't exactly how she wanted Ron to see her. )

October 5th, 2010

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Who: Stephanie Brown and Ron Weasley
What: Stephanie has a big mouth. It causes flailing sometimes. Stupid internal monologue problems.
When: Backdated to the afternoon of May 3nd.
Where: On the ship they're on! Where there aren't many places to hide.
Warnings: Cuteness and sap.

So far Stephanie was having a blast on the cruise. )

September 13th, 2010

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Who: Clark, Nightwing, Ron (and a few npc civilians!)
What: rescue.
When: 25 minutes after the post, just like Dick promised.
Where: not far away from Mcdonalds.
Warnings: TBA! demons, npc on npc violence? idk.

he would rather live with them for the rest of his life every night then face the end of the world as they knew it. )

August 28th, 2010

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WHO: Ron & Hermione!
WHAT: It's time they met up, yes?
WHEN: Morning.
WHERE: The apartment complex.
RATING: PG to start.

He was tired. )

July 31st, 2010

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WHO: Ron Weasley and OPEN.
WHAT: Playing chess.
WHEN: Afternoon.
WHERE: Just outside of the complex.
RATING: PG to start.

Checkmate. )

July 23rd, 2010

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Who: Everyone not currently raising Lucifer from hell or on their way to Illchester to try and stop it, possessed, fighters, everyone.
What: Apocolypse now-ish
Where: Riiiight outside the apartment
When: 23rd Feb 2010
Rating: Temp Character Death
Status: Ongoing

OOC: This, is giant post of fighty doom. Subthread away, feel free to have the demons have a couple more hellhounds, no more than about 6 among everyone though, maybe a Daeva or two Meg sent down, and generally go for it with exorcisms however people decide to do them. The dead as we said can be picked up by Cara but only those we decided on. You guys know the limits on how far the fights can go etc so just have fun with it and get the good guys back to good guys, ...or..in Jacen's case, sort of good, good ish. And YES of course logs can take place in and around the same time elsewhere, aka hunts, or if the Tam's wanted a showdown etc. This is just the main battle ground.

July 6th, 2010

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Who: Stephanie Brown and Ron Weasley.
What: Ron gets to see the costume!
When: Late night, February 6th.
Where: Starts between the kitchen and the elevator. (Remember? One of those got put in.)
Warnings: Uh. TBD.

It had been another slow night for Stephanie. )

June 12th, 2010

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WHO: Ron & Steph
WHAT: Ron is visiting Steph at work!
WHEN: Afternoon.
WHERE: The comic store.

If he came off like a strange work-stalking weirdo, he'd...come up with an excuse.  )

May 25th, 2010

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Who: Stephanie Brown and Ron Weasley.
What: Gift exchange and home made waffles!
When: Around 11am Christmas Morning.
Where: Stephanie's apartment.
Warnings: Maroon sweaters.

She figured that she wouldn't have to wake Ron up, the scent of food might do that for her. )

May 11th, 2010

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Who: Stephanie Brown and Ron Weasley
What: Ron decided to randomly go visit her.
When: Evening, December 10th.
Where: Bobby's place.
Warnings: Uh. Probably none. Will change if I need to.

Stephanie Brown (not Weasley, thanks) had never been to South Dakota before. )

April 28th, 2010

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Who: Stephanie White and Ron Weatherby.
What: The meet cute. If you're not sure what that term means, feel free to look it up. :)
When: Friday afternoon.
Where: The office.
Warnings: Uh. Probably not all that much...

Papers, papers, everywhere. )
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