War Is Coming RPG.

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War Is Coming RPG.


September 26th, 2014

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Who: Harry Potter & Draco Malfoy
What: Arrival! Harry teaching Draco about Phones. And teaches himself, because phones are a bit more advanced that he remembers. What are you, internet?
When: Friday evening
Where: The Graveyard
Rating: PG
Status: In Progress

Shove Off, Malfoy )

July 27th, 2013

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Who:Harry Potter and Sam Winchester
What:A random meeting, because of reasons!
Where:Out, in the world! ooo, harry stopped being a recluse
Warnings:Harry and Sam put the wangst in angst.

Who would want to talk to the crazy guy dressed as Harry potter in the middle of the summer? )

February 8th, 2013

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Who:Harry and Ron
What:Dealing with things in his own way. Which means not well.
When:Tonight, late. (aka Friday morning probably around 2isham!)
Where:HP house living room thing?
Warnings:idk yet!

This wasn't the first night Harry ended up awake. )

May 24th, 2012

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Who:Harry Potter and OPEN to anyone! or works as a narrative!
What:internalizing as he often does.
Where:His room. He hasn't left it much since arrival.
Warning: TBA but likey none

The weight of the world was burying him... )

February 5th, 2011

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Who: Harry Potter
When: February 4, 2011
Where: London, England: Underground Cafe
What: Harry receives a sign from the universe that life doesn't have to suck.
Rating: PG

Okay, so that was definitely a sign. )

January 12th, 2011

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Who: Harry Potter
When: January 12, 2011: Early Morning
Where: Lawrence, Kansas: Harry Room (205) ยป Bus Stop
What: Harry is tired. Of Everything. And ends up falling asleep at a bus stop.
Ratings: PG

Harry decided that if he got mugged or killed, then hey, that was life. )

December 5th, 2010

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Who: Harry Potter & Lorne
When: December 5, 2010
Where: Lawrence, Kansas: Apartment Complex Courtyard
What: Harry emos in his room, when he sees that it's snowing. He then heads outside.
Ratings: PG

Ever since the incident with Azazel, Harry had rarely left the flat that had been assigned to him. )

November 30th, 2010

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WHAT: RESCUING. And fighting and stuff.
WHEN: Around dusk, 11/30
WHERE: They've tracked down Hermione. That's where they are.
WARNINGS: Violence. Language. Angsting. Etc.

NOTES!: Sub-threads are not only welcome, I encourage them. Perhaps one for the front door, one for the back, one for reserves, and one for Ron/captives/Azi/however that bit's set up? If others are wanted then GO FOR IT. I encourage this very, very much.

Also, if your pup commented to the post, or didn't comment to the post, and wants to go, just say they showed up and we'll handwave and say they got fitted into a team at the complex.

And since there's like five thousand pups that may be tagging in, can everyone tag their pup names onto the post when they tag in?

The list is here.

Adam had put a lot of thought into this plan. )

November 27th, 2010

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Who: Harry Potter
When: November 27, 2010 - After this!
Where: Lawrence, Kansas: Apartment Complex
What: After getting settled at the complex, Harry decides to see who else is here.
Ratings: PG

He hadn't liked any of what he had heard, but he had accepted it. )

Add to Memories Tell a Friend
Who: Harry Potter & Hermione Granger
When: November 26, 2010
Where: Lawrence, Kansas: Mall then the street
What: Harry has finally defeated Voldemort...only to be transported to a crowded American mall on Black Friday.
Ratings: PG

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