WHO: EVERYONE INVOLVED IN THE RESCUE OF HERMIONE AND HARRY WHAT: RESCUING. And fighting and stuff. WHEN: Around dusk, 11/30 WHERE: They've tracked down Hermione. That's where they are. WARNINGS: Violence. Language. Angsting. Etc.
NOTES!: Sub-threads are not only welcome, I encourage them. Perhaps one for the front door, one for the back, one for reserves, and one for Ron/captives/Azi/however that bit's set up? If others are wanted then GO FOR IT. I encourage this very, very much.
Also, if your pup commented to the post, or didn't comment to the post, and wants to go, just say they showed up and we'll handwave and say they got fitted into a team at the complex.
And since there's like five thousand pups that may be tagging in, can everyone tag their pup names onto the post when they tag in?
The sun was just beginning to go down for the night when Adam put sent out the word that it was time to get together and get his girlfriend back. And Harry, of course, but Hermione was the one that was first and foremost in his mind. Adam was determined to get her back. The otter patronus she sent him hadn't left his side since it arrived and, thankfully, it was going to be the thing that led them directly to where Hermione was being held.
They gathered at the complex and sorted the teams out, then made sure everyone was good and equipped before they set out. There were going to be three main teams. The reserves would stay out of sight unless they were needed. There was a team, the team Adam was on, hitting the front door. He knew better than to try to be on the team sneaking around to the back with a patronus with him, so front door it was.
The front team would be connected to the back door team via Jason and Jaina, who could do some kind of awesome mind link thing. It was going to be handy. And every team had at least one local demon expert on it.
Adam had put a lot of thought into this plan, and took hints from other people as he went. He was going to do whatever it took to get Hermione back.