War Is Coming RPG.

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War Is Coming RPG.


January 31st, 2013

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Who: Castiel and Jo
What: Meeting Jo and her daughters
Where: Jo's place
When: Thursday
Rating: Low

And everything I cannot imagine. This dim-lit room has seen much before me. )

July 31st, 2012

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Who: Emma Swan and Jo Harvelle-Shurley
What: Revelations! Oh my!
When: Tuesday afternoon
Where: The Roadhouse
Warnings: It's Emma. Prepare for angst. And occasionally naughty words?

You can't expect me to be fine, I don't expect you to care )

July 22nd, 2011

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Who: Michael Barrett and Jo Harvelle-Shurley.
What: Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you’re my only hope…
When: Early evening, July 22nd.
Where: The Roadhouse.
Warnings: Probably shouldn’t be any.

Michael had always wondered what it would be like to be in the Star Wars movies. )

March 26th, 2011

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Who: Sherry Birkin, Jo Harvelle-Shurley
What: Business talk
Where: Jo's Roadhouse
When: daytime

February 6th, 2011

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WHO: Everyone invited to the wedding!
WHAT: After party. They have one.
WHEN: Evening.
WHERE: The wedding party.
RATING: PG-13 to start.

[ooc: Because the setting is pretty vague outside of, hey, pretty and spacious party area with lots of food/drinks/Glee kids performing their awesome mash-ups, I'm gonna leave this section here blank and you guys can go ahead and comment below with sub-threads, if wanted.]

January 21st, 2011

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Who: The Shurleys
Where: Their apartment above the Roadhouse
When: Last night
Rating: A for Angst?
Status: Incomplete

put one foot wrong and I'm gonna fall )

January 7th, 2011

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Who: Jo Harvelle-Shurley and Ruby
Where: A church (the same one she hid out in with Mary and others during the War plot!)
When: Friday morning, 1/7/11
What: Jo tries to talk to God
Rating: Low
Status: Complete

Friday mornings must be a slow time for the church )

December 21st, 2010

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Who? The Shurleys!
What? Jo telling him The Seekrit
Where? The Roadhouse, apartment upstairs
When? Backdated to late Sunday night.
Rating? Nothing terrifying. Lots of angst and flailing, probably.

November 30th, 2010

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WHAT: RESCUING. And fighting and stuff.
WHEN: Around dusk, 11/30
WHERE: They've tracked down Hermione. That's where they are.
WARNINGS: Violence. Language. Angsting. Etc.

NOTES!: Sub-threads are not only welcome, I encourage them. Perhaps one for the front door, one for the back, one for reserves, and one for Ron/captives/Azi/however that bit's set up? If others are wanted then GO FOR IT. I encourage this very, very much.

Also, if your pup commented to the post, or didn't comment to the post, and wants to go, just say they showed up and we'll handwave and say they got fitted into a team at the complex.

And since there's like five thousand pups that may be tagging in, can everyone tag their pup names onto the post when they tag in?

The list is here.

Adam had put a lot of thought into this plan. )
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