Under the Rainbow - Logs community - February 4th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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February 4th, 2009

[Feb. 4th, 2009|12:26 am]
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[Current Mood |thoughtful]

Who: Gray, The Younger Jack, Devon and open to Kenzie and Echo.
Where: Out and about.
What: Mostly Gray getting reaquainted with his brother(s).
When: Late afternoon, Night
Rating: TBD

Gray sat thinking, art pad to the side. A lot had happened in a short time. Quite a bit in fact and he needed someone to talk to that understood better then him what was going on around him. Thing was he didn't know many people there.

He thought over who all he knew and who all he trust to talk to and finally decided who to contact.

The man got up and went to his computer. Logging on he sent a quick message to his brother ask if he was up to visiting him still then to Devon remembering something she had said to him. After logging off he leaned back for a moment, thinking, before getting up to go get ready. Telling Echo and Kenzie about where he was going as he did so.
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[Feb. 4th, 2009|05:55 pm]
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Who: Kon and Integral
What: Hanging out and Talking
When: Today
Where: Around the House
Rating: TBD

A warm night to be inside... )
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[Feb. 4th, 2009|06:01 pm]
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Who: Alex and Belladonna Rogan
What: Return to Sanity/Life/Whatever
When: Tonight
Where: The Rogan Family House and Lab
Rating: TBD

Down in the lab, late one night... )
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[Feb. 4th, 2009|07:29 pm]
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Who: Izzy and David
What: Hijinks and burning stuff.
Where: Wherever their antics take them
When: After school, Wednesday
Warnings: Teenage goofiness, Swearing on David's part.

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[Feb. 4th, 2009|08:12 pm]


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Who: Kakia and Daniel Clemens
Where: His Church
When: Nowish.
Warnings: Probably.

does it count as worshiping a false idol if she's in your church? )
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[Feb. 4th, 2009|08:36 pm]
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Who: Samuel and KK
What: Meeting and Fun
When: After their chat online
Where: His place
Rating: Adultstuff - NC-17.

In the middle of plants, he was a plant, and a man... )
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[Feb. 4th, 2009|08:38 pm]


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Who: Gabrielle and Jack Harkness
What: Getting food? Talking.
When: Today
Where: Starts at the Harkness mansion.

getting settled )
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[Feb. 4th, 2009|09:02 pm]


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Who: Ganieda and Sam Witwicky
What: Pushing back the Darkness
Where: Their apartment
When: now-ish
Warnings: oh, most likely


She was burning up, and she was in pain, every part of her wailing with it. Voices echoed in her mind, voices from past, present, future...but which was which and who was speaking?

Ganieda struggled, not being able to move her arms, bound tightly as they were behind her back. All she can do is set things on fire and scream for her brother...

...but he was not coming, this time.

Somehow, she managed to crawl her way over, under a pew, hiding there, though the pain and fire and why was she burning?

Somehow, Ganieda ended up under the desk in the bedroom, covered in sweat and incredibly hot. Her eyes were wide and unseeing, her cheeks tearstreaked. And she whimpered and moaned. "Let me go, let me alone..."
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[Feb. 4th, 2009|10:07 pm]
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Who: Ennis Del Mar and Jack Twist
What: Rendesvous
When: When Jack arrived
Warnings: Violence, Language, and Sex Likely

Ennis made his way to the town at the foot of the mountain, irritated and annoyed by the inconvenience. He secound guessed himself all the way, thinking he ought to have made Jack find his way to Ennis.

He'd left the relative warmth of his trailer, to go out looking for the immature and irresponsible bastard. He hadn't seen Jack since the summer they'd spent on Brokeback. Ennis had married and had two beautiful baby girls, since then. Never mind that Alma and the girls were nowhere to be found, and never mind that Ennis was just fine with that.

Sure he'd miss them. Junior and Jenny were his children, but he'd never really found his niche with the babies. Junior cried all the time and Jenny did little more than eat and poop. Jack, on the other hand...

No. he wouldn't think about that. He was going to find the man to help him out, make sure he didn't freeze to death, on the side of a mountain. Ennis found his way to the bar in the center of town. If Jack wasn't there, he'd head up the mountain, after he had a few beers in him.

He stepped inside, squinting into the smokey darkness, inhaling the sweet scent of stale beer and peanuts, sweat and cattle. Home, he thought. it felt like coming home, even if he didn't know anyone on the place. His eyes scanned, looking for that one familiar face...
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The hard light of day [Feb. 4th, 2009|10:12 pm]


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[Current Location |London, England]

Who: Constable Benton Fraser and Inspector Meg Thatcher
What: Where to go from here?
When: The morning after this post
Where: Safehouse in London
Warnings: None. That I know of.

He doesn't remember falling asleep. But when consciousness does come once more, he finds himself again disoriented. The bed he is asleep in does not feel familiar: the mattress is softer, the sheets smoother, and perhaps, most importantly-- he is not alone.

Meg Thatcher is curled against him here as he lies on his back, his left arm wrapped around her, their limbs a tangle in the rumpled sheets.

He shifts position, and as he does so, it comes back to him in a crashing flood of conscious recollection: they were both pulled from the world they knew, from the lives they had made, thrown into chaos and confusion. As of a few hours ago, Fraser has let himself take refuge in the one familiar thing left to him: the woman who was, until just recently, his superior officer.

Whether this was the right decision remains to be seen. What has been done cannot be undone. And now, he has no excuse of hierarchy or the dictates of regulations to hide behind.

Oh dear.
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[Feb. 4th, 2009|10:16 pm]
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Who: Hardison and Eliot
What: Meetings, drinks, and toys. (He meant computers, folks.)
When/Where: Tonight, about 7 LA time/Outside Eliot's building in LA, then onward
Warnings: Uh. Drinking? Possibly lewdness. There's no telling.

To say Hardison was confused with the sudden turnaround in Eliot's attitude would be a definite understatement. The man had introduced himself, good as apologized-

The last time Hardison saw him acting like this, an office building was blown up. He had a reason for his paranoia.

The car that pulled up in front of the building was definitely not a kidnapper van- in fact, it was a relatively nice BMW. When he was off the job, he liked at least feeling like a normal person. Or as normal as he could get. He rolled down the passenger window and waited, pretty sure Eliot would be able to pick him out.
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