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[May. 4th, 2009|07:00 pm]
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Who: Sam and Ganieda
What: Picking her up, and dinner
Where: From her work to a restaurant
When: Evening
Warnings: Probably adult type stuff ahead.

Once upon a night so clear/free of strife, free of fear. )
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[Mar. 27th, 2009|09:16 pm]
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Who: Sam and Ganieda
What: Playing with his new power, and her magic
When: Tonight and tomorrow
Where: Their place and Avalon
Rating: TBD

You've got to believe we are magic... )
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[Feb. 17th, 2009|03:55 pm]
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who Sam and Gani
what Museum date!
when Today
where Home, Museum, home
status In progress
rating TBD

A bright day, a rainy day, whatever day, it's museum day! )
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[Feb. 4th, 2009|09:02 pm]

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Who: Ganieda and Sam Witwicky
What: Pushing back the Darkness
Where: Their apartment
When: now-ish
Warnings: oh, most likely


She was burning up, and she was in pain, every part of her wailing with it. Voices echoed in her mind, voices from past, present, future...but which was which and who was speaking?

Ganieda struggled, not being able to move her arms, bound tightly as they were behind her back. All she can do is set things on fire and scream for her brother...

...but he was not coming, this time.

Somehow, she managed to crawl her way over, under a pew, hiding there, though the pain and fire and why was she burning?

Somehow, Ganieda ended up under the desk in the bedroom, covered in sweat and incredibly hot. Her eyes were wide and unseeing, her cheeks tearstreaked. And she whimpered and moaned. "Let me go, let me alone..."
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[Jan. 17th, 2009|10:01 pm]

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Who: Sam Witwicky and Ganieda
What: A Date!
Where: Roller Rink!
When: Friday Night
Warnings: ...most likely. They're affectionate people.

Ganieda brushed her long, dark hair back into a pony tail. Sam was taking her somewhere where they would go 'roller skating', which sounded a little crazy to Ganieda.

But then, most of the crazy things in this world were quite fun, so she was looking forward to it. She decided to go with jeans instead of her usual skirt, and a cute green sweater. She turned around in the full length mirror in their room, checking herself out.
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[Dec. 30th, 2008|07:29 pm]

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Who: Sam Witwicky and Ganieda
What: Just a day in the life
Where: Their apartment
When: now-ish
Warnings: NC-17 ishy stuffs. :)

Ganieda had stopped at the store on the way home for a bottle of wine. They did not partake that often, but it was nice sometimes to have wine with dinner. She walked with a light step into the apartment building and waved at the doorman, heading into the elevator to go upstairs.

She touched the side of the door and it swung open for her. "I'm home," she called.
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[Dec. 15th, 2008|10:52 pm]

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Who: Merlin, Belle, Sam and Ganieda
What: A Big Family Gathering
Where: Merlin and Belle's home
When: Monday
Warnings: none that I can think of.

Ganieda was bouncy and nervous and a little tiny bit nauseous. Though she was quite sure that whatever made her happy would please her brother and Belle, there was still a tiny doubt that perhaps he would think her too young and try to talk them out of it.

She held Sam's hand as she went up to the door. "Are you ready?" she asked.
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[Dec. 9th, 2008|09:03 pm]

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Who: Sam Witwicky and Ganieda
What: Spending the night
Where: his place
When: tonight-ish
Warnings: Most likely. ;)

Ganieda had packed a small (very small) overnight bag and now was waiting for Sam to come and pick her up. She was waiting in the lobby of her apartment building, contemplating learning to drive as she waited.

Really, she should try. But then again, maybe she shouldn't. It was always so cozy getting into Sam's car and scooting over to kiss him before he drove them away.

She looked very cute as she watched for him and bounced on her toes.
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[Nov. 16th, 2008|09:44 pm]

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Who: Sam Witwicky and Ganieda
What: A date, what else?
Where: Gani's apartment, and thence to Avalon
When: Now-ish?
Ratings: TBD

Sometimes a Princess needs to look like one... )
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[Oct. 26th, 2008|09:59 pm]

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Who: Ganieda and Sam
What: A Date
Where: Ganieda...doesn't know!
When: Saturday Morning
Ratings: TBD

Ganieda had dressed warmly, with tights underneath her skirts, and socks, and good strong shoes, as Sam had suggested. Her jacket was on the sofa next to where she was sitting. Ganieda did like surprises, and she was adventurous. She had not been so of late, but now she was free, and felt free for the first time in her life.

So now she was just waiting for him to pick her up, wondering what he had planned for them today.
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[Oct. 18th, 2008|06:52 pm]
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who: Sam and Ganieda
what: reunion!
where: Ganieda's new place
when: Sunday afternoon
warnings: tbd

She was his guiding star... )>
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[Oct. 9th, 2008|02:10 pm]
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Who: Sam Witwicky and Ganieda
What: Rescuing his lady
When: Yesterday evening
Where: Her place and beyond
Rating: TBD

Sam spun his wheels as he raced down the road. )
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[Sep. 27th, 2008|06:05 pm]

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What: AIM conversation
When: ...today?
Where: cyberspace
Who: Sam and Gani
Ratings: Weirdness

Sometimes, the internet is a good thing... )
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[Sep. 23rd, 2008|06:36 pm]
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Who: Merlin, Sam Witwicky, and Ganieda
What: Merlin and Sam get to meet, at the mall!
When: This last Sunday
Where: A mall
Rating: TBD

It was a busy day at the mall, and Sam clung to Ganieda's hand. )
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[Sep. 17th, 2008|03:48 pm]

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Who: Sam Witwicky and Ganieda
What: Dinner at the apartment
When: Wednesday night
Where: The Jones family apartment
Ratings: PG?

A date at home )
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[Sep. 14th, 2008|09:11 pm]

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Who: Sam Witwicky and Ganieda
What: An AIM conversation
When: Monday night
Ratings: none

The questions just have to be asked )
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[Sep. 14th, 2008|01:51 am]

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Who: Sam Witwicky and Ganieda
What: Date Night
When: Saturday
Ratings: Let's say PG.

Despite the fact that she didn't even really understand the whole concept of dating, Ganieda had changed her outfit several times and had re-done her hair twice as many times. In the end, however, she decided on skirts and loose hair because that was how she was most comfortable. At least the skirt was in denim and it was very comfortable, and her blouse was a shade of red that set off her skin and hair, and seemed to set her green eyes afire.

Ganieda hoped that things would go well. He seemed to like her, and she certainly liked him. But where does that go now? It puzzled her, this new ritual between male and female. The touching and yet not-touching, committing but yet not. She would have to talk to Sam about it, and perhaps her brother. But not tonight.

She sat at her bedroom window, brushing her hair and watching for Sam in the street.
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[Sep. 6th, 2008|12:19 am]

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Where: Seward Park Public Library, NYC
When: Saturday
What: A meeting
Who: Ganieda and Sam Witwicky
Ratings: none

Ganieda was becoming very good at walking quickly since coming here. Living in the city afforded her a myriad number of destinations within a very short distance. She comes into the Library, peeking around to find Sam.

She is wearing a wine colored cotton dress and a long, lightweight coat--sometimes the breeze is cool and Ganieda can feel it. Her hair is long and loose, as usual, and black as a raven's wing. She is bringing a moderately stocked bookbag, and she has earbuds in her ears, which she takes out of her ears.

She frowns in concentration as she looks around for Sam.
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