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[Jul. 6th, 2009|02:36 am]

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Who: Kakia and Daniel Clemens
Where: Bar
What: Talking
Warnings will update if needed. Shockingly, yes.

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[May. 29th, 2009|11:14 pm]

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Who: Kakia and Daniel Clemens
What: Tea
Where: His church
Warnings: Will update if needed.

The offer for tea had surprised her, and she wasn't really sure what it was all about. Part of her was convinced she should just stay away - she did feel actual remorse about messing him up as much as she did - but she was too curious for her own good, and staying away wasn't really an option.

She'd taken about two minutes to find a pair of heels that matched her dress, and with a thought she was appearing inside his kitchen, leaning against the wall in the entrance way.

"Tea still hot?"
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[Apr. 21st, 2009|10:36 pm]

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Who: Kakia and Father Daniel Clemens
What: Confession, breaking a Lenten fast
Where: His church
Warnings: Like whoa.

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[Feb. 4th, 2009|08:12 pm]

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Who: Kakia and Daniel Clemens
Where: His Church
When: Nowish.
Warnings: Probably.

does it count as worshiping a false idol if she's in your church? )
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[Dec. 21st, 2008|11:42 pm]

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Who: Kakia and Father Clemens
What: Church decoration admiring, chatting, flirting
Where: His church
When: Sunday afternoon
Warnings: Yes. Yes. Finally.

It hadn't taken her too long to change into something a bit more church-appropriate, finding a dress that at least pretended to take into account that it was winter. She was quite pleased at today's turn of events... she'd actually almost forgot it was Sunday and that there was mass, not that she'd have gone anyhow - but being told she was missed was always a pleasing thing.

She thought up a coat to wear and tossed it over her shoulders, and grabbed the carefully wrapped box she'd been saving and slid it into her pocket, ready to head out. With a blink she was gone from Monte Carlo and within a bock of the church, walking briskly to the door, and pausing only a moment before knocking.
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[Dec. 9th, 2008|06:27 pm]

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[Current Mood |naughty]

Who: Adikia and Father Clemens
What: Discussing things
Where: His church
When: Now
Warnings: Nope. Except from Kia being devious.

What are little girls made up of again? Not Jack Daniels and Tattoos, that's for damn sure. )
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[Dec. 2nd, 2008|09:35 pm]

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Who: Kakia, Father Daniel Clemens, maybe others?
When: Nowish.
Where: his church rectory.
What: She's a Goddess of Vice working on slowly corrupting her newest toy, He's a priest recently rediscovering his love of purpose working on decorating his new parish. Together, they fight crime! Or, not.
Warnings: Naw.

She had been to Mass on Sunday, and sat right in the front, sitting and standing where appropriate. She'd of course not taken communion, but her attention focused on him the whole time. He was particularly lovely saying mass, all in his purple vestments. She had slipped out, however, right after the recessional... leaving him to meet his congregation in peace. Still... her patience was only lasting so long.

She'd checked the bulletin, and made sure there was nothing going on in the church that night. Rosary in hand, she appeared outside the rectory door, smoothing down her sirt before she knocked.
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[Nov. 26th, 2008|12:11 am]

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Who: Kakia and Father Daniel.
What: Coffee
Where: Coffee Shop
Warnings: It's coffee. With a priest. Doubtful.

She would have preferred a bar, but coffee would do fine, given the situation. A priest. Oh, she adored the clergy. They were so, so flawed, and so many of them were willing to sin when presented with the right offer. And as cliche as it might be? there was something that much sweeter to the feel of the holy falling. Sure, the church was filled with men and women all bitter and jaded and lacking faith, and they were just as fun to take down as well. but the ones who clung to their belief system even the slightest bit? Like nectar. She could only hope.

It was with a thought that had her arriving around the corner from the address offered, having no problem spotting her quarry as she moved toward the shop, her smile bright.

"You don't look that lost. Hello, I'm Kakia."
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