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Random Plot Assignments...done a touch late [Mar. 26th, 2010|07:31 pm]
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Who: Devon and Amelia, open to others
What: Something weird is going down
When: Le week of kookiness
Where: Out and about London
Rating: Pg-16 for talk of booty...
Open: Yep

lj-cut text="Arrrg? Wait am I floating?"> Devon sat at an table of a side walk cafe, foot tapping impatiently as she waited for her half sister. To say that she was surprised by the sudden new skil wouldn't be wrong. To also say she was confused by it wouldn't be far off base. To say that she'd want give it up?

What Hart worth their money would be insane enough to give up the real ability to use magic huh?

She sighed and went to grab her purse with the full intention to leave when a blond girl ran by and snagged it. With a growl she used her new found ability and stopped the girl. Who she saw made her pause. "Amelia?"

"How'd you do that land lover!?"



"Yeah it's me. What-" She paused and let the girl free of her magic before someone saw her. "...What are you doing?"

"Don't you get it! I'm a Pirate. Don't have to answer to you!"

Devon sighed softly.
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[Feb. 4th, 2009|12:26 am]
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[Current Mood |thoughtful]

Who: Gray, The Younger Jack, Devon and open to Kenzie and Echo.
Where: Out and about.
What: Mostly Gray getting reaquainted with his brother(s).
When: Late afternoon, Night
Rating: TBD

Gray sat thinking, art pad to the side. A lot had happened in a short time. Quite a bit in fact and he needed someone to talk to that understood better then him what was going on around him. Thing was he didn't know many people there.

He thought over who all he knew and who all he trust to talk to and finally decided who to contact.

The man got up and went to his computer. Logging on he sent a quick message to his brother ask if he was up to visiting him still then to Devon remembering something she had said to him. After logging off he leaned back for a moment, thinking, before getting up to go get ready. Telling Echo and Kenzie about where he was going as he did so.
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Settling In [Nov. 8th, 2008|07:38 pm]
[Current Mood |chipper]

Who: Devon and open

What: Her getting settled into Wales and her new life

Where: Somewhere between the local bookstore and a grocery store.

When: Couple of days after halloween

Why: Because...she wanted book and needed food...plus she needed to be introduced. >_>

Rating: TBA

Yay for books and food )
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