[May. 15th, 2009|07:08 pm] |
The hardest part of trying to adopt is waiting, I think. Meeting some of the kids was incredible, and heart-rending. If this doesn't work... yeah. So, we wait, and have the house inspection next week. And hope. |
[Apr. 25th, 2009|10:07 pm] |
Okay. You know what, I give up trying to understand this world. |
[Mar. 26th, 2009|12:27 pm] |
So, this is. . .home?
What the hell?
But in a good way.
Has anybody seen our kids? |
[Mar. 25th, 2009|06:18 am] |
You know, I could have lived my whole life without that.
Just for the record.
Thankfully, most of the bruising's going away, and I at least don't have a headache at all times.
I credit the presence of real food with this wonderful miracle.
Everyone got out okay, right? If so, I guess I have a niece and nephew to visit, at some point.
Maybe not soon, though. I keep waiting for the people who used to train me back home to critique me and tell me where I need to improve. Whee, fun times.
Okay, no more typing. I might need more sleep. But I think I'd like to get out today, if anyone wants to be bothered. |
[Feb. 10th, 2009|10:57 am] |
The boy version of me is so cute! I just want to ruffle his hair.
Also, the boy version of Jean is cute.
I think I'm writing slash fic in my head right now. I'm evil, and should be stopped. |
[Feb. 8th, 2009|05:57 pm] |
Valentine's Day is coming up, and I can't wait. Heh |
[Dec. 7th, 2008|02:40 pm] |
Gaining new members of your family and friends is definitely a plus side to this world.
Learning one good friend is leaving is a definite downside to life.
But, life is pretty good, for this Summers boy. |
[Dec. 7th, 2008|10:12 am] |
Alex, tell Pulse and Akmia they're not allowed to go into space. |
[Aug. 19th, 2008|10:49 am] |
(OOC: The invitations to Alex and Lorna's wedding have been sent out. Everyone even vaguely related to either of them, including Emma and all her children, and even Dominic got an invitation. Also invited are the Winchesters and their families, Pulse and Akima, Carrie Kelly and a date, one is e-mailed to Doug Ramsey, Kimber and whoever she decides to bring with her, Edward and X-factor and. . . if you've threaded with Lorna or Alex, or have an excuse to come, you're invited.)
Next time I get married, I'm having a printer do the invites. Handwritting a billion invites is a pain in the ass.
Alex, you're not allowed to have anymore family show up. Seriously. None.
( Pulse ) |
[Aug. 9th, 2008|03:29 pm] |
So, I think I need to get out and see the world.
I'm thinking about joining the peace corps. |
[Jul. 30th, 2008|02:10 pm] |
Now I have to look for a job. Or beg money off my not!parents.
I wonder how much money they have?
Anyone have a use for a smart, loyal, and creative girl who can control magnetic waves and see in the electromagnetic spectrum? |
[Jul. 24th, 2008|11:36 pm] |
The best thing about running a business rather than a guild is that I get to choose my staff.
Even with their boss MIA, my people managed to get the resort ready for the opening next Friday. I couldn't be more proud if they were my children.
( Alex Summers )
( My wonderful, incredible husband ) |
[Jul. 24th, 2008|11:09 pm] |
Alex, if you're not naked and in bed by the time I am, I can not be held accountable for my actions.
( Doug ) |
[Jul. 20th, 2008|10:14 pm] |
Some days it just does not pay to get up out of bed. I hate this. I hate it!
Oh, what the heck. Long day, long weekend, and a long week ahead. Long life ahead. Same old thing, same old life, same old death.
Anyone up for some drinks and a bite to eat? |
[Jul. 13th, 2008|04:38 pm] |
I never thought I would be a teacher, of all things, but here I am, working as a professor. Strange how life turns out sometimes. |
[Jun. 29th, 2008|01:05 pm] |
Alex, if you marry another woman, I will not be happy. Not happy at all.
Also, I hate this world sometimes. |
[Jun. 23rd, 2008|09:23 am] |
Hey Alex, after work you should meet me at the cafe down the street. I'm going to be so dead after work it's not funny. |
[Jun. 15th, 2008|08:19 pm] |
Vacations with one's loved ones are a very good thing. |
[Jun. 15th, 2008|06:53 am] |
I am such a huge dork. It's incredible how much clumsiness I contain.
It must be my secondary mutation, or something. Extreme dorkiness. |
[May. 25th, 2008|08:31 pm] |
Go figure.
I steal a plane, fly my ass to London to keep Alex safe during the nightly blitz, and pass out the second I touch down.
Think I've found my current limit. If there's something worse tomorrow I'm screwed. |
[May. 24th, 2008|10:21 pm] |
Uh, I wanted to see the cherry blossom festival, but we're a few weeks too late, and a few decades too early for my taste.
I should not want to build a giant robotic Godzilla.
I think a good dose of hiding is in order.
Arg. |
[May. 19th, 2008|11:22 pm] |
Dear idiots in the past,
My sister is a witch. I'm not. Really.
Could you please stop trying to get into my cell? I'm getting really bored keeping you out.
Seriously, this angry mob thing is not what's it's cracked up to be. I wish the window were bigger.
Also, Alex, if you could be a good boyfriend and spring me from the joint, that'd be cool. Bars are sadly just as good at holding me in as keeping the others out.
( Alex ) |
[Mar. 28th, 2008|10:32 pm] |
Okay, it's not fun seeing that someone you like got in a hit and run.
Anyone know where Kimber's at? Though I don't think they'll let me see her. Not like I can say 'I look just like her without the green hair and the tattoos, will you let me in?'
Maybe I'll send flowers? |
[Mar. 11th, 2008|07:11 pm] |
Okay, wikipedia is so not my friend today.
I was looking up something for a friend who needed help with his astronomy homework when I came across the entry for the Z-men character based off of me.
Like every other paragraph has me going nuts, being possessed, or being an ass.
Seriously, wtf?
( Alex ) |
[Mar. 7th, 2008|01:36 pm] |
Wow... it feels good to be back in my own body. I actually feel like doing things. Might go for a run.
This is... a lot better. |
[Mar. 2nd, 2008|10:41 pm] |
Okay. There's nothing worse than being at a LAN party and suddenly having the entire room swap genders. I'm currently watching six girls groping their own breasts.
Why is my life so fucking weird? |
[Feb. 25th, 2008|11:21 pm] |
So. . . um, I now have a family.
Of sorts.
Pietro being my brother sucks way more than Magneto being my father, I've decided.
Not that I ever cared before, and I still, honestly, don't. But at least now I can find out if I'm predisposed to any kind of heart disease or diabeetus.
That's a plus, right? |
[Feb. 21st, 2008|11:44 pm] |
Alex, I need to get the hell out of here for a day. Want to hang out and not talk about anything important for a day?
Because I really need to not think about anything related to my family and powers right this moment.
( Alex ) |
[Feb. 7th, 2008|08:35 pm] |
Okay, finding out I was adopted was one thing. Learning I was a mutant, was another thing.
Being stolen by a tornado and dropped in downtown Sacramento?
Now that is just cruel! |
[Jan. 14th, 2008|08:24 pm] |
Attention all Naked Women.
Alex Summers is available for all of your... needs.
Just take a number and we'll get this party started. |